Lu Chong, holding Jiang YuYan's delicate body, was rubbing his ears and temples. When he heard a dog barking nearby, he said to Jiang Yuyan, "wait a minute, let me get rid of it."

He turned his face and looked at Lang Yundi with a contemptuous smile: "maybe your family has always had the tradition of winning women through gambling. Maybe your grandmother is your grandfather who won from other men in this way, and maybe your mother is your father who won from other men in this way..."

Lang Yundi was so angry that he vomited blood. According to what the bastard said, it seemed that my grandmother and my mother were second-hand goods of others. He quickly retorted: "you nonsense, there is no such tradition in our family. My grandparents and my parents are married by the same family!"

Lu Chong said contemptuously, "that's why I use the term maybe. In this way, only you have such a bad habit in your family. Good single girls don't pursue and have to gamble with others to win other people's women. Are you so interesting? Don't you think it's disgusting?"

Lang Yundi was so angry that he burst his lungs: "you talk nonsense. I don't have that bad habit. From beginning to end, I only like Yuyan. Are you afraid and dare not gamble with me?"

Lu Chong shook his head and looked contemptuous: "you like to take women as bets, but I never take my own women as bets. Women are used to hurt, not to gamble!"

Lu Chong's words were quite clever and immediately aroused strong repercussions from most of the audience, especially some girls. When they heard Lu Chong's words, they greatly liked Lu Chong, because Lu Chong's words hit their heart.

When Jiang Yuyan heard Lu Chong's words, her heart was also warm. She still snuggled in Lu Chong's arms as soft as bone, and felt the steadiness and warmth brought to her by Lu Chong's broad arms.

She didn't worry about Lu Chong at all, because she was the only one who knew the details of Lu Chong and his real strength, so she lay in Lu Chong's arms with great confidence.

At this time, Lu Chong said: "a man who often takes women as bets. When he becomes a family one day, he is very likely to sell his wife and women because he loses his eyes in gambling. If a woman marries a man who is full of gambling, she will be unlucky all her life!"

Lang Yundi was so angry that his face was purple and almost spewed blood. He never thought that Lu Chong could talk and laugh like this in front of 120000 audiences. A few words demoted him to nothing.

Now the audience is also led by Lu Chong's words. They all turn their disdainful eyes to Lang Yundi, as if he was the gambler who lost his red eye and sold his wife and women.

Lang Yundi hurriedly argued: "Lu Chong, you are a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart. I never said to gamble with Yuyan. I just want to tell you what everyone said. As the saying goes, talents deserve beauty, Lang talents and women's looks. What about you? If you don't have any talent and skills, you don't deserve to be with Yuyan!"

Lang Yundi then turned to the 120000 audience and shouted, "do you want to see what our goddess's first love is capable of? What ability does he rely on to capture the goddess's heart? Do you want to?"

Most of the audience were excited and shouted, "yes!"

They are really curious about what ability Lu Chong has won the heart of the goddess. You know, in the past few years, thousands of rich and powerful CHILDES have failed to pursue Jiang Yuyan. Now Lu Chong, who has no bright spots all over the body, has taken the lead, which surprised them.

At this time, Jiang Yuyan got up from Lu Chong's arms. She saw that Lang Yundi incited the audience to force Lu Chong to fight him like she promised to be nice to him. She suddenly smiled and looked at Lang Yundi coldly: "Lang Yundi, I tell you! What kind of man Jiang Yuyan chooses is my own business. It has nothing to do with you, Lang Yundi. You don't have to mind your own business!"

Lang Yundi smiled and said, "Yuyan, we are all for you. We don't want you to be cheated by a little red guy! Don't worry, as long as he can show convincing skills, we will certainly recognize him and bless you!"

Speaking of this, Lang Yundi turned his face and looked at Lu Chong: "Lu Chong, what do you mean? You don't want to, because you, Yuyan, are said to be a woman without eyes!"

Lang Yundi's words pushed Lu to the corner where he had to resist.

He firmly believed that Lu Chong had to fight for the dignity of men. At that time, he would completely defeat him in front of 120000 audiences and make him a mess. He would no longer have the face to stay with Jiang Yuyan and could only withdraw from her world. At that time, Jiang Yuyan would be his own sooner or later!

At this time, Lu Chong swept the audience. These 120000 pairs of eyes were watching him, full of curiosity and doubt.

Lu Chong knows that when things come to this stage, if he doesn't show some real skills, Jiang YuYan's fans will say that she has no eyes and will turn pink into black. He doesn't care, but in order to maintain Jiang YuYan's dignity, he must do it.

He glanced at Lang Yundi with a faint smile: "if you want to fight, fight! What I want to clarify in advance is that I don't want you, a fly, to continue buzzing here. It has nothing to do with Yuyan. How she chooses is entirely her power and freedom. By the way, fly, what do you want to challenge first?"

Lu Chong's attitude has always been very clear. He doesn't want any woman to be his bet with other men, especially Jiang Yuyan.

Hearing that Lu Chong finally accepted his challenge, Lang Yundi was secretly proud. His plan finally worked.

As for not taking Jiang Yuyan as a bet, it doesn't matter. As long as he can defeat Lu Chong, Lu Chong must greatly reduce his points in Jiang YuYan's mind. At that time, Jiang YuYan's impression of him will be greatly reduced. It's the so-called easy to love and difficult to get along with.

Lang Yundi brushed away some dust spots on his latest customized men's clothes of nearly 2 million yuan designed by Italian fashion master Mika langchiro and glanced at Lu Chong's Armani suit that may be less than 10000 yuan. Lang Yundi was more confident that he would crush the guy from an ordinary rich family.

"I'm afraid you'll only talk fast!" Lang Yundi looked at Lu Chong with a look of contempt and ridicule: "I have received the highest and most rigorous education since I was a child. I have been involved in all fields. I can be said to be a generalist and proficient in everything, but of course I am best at playing the piano. However, it seems that you haven't played the piano several times. Playing the piano with you is invincible. In this case, you choose. I don't care about any project!"

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