Lu Chong can see that Han Jiaming has a strong vitality in his body. Unfortunately, it is deposited in various meridians and cannot be used. Moreover, his lips are purple, his skin is white and his body is thin, which is very in line with the characteristics of Jue pulse.

He asked seriously, "every morning or so, you will be cold all over, with a kind of cold and piercing pain all over, and the feeling of angina pectoris, don't you?"

Han Jiaming looked at Lu Chong in surprise: "Mr. Lu, how do you know?"

Lu Chong said, "I also know that you were diagnosed with congenital heart disease and lack of heart blood transfusion capacity, which led to these conditions, right?"

Han Jiaming was even more surprised: "Mr. Lu, you are really God. That's what doctors say. That's what all doctors say!"

Lu Chong sighed deeply: "Xiao Ming, you were almost killed by a quack. This is not a congenital heart disease, but the six Yang Jue pulse. The meridians are blocked. By the way, do you know what your mother ate when she was pregnant with you?"

Han Jiaming thought for a moment and said: "I heard from my father that when my mother was pregnant with me, my father was in the Liuhe society. Worried that the enemy would find my mother, he sent my mother to the mountain of my hometown. Later, my mother saw a tree with bright red wild fruit, so she ate one. She thought it was delicious, so she ate all the wild fruit on the tree. Later, my mother's health became better and better, but I have been in poor health since I was a child. My parents and I went to many hospitals and don't know why. "

Lu Chong understood that Han Jiaming's mother ate a wild fruit of Zhiyang and passed the innate Yang Qi to Han Jiaming in the embryonic period, turning Han Jiaming's original meridian of yin and Yang into a six Yang Jue meridian.

Once han Jiaming's six Yang Jue pulse is opened, he will become a peerless expert second only to Lu Chong.

He looked at Han Jiaming seriously: "would you like to worship me as a teacher?"

Han Jiaming was surprised and happy. He was not sure about joining the devil training. Unexpectedly, Mr. Lu wanted to accept him as an apprentice. At that time, he was stunned. He immediately knelt down and kowtowed to Lu Chong: "master, I kowtowed to you!"

Lu Chong quickly picked him up and said with a smile, "our school doesn't need so many rules."

Han Jiaming looked at Lu Chong with reverence. Lu Chong was not only his life-saving benefactor, but also his teaching mentor. He worshipped and supported Lu Chong from the bottom of his heart.

Liu Liuliu couldn't understand it. He was surprised and said, "brother Chong, is this child OK?"

Lu Chong said with a smile: "to paraphrase, this child has strange bones and special meridians. If he is well trained, he will become a peerless expert second only to me! None of you can have his achievements!"

All the young people at the scene looked at Han Jiaming in surprise. Originally, Han Jiaming was thin, handsome and fair skinned. He looked like a girl and looked down on him. Now, unexpectedly, such a guy was especially favored by Lu Chong and accepted as an apprentice. Lu Chong even said that his future achievements were better than all of them, and everyone showed some unconvinced Look.

Lu Chong knew they were unconvinced and said with a smile, "because I was just like him."

All of them were shocked. They couldn't imagine that a boy like Han Jiaming could become a top expert who could easily kill 148 boxing champions!

Lu Chong didn't talk nonsense with them. First let them receive a month's special forces training and field survival training in Shanghai to lay the foundation for the following devil training. After all, if they can survive, they should try not to make any unnecessary sacrifice.

In this month, Lu Chong spent most of his time with Lin Yujing, Lin Yumi and Yan Yihuan, washing the marrow and tendons of Han Jiaming, helping him get through the eight special meridians and activating the vitality in his body.

Lu Chong also prepared a potion for him to wash his marrow and tendons.

The medicine was made from hundreds of potions. It smelled a hundred times more smelly than durian in both taste and taste. All the other young people vomited when they smelled the strong smell. Only Han Jiaming drank the potion without hesitation.

Lu Chong believes in his vision more. This boy is definitely a plastic talent.

Han Jiaming, who has washed the marrow and easily broken through the eight channels of the extraordinary meridians, has initially become a master of internal strength.

A month later, he and a thousand other young people will go to the Amazon rainforest for devil training, which will be trained by the instructors of the world's No. 1 devil mercenary regiment.

Lu Chong will fly away from time to time to give them deeper devil training.


After Jiang Yuyan returned to Xiangjiang, she gave Lu Chong a phone call and reported peace. After that, she lost contact again.

From Jiang YuYan's words, Lu Chong can hear that Jiang YuYan's father knows himself like the back of his hand. He knows how many confidants Lu Chong has, so he doesn't want his daughter to associate with a playboy with playfulness and fraternity.

Moreover, Jiang YuYan's father also disliked Lu Chong as a person without basic power. He wandered in the killing all day. It was very dangerous. He didn't want his daughter to become a widow.

Lu Chong was very helpless. Jiang YuYan's father had sufficient reasons for his opposition. He was speechless. Let alone others, he was just himself. If he had a daughter in the future, he didn't want his daughter to marry a man like himself. He was more willing to let her marry a loyal, stable and reliable man.

However, according to Lu Chong's understanding of Jiang YuYan's father, the old stubborn is actually a snob. If Lu Chong's power completely overwhelms him, he is likely to care about nothing and give his daughter his hands.

Therefore, if Lu Chong really wants to stay with Jiang Yuyan, what he can do is not to waste saliva to persuade, but to persuade with his strength. He can give Jiang Yuyan stable, steady and reliable happiness.

Lin Yujing and her stepmother Zhang zeru opened their minds. Lin Yujing was transferred from Jiangcheng to Shanghai to take over Xie Baomin's work and become the vice captain of the Shanghai Criminal Investigation Corps. Her official position has been promoted one level more than before, her work has become busier, and she has less time to accompany Lu Chong.

When Lin Yujing returned to Jiangcheng to transfer her working relationship, Lu Chong accompanied her back.

After returning to Jiangcheng, he went to find Jiang Xueqing first. After all, he is now his nominal first wife.

Although he sees Jiang Xueqing through video chat every few days, he still misses her very much.

At this time, Fang Bingbing also returned to Jiangcheng and helped Jiang Xueqing with Lin Xiaoyu to keep Tianjian group in order.

On the evening of Lu Chong's return, in Jiang Xueqing's villa, Lu Chong told everything he had done in Shanghai, confessed his affair with Jiang Yuyan, and even told Yan Yihuan's affair.

Lu Chong and Jiang Yuyan were forgiven by Jiang Xueqing's three daughters. After all, it was Lu Chong's first love. The first love is very precious to anyone. It is a beautiful feeling that Lu Chong can reunite with the first love. Moreover, they are all fans of Jiang Yuyan. It is still very wonderful and happy for them to share a man with their idols.

It's just Yan Yihuan's affair, which is full of complications.

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