Hearing Jiang YuYan's words, people at the scene were surprised: "I didn't expect that the goddess's first love was in Shanghai!"

"Didn't they meet? Why did the goddess cry?"

Standing under the stage light, Jiang Yuyan looked the brightest in the audience, but her expression was the darkest in the audience: "I only saw one side of him. I didn't have time to talk to him, so he left. Then I couldn't find him... I couldn't find him anymore... But I really miss him... I miss him..."

Here, Jiang Yuyan burst into tears, lowered her head, and her dark waterfall like hair hung down to block her beautiful face, so that people could not see her tears, but people could deeply feel her sadness.

At this time, on the stage and under the light, her lonely and sad figure, her lonely and melancholy state of mind, and her wandering and waiting mood affected everyone on the scene.

At this time, someone in the background reminded: "Yuyan, it's a concert now. Sing the first song. Cheer up quickly."

Jiang Yuyan slowly pulled away from her mood, raised her head and raised her face: "sorry, sorry, I wanted to sing, but I can't help it. Now I think of him, I just want to cry..."

When people saw tears on her beautiful face, they were very distressed. Jiang Yuyan was silly for love and crazy for love. Countless people burst into tears.

At this moment, no one suspected that she was making a show, and no one suspected that she was hypocritical.

Tears blurred her vision. She stretched out her slender jade hand and wiped the tears from her eyes.

She looked at the scene of more than 100000 people. There were many people under the stage. She couldn't see clearly and couldn't find the familiar figure.

Her eyes became more and more red and swollen with tears: "Chong... I want you to come... But I don't know if you will come... I don't know if you have come... I don't know if you remember our common years... Remember the things that happened two years ago, we lived and died together, and we ate a bowl of noodles together..."

At this time, there were more than 100000 people in the whole venue, silent and speechless. Everyone was looking at the girl who was bright and beautiful, but was willing to lower herself to the dust for love, the girl who cried so hard, and the girl who was infatuated with love.

At this time, there was a light music, a sad and soothing light music. There were no lyrics, but people who knew the music theory could hear the emotions clearly: "No matter who you are, you will lose something inadvertently. Inadvertently, you have quietly left. Empty left a memory. In a hurry, I don't know how to speak. Like puppets, like wild cats wandering around the corner, I hear unrecognizable sounds. If I can meet you again, I just want to say a word, thank you, thank you, Even if I feel hurt sometimes, I hope to feel your existence, even if only memories can comfort me. Whenever you are here, if I can meet you again, I just want to tell you a word, thank you, thank you... "

Those words were the lyrics of that song later. Now it's just a light music. It's suitable for girls to tell boys.

Jiang Yuyan confided slowly in the soft song: "Chong, do you remember this dress? This is the first dress you bought for me. At that time, we hid everywhere. My clothes were broken. You spent 80 yuan to buy me this dress. Do you remember this pair of shoes? You spent 40 yuan to buy me this pair of shoes..."

The people below can't believe their ears. Of course, they know that the goddess they love is a rich woman. The family is very low-key, but at least it's billions of wealth. How can first love only buy her dozens of clothes?

At this time, Jiang Yuyan continued: "Chong, you said you would tie my shoes every day and tie my shoes for a lifetime, but you have owed me 634 times. Chong, do you remember..."

Speaking of this, Jiang Yuyan wiped away the glittering tears on her face again, took a deep breath, calmed her mood and looked at the audience quietly.

When everyone was as calm as her, she said slowly: "last night was the closest I had been to him in the past two years. I don't want to miss him again! I hope that all those who like me can help me call him and tell him that I miss him... I love him... He is my first love... Lu Chong..."

Her mood was slowly brewing from calm. When Lu Chong's name was called out, her voice shrouded in the sky of the stadium. Everyone could hear the deep feeling in her heart.

Her cry, her heartfelt affection, ignited the enthusiasm of the audience and fans.

One, two, three... More than 100000 people are shouting a person's name: "Lu Chong!"

"Lu Chong!"

"Lu Chong..."

Everyone is calling her first love for his goddess!

At this moment, no one has the mind of jealousy and hatred. Everyone is blessing that their goddess can meet her beloved first love early!

The sound of their shouting together, just like the sound of stormy waves, overflowed the dam of the stadium and filled the streets of Shanghai and Shanghai.

This time, their cry was no less than that of Jiang Yuyan just now.

One hundred and twenty thousand people unite as one and shout for the realization of the goddess's wish!

One hundred and twenty thousand people shouted together, earth shaking, earth shaking!

In this situation, the guy named Lu Chong, isn't he moved at all?

Jiang YuYan's gorgeous face was also shocked and moved by the scene. She was too excited to speak.

Her heart still had deeper excitement and greater anxiety.

She waited excitedly and nervously.

At this moment, she felt that her breathing was about to stop, and she almost suffocated!

She was afraid that he would not appear. After all, his career needs to be very low-key, and he may not appear in the spotlight.

She was more afraid, afraid that he didn't like his high profile, so she alienated herself more.

She was most afraid that she could not get back his heart, and he completely disappeared into her life.

Thousands of audiences shouted like a mountain, and the heroine held her breath and waited nervously for the man named Lu Chong.

At this time, Lin Yumi was stunned in the audience!

She can't believe her ears, luchong? Lu Chong!

From the mouth of the goddess is Lu Chong, and from the mouth of thousands of audiences is Lu Chong!

The surname Lu is very common, and the name Chong is very common. Together, this name is not very rare, but there may be only one Lu Chong who can attract the infatuation of the goddess!

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