Lu Chong used this move before. He used it on an oriental. At that time, he grabbed the Oriental's ankle and slapped the sea on the sea of the East China Sea.

Although the water is very soft, you can really beat it hard. Basically, how much power you use to beat it, you will have how much power to react. Finally, the Oriental was shocked by the sea and bled to death.

Just now, this Nari slapped Yiyi, and he was still the loyal running dog of Liu Hanwei. He killed many kind and innocent people with Liu Hanwei. It was just a move to kill him. It was too cheap for him.

As Lu Chong said just now, "it won't make you die very happy, it will make you die very painful". Now he grabbed Nari's ankle and fell to the floor.

The wooden floor was smashed by Nari's strong body in an instant. Nari's head was buzzing with the huge anti shock force. He felt a little concussion and was not disabled.

But Nari's head was shaken into chaos. When he didn't have time to struggle, Lu Chong grabbed his ankle again, waved it violently and smashed it on the table.

With a click, the dining table broke, several bones in Nari broke, and his head fainted directly.

Then, Lu Chong swung Nari's ankle again and smashed it on the glass tea table. The glass broke and pierced Nari's face with blood. Nari woke up with pain and screamed.

Before this was over, Lu Chong swung Nari's ankle again and smashed it on the TV. The TV broke, and Nari's head broke a lot of bones and fainted again.

If so, Nari will be beaten by Lu Chong and switch back and forth between coma and wakefulness. The only constant is more and more pain, more and more pain, and more and more broken bones!

At this time, the four horses with yellow hair and black clothes in Nari and the thief waiter mouse were all stunned and scared to death!

They saw that Nari was in Lu Chong's hand, like a cloth doll or a pillow, and was knocked down by Lu Chong.

They can't believe their eyes at all. It can't be that they're dreaming! How is that possible?

They have all seen Nari boxing in the underground ring. Every time, Nari Ko each other. They have never seen Nari beaten by each other, let alone being beaten like a pillow.

Lu Chong already saw clearly that the hotel might be the territory of Taihe gang. Otherwise, the hotel would have called the police for such a big movement. Therefore, he was reckless and smashed all the tables, chairs and benches with Nari.

Others smash things with very hard things, such as hammers. Lu Chong directly employs people. Don't you claim that your bones are hard? I just see how hard your bones are. Facts have proved that this guy's bones are not hard, at least not as hard as the glass coffee table.

Finally, Lu Chong saw that Nari had been smashed by him. He was only out of breath and was dying. It was a little dull. He slapped Nari on the wall, just like a child throwing away a tired toy.

At this time, Nari's four men woke up like a dream. When they saw Nari's tragedy, they were frightened and trembled. One of the round faced men trembled with his hands, took out his pistol, aimed at Lu Chong and wanted to shoot.

Just as the round faced man's short radish like finger had just been placed on the trigger and had not pulled the trigger, he suddenly saw a mysterious shadow suddenly appear. Then, his hand holding the gun suddenly couldn't move!

He was shocked to see that a toothpick, even a toothpick, was stuck on his wrist!

The round faced man was shocked and wanted to use his milk strength to pull the trigger, but he was stunned to find that his hand was completely out of his control, extremely stiff and unable to move.

Another square faced man also wanted to draw a gun and shoot at Lu Chong, but he also encountered the same problem. His wrist was stabbed by a toothpick and couldn't move.

The two kidnappers saw that the two brothers were unable to move because they were stabbed by two toothpicks. They were terrified. They quickly pressed the knife and gun in their hands and threatened Lu Chong: "don't come here, raise your hands and don't mess around, otherwise, we'll kill her immediately!"

At this time, Lu Chong shook his hands and a large number of toothpicks flew over.

The man holding the dagger at Yiyi was frightened to death, so he had to stab the dagger into Yiyi's snow-white neck.

But two toothpicks pierced his wrist, and he could no longer push the dagger forward.

The man with a gun against Yiyi's head was about to shoot, but he found that he had two toothpicks in his wrist, and his palm was stiff and could not move.

Moreover, not only these toothpicks, but also nine toothpicks are tied to everyone, and those toothpicks are inserted in the same position.

Lu Chong stepped forward and saw that everyone was frightened to death. He smiled: "don't worry, you won't die now..." however, you will die in front of your Lord Liu Hanwei, who may be scared to pee his pants!

He grabbed their daggers and pistols, and then patted all the bamboo sticks on them into their bodies.

When those toothpicks pierced into their bodies, the four people found that they could move. However, they felt strange inside their bodies. They felt that they were recognized as having placed a time bomb. They were creepy and flustered.

Lu Chong glanced at them and smiled faintly: "within 60 minutes, see your big boss Liu Hanwei. Only he can save you. Go to see him quickly. It's only 60 minutes! Come on!"

The four men ran out of the room, out of the hotel and to see their big boss like a ghost.

Lu Chong lowered his head and looked down at the waiter who betrayed Yiyi. He stretched out his hand and drank coldly: "bring it!"

The waiter trembled: "what?"

Lu Chong narrowed his eyes and said, "the 100 yuan tip is to feed the dog. You can't give scum like you!"

The waiter quickly took out his wallet and prepared to draw out 100 yuan to Lu Chong.

Lu Chong looked at his wallet and several cards. He smiled coldly: "helping Taihe has hurt more than 200 residents. Your money is all their blood and tears, isn't it?"

The waiter looked at Lu Chong in surprise with mung bean eyes like mice: "how do you know more than 200 people?"

"Sure enough, there are more than two hundred people!" Lu Chong hated this kind of dog thing. Several toothpicks stuck in several big holes of the waiter, and then asked, "bank card password?"

The sly waiter mouse was hypnotized and obediently told Lu Chong the bank card password.

Lu Chong pushed those toothpicks into the mouse's meat and sneered, "now there are more than 40 minutes left. Hurry to find your big boss and let him save you!"

The mouse was inexplicably frightened and felt that Lu Chong ran away as if he had put a time bomb on himself.

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