Just when Zhou Zhengping explained, Lord Wang was a little impatient: "shut up!"

Everyone has an impulse to kill Zhou Zhengping. NIMA, we have enough evidence of your crime. You still have a fart to argue and insult whose IQ.

Lord Wang turned to look at the handsome man with a cheap smile behind him.

The handsome man stepped forward, took out several silver needles from his body and suddenly poked several big holes in Zhou Zhengping's head.

Zhou Zhengping's horses wanted to protect their boss, but they were pushed back by the soldiers with submachine guns.

Now, in the face of hundreds of soldiers with live guns and weapons of mass destruction, these horses' small short guns are of no use at all. Moreover, now Lord Wei is present and shouts angrily, these horses dare not move.

At this time, the handsome man's fingers swayed gently and regularly in front of Zhou Zhengping, just like the pendulum of a clock.

Gradually, Zhou Zhengping's eyes looking at the handsome young man's fingers became more and more confused, as if he had been absorbed in his soul and became dull.

The handsome man saw that Zhou Zhengping had slowly closed his eyes, with a mysterious smile on his face, and asked, "my name is long Xiao, and my boss is Lu Chong, known as the Dragon God. Now you tell me, who hurt my boss, why did you catch my boss, and where is my boss now?"

Long Xiao's voice was very light and soft, as if the breeze was blowing on his face, as if it were the advice of his parents and the sweet words of his lover. After listening to such words, people couldn't lift any resistance in their hearts.

At this time, Zhou Zhengping said with a dull face: "Liu Hanwei wanted to hurt your boss. He gave me 500 million yuan and asked me to kill your boss. Now I asked Wang Fulu to send Lu away. I put a bomb in the trunk of their No. 13 car. Now he should be dead!"

Those Zhou Zhengping's horses at the scene were surprised to see Long Xiao. They didn't expect that this guy who looks like a playboy could even hypnotize.

They didn't expect that an adult of Zhou Zhengping accepted Liu Hanwei's five hundred million to harm Lu Chong.

Jiang Yuyan and Lin Yujing were all silly when they heard Zhou Zhengping's words. Now they are all bad. At the thought of the man they madly love was blown up by a bomb, the two women were soft and almost fell to the ground. They didn't fall because they supported each other.

At this time, Jiang Yuyan was in despair. Her face was as white as paper, and her eyes were full of tears. She couldn't cry: "it's impossible! It's impossible! He promised me that he owed me. He would repay it all his life. How now..."

Lin Yujing was also heartbroken. Her charming face was as white as paper. She was crying like a pear blossom with rain.

At this moment, Lin Yujing and Jiang Yuyan helped each other. Before that, they didn't know each other and were still their rival in love. But at this moment, they supported each other. They were heartbroken for the same man, but they were still waiting with the last glimmer of hope.

At this time, Yiyi's big eyes were full of tears: "big brother, you'll be fine. I haven't officially said thank you. I want to..."

Caesar Qin was very distressed when he saw his granddaughter's heartbroken appearance. Although he was a decisive generation of commercial heroes, he knew the truth of gratitude. He quickly said to Lord Wang: "Lord Wang, now let's send someone to save Lu Chong. Maybe we can catch the car and save him!"

Lord Wang smiled faintly and said to Lin Yujing, Jiang Yuyan and Yiyi, "don't cry. Trust Lu Chong. He must be fine!"

Lord Wang couldn't help smiling bitterly when he saw Lin Yujing and Jiang YuYan's pear flowers with rain. He didn't expect that the last Dragon God who kept his innocence among the seven boys organized by the dragon soul would provoke so many peach blossoms just a few months after he returned to the city. They were all beautiful women, and they were deeply in love with him. It seems that if Lu Chong died, They could all follow underground.

At this time, Long Xiao also said with a smile: "two sisters in law, you don't have to worry. Our boss is the Dragon God with the strongest vitality. Even if all these bastards die, our boss is still fine!"

Obviously, Long Xiao is very dissatisfied with Zhou Zhengping's subordinates. If he doesn't take into account Lord Wang, he wants to kill.

Zhou Zhengping's face is still dull, but his subordinates, especially those who have followed him to do bad things, are all depressed. Now they want to hope more than others that Lu Chong won't be killed by a bomb. If Lu Chong doesn't die, their results may be better. Look at how these people value Lu Chong at the scene. If Lu Chong dies, They are likely to be buried with Lu Chong like Zhou Zhengping!

However, the power of Zhou Zhengping's bomb is very amazing. He can blow up a car to pieces. No matter how powerful Lu Chong is, he is still flesh. Can he resist such a powerful bomb?

Just then, suddenly a car came flying in from outside.

When the soldiers were about to stop, Lord Wang smiled and waved his hand: "don't stop!"

The car sped into the courtyard and stopped in front of Lin Yujing and Jiang Yuyan.

A clear and magnetic voice sounded: "Oh, two beauties, who made you cry? Tell me, I'll beat him up!"

When Lin Yujing and Jiang Yuyan were sobbing, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in their ears. They turned their faces and saw a young man in his early twenties, dressed in a blood stained vest, with a relaxed smile. The whole person has a strong charm. It is difficult to forget him when people look at him.

When Lin Yujing and Jiang Yuyan saw the man, their dim and even desperate eyes lit up like the rising moon.

They cried again and rushed to Lu Chong's arms: "I thought I'd never see you again!"

"You made us cry, you bad thing! Let us worry to death!"

They were crying and laughing, excited as if they had got something they had lost.

Lu Chong hugged the two beauties tightly and said softly, "do you have some confidence in me? Can dogs like that do anything to get me? I'm just bored. Play with them. Do you have anything to cry about? Don't cry in the future. You see, it's not good to cry like a flower cat!"

At this time, Long Xiao stepped forward and looked at Lu Chong with strong worship and missing.

When he came to Lu Chong, his tall and straight body suddenly tightened and made a standard military salute: "report to Lord Dragon God! Dragon soul and dragon roar come to report!"

Lu Chong separated from these brothers for several months and missed them very much. At that moment, he loosened Lin Yujing and Jiang Yuyan and came forward to give Longxiao a big hug: "you boy, why are our brothers still doing that!"

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