There are few cards in Caesar Qin's hand. The person who owns this card has power second only to him.

If Lu Chong were an ordinary person, he would never use this card to express his gratitude.

He took out this card to Lu Chong. In addition to gratitude, he wanted to win over Lu Chong.

Caesar Qin knew Lu Chong's reputation in the global underground world. Even the CIA of moldy country was terrified, not to mention other organizations. Even those strong people raised by their family were afraid of dragon spirits. If Lu Chong could be connected with their Qin family, their Qin family's position in Europe and even the world would be stronger!

Lu Chong didn't take this matter to heart. He politely took the card and casually thanked him.

Caesar Qin saw that Lu Chong accepted the card, the big stone in his heart fell to the ground, and a happy smile appeared on his face.

At this time, Caesar Qin thought of the culprit who almost killed his granddaughter and asked, "major general Lu, I heard you have sent someone to surround Liu Hanwei. What are you going to do with him?"

Just now Caesar Qin had heard Yiyi tell the story of Liu Hanwei. He hated the beast and wanted to kill it himself.

However, this is Lu Chong's territory. He should obey Lu Chong's arrangement.

Lu Chong said with a smile, "old Sir, don't call me my official title in the future. It seems too strange."

It's a strange feeling that Caesar Qin is Yi's grandfather, and Lu Chong treats him as his grandfather. Does Lu Chong have some ideas about Yi at the bottom of his heart and look forward to her growing up?

Yiyi also smiled and said, "yes, Grandpa, I told him to Chong brother. You can call him Xiao Chong in the future! Just treat him as my pro... No, dry brother."

Originally, Yiyi wanted to kiss her brother, but when she said this, she always felt that there was something wrong, so she immediately changed to a dry brother. If she did, there would still be some possibilities in the future, just like some families. There can't be anything between their daughter and their adopted son, but it's much better to be with their righteous son.

"OK, Xiao Chong, what do you think Liu Hanwei should do?" Caesar Qin looked at Lu Chong and Yi happily. There was some joy in his eyes and it was a little uncomfortable. He knew that Yi Yi didn't know that she had fallen in love with her brother Chong, but his brother Chong now has at least two beautiful girlfriends. It's too fancy. Hey, Yi Yi is still small anyway. Let's talk about it later.

"Doesn't he like black fist fighting? Let him have fun!" Lu rushed with a mysterious smile.

Wei Haifeng and Chu Tinghui, two local officials in Shanghai, left. They knew that Lu Chong and Lord Wang were state secret personnel. They could not see such people acting, so they quickly withdrew all the Yamen servants.

At this time, Liu Liuliu, old man Lin and others had been waiting at the gate of the white building. They were worried just now. Now they were stunned to see Lu Chong being escorted back by those soldiers. They also called him major general. Liu Liuliu was better, because he knew Lu Chong's true identity long ago, while others looked afraid and revered.

At this time, Mr. Lin and his family were all ecstatic. They knew that they were right this time.

The Luo family, Luo's father and Luo Tianbing also looked ecstatic. They knew that they were right.

Especially when they saw that Wei Haifeng and Chu Tinghui were very respectful to Lu Chong before they left, they repeatedly asked Lu Chong to be a guest in their house. The attitude that only treats big people made them more confident. Lu Chong is not an ordinary major general.

At this time, everyone returned to the boxing ground on the second floor of the white building. At this time, all the families who had just been hostile to Lu Chong and killed him were stunned and shocked.

Especially Liu Hanwei, Wang Jianchun, Liu Zongrui, Jiang Huatang, Lang Yundi and others, their faces showed a strong expression of disbelief and horror.

Wang Jianchun never dreamed that he had been defeated by one person so many times, worse and worse. At the last time, he and his family were in a desperate situation. He wanted to dig his eyes. He had no eyes and didn't know Mount Tai. He provoked such a powerful enemy for himself and his family, so that he was doomed. He was ashamed and wanted to die.

At this time, Liu Hanwei already knew that Lu Chong was a major general and a very special special major general. He had the power to cut first and then speak to people below the first grade.

Liu Hanwei was in the same mood as Wang Jianchun. He regretted that he had no eyes and didn't know Mount Tai. He was even stupid enough to want to kill Lu Chong. He foolishly threatened Lu Chong with Jiang Yuyan, Lu Chong's national goddess!

At this time, Liu Hanwei flopped, knelt down in front of Lu Chong, and kept kowtowing and begging for mercy: "Lu... Major general Lu, I have no eyes for this matter, I am stupid, and I am very wrong. Please forgive me. As long as you spare me, I will give you all the money I have earned in the past ten or twenty years, as long as you let me go!"

Now, Liu Hanwei has only the last glimmer of hope that his huge wealth can move Lu Chong and release himself.

At this time, the owners of the three families of Wang Jianchun, Liu Zongrui and Jiang Huatang also panicked.

The three families also begged for mercy and said, "major general Lu, if you will let my son live, our Wang family is willing to give away half of our family property."

"Major general Lu, my son Liu Zongrui is young and not sensible. Please be merciful and spare him. As long as you say the number, our Liu family will pour out all their money."

"Major general Lu, please spare my son Jiang Huatang. As long as you spare him, we will give you as much as you want!"

At this time, the owners completely forgot how cruel their three precious sons were just now. They also arranged three killing games for Lu Chong, which nearly killed Lu Chong and Jiang Yuyan.

They also forgot their complacency when they fought in Lu Chong just now, and the scene that they put heavy money on Lu Chong's death.

They forgot, but Lu Chong didn't forget, and Jiang Yuyan was unforgettable.

Lu Chong looked coldly at the guardians of the families: "you remember, Wang Jianchun and his family arranged three dead ends for me at the beginning, so now I also arrange three for them!"

In the eyes of the owners of the three families, they also regarded Wang Jianchun, Jiang Huatang and Liu Zongrui as the new forces for the future prosperity of their family. Their faces were very ugly when they saw that Lu Chong could want to kill them.

A man even shouted, "don't kill all the people surnamed Lu. Our three families are not easy to mess with! Let's unite..."

Lu Chong couldn't help laughing. At this time, there was such a stupid man. He turned around and saw that it was Wang Jianchun's father.

Lu Chong waved his hand, and ghost foot seven came out in person to pull out Wang Jianchun's father. A burst of violent beating made him black and blue, swollen and bleeding.

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