When the Bentley appeared, everyone on the scene was shocked. The more than 40 horses holding machetes were stunned, and the fat leopard was stunned.

He didn't know the car, but he knew the license plate of the hanging bomb. What's more, he knew that the license plate belonged to a big man on Shanghai beach!

Just, how could that big man come here!

The Panther and his horses were stunned. They didn't dare to continue to deal with Lu Chong, but stared at the Bentley.

At this time, the door of the Bentley opened and some big men came down from it.

There are four people, all of whom are burly and tough. Everyone is wearing a black suit. Their strong muscles make their clothes bulge, as if they were about to burst out.

The fat leopard was frightened. Each of the four men had the strength to sling their ten horses.

The man who finally appeared made the fat leopard tremble completely.

The man was not tall, half a head smaller than those men in black just now, and looked younger, but he was the leader of these people. People immediately knew from his more compact and explosive muscles, from his cold and frightening eyes, and from the ferocious face with many scars on his face, Why can he become the head of these men in black? Because he is fiercer and fiercer and has experienced more ferocious battles, he is a rare man of hundred battles in this era.

The man walked up to Lu Chong and bowed deeply: "brother Chong, the sixth master wants to have dinner with you tonight. Please enjoy your noodles, brother Chong."

With the man bowing and saluting, and the respectful words, the scene suddenly quieted down.

The forty or fifty people of the fat leopard and the passers-by on the scene were all stunned, especially when they saw the face of the man in the first place, and saw that the man was so respectful or even afraid of Lu Chong. They all stared wide and unbelievable.

"Six... Six masters!" fat leopard was stunned when he heard the man's name!

Sixth master, there is only one sixth master in the whole Shanghai beach, that is Liu Liuliu, the underground emperor of Shanghai beach!

And this man, people call him the seventh brother. The Jianghu bandit number is ghost foot seven. I don't know how many people's legs have been broken by kicking two ghost feet. He is the successor of the sixth master and the shoulder of the Liuhe society!

Liuhe society is the largest community in Shanghai beach. Any branch can wipe out his porcelain gang.

Seeing that ghost foot seven was so respectful to Lu Chong, the fat leopard was completely stupid. His legs were soft and his ass slumped on the ground.

His heart was full of resentment against Lu Chong. You fucking killed me. I seriously asked you which door it was. You fucking told me Yanzhao door. You killed me. You are clearly the heavenly king of the Liuhe society. Even brother seven carrying the handle and the sixth master of the underground emperor are so respectful. You made the door and made a hair!

Fat leopard was full of resentment against Lu Chong, but on the surface, he dared not show it. He forced a flattering smile, but that smile was more ugly than crying.

Lu Chong looked at ghost foot seven and frowned: "Xiao Qi, I told you, the scars on your face are too ugly to get the girls who really like you. In the past, those girls were willing to talk to you because of your money and your power. Looking at your face, they all vomited behind their backs. Listen to my brother's advice, go to the cosmetic hospital, even if you make some contribution to the appearance of the city!"

Everyone can't believe his ears. This little white face really doesn't know how to live or die. The other party is the shoulder of the Six Harmonies Association. He is the most ferocious person on Shanghai beach. He dares to speak like this and is not afraid of being kicked to death by ghost feet!

To everyone's surprise, ghost foot seven didn't get angry, but smiled respectfully: "brother Chong, sorry, I'm too busy recently. After a while, I'll go to the cosmetic hospital!"

Everyone was shocked. Unexpectedly, ghost foot seven was so respectful to Lu Chong that he didn't even get angry about his appearance.

They didn't expect that the things that surprised them even more were still ahead.

I only heard Lu Chong casually ask, "is there nothing special about Lao Liu?"

Ghost foot seven said respectfully, "the sixth master has nothing to do. He just wants to have dinner and chat with you."

Lu Chong shook his head: "I want to accompany my girlfriend. I don't have time to chat with a bad old man. I'll find him when I'm in the mood!"

Everyone is going crazy. They call Liu Liuliu, the underground emperor of Shanghai beach, as "old six" and "bad old man". The sixth master dared to refuse to invite him to dinner. What's the origin of this man? Why is he so arrogant!

They thought that ghost foot seven should be angry this time, but unexpectedly, ghost foot seven still looked respectful: "Well, anyway, this banquet is an old thing. The sixth master can arrange it smoothly! Brother Chong, the sixth master asked me to tell you that we have driven all the family gang out of Shanghai according to your instructions. However, now, several people are planning to be bad for you. I hope you pay attention! If you need help, we Liuhe club will listen to you!"

Lu Chong narrowed his eyes. The only people who want to be bad for himself in Shanghai are Lang Yundi, Wang Jianchun, Liu Zongrui and Jiang Huatang. A group of dandies are nothing to mention. He said faintly, "I know who it is. It doesn't matter. I can handle it!"

The fat leopard was so scared that he almost peed in his pants that he kept saying in his heart, sir, since you are a big man in awe of even the sixth master and the seventh brother, why do you come to my small place to pretend to be forced? If you want to say that you are a member of the six harmonies society, I don't respect you as a master.

He quickly got up from the ground, came to ghost foot seven with a shy face and squeezed out a flattering smile: "brother seven, Hello, I'm a leopard. You don't recognize me. I've had a toast with you before?"

Ghost foot seven looked at the fat leopard coldly and wanted to say he didn't know him, but the tonnage of the goods was not comparable to that of ordinary people. He was still a little impressed with him and said, "leopard, I have something to talk to brother Chong. You wait for me."

The fat leopard didn't know how to be funny, and asked with a shy face, "seventh brother, who is this master? Haven't you seen him before?"

Ghost foot seven's face sank, then turned his face to Lu Chong and changed into a respectful smile: "brother Chong, you and your sister-in-law go first. I'll clean up the things here for you!"

Fat leopard is scared to death. Does ghost foot seven mean to destroy our little Gang?

Lu Chong shook his head and smiled at the fat Leopard: "I still have some accounts to calculate with him. They hurt me just now and haven't compensated me yet?"

Ghost foot seven was stunned. That night in the bar, Lu Chong beat more than 300 strong Six Harmonies horses alone. He didn't lose a hair. Now he met several gangsters like waste, and he was injured. It's incredible. He looked up and down at Lu Chong. He didn't get hurt. He said, "you don't seem to have..."

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