Cockroaches are indeed very tenacious. They are one of the oldest things on the planet. They once lived in the same era with dinosaurs. Dinosaurs have long been extinct. They are still multiplying. Their appearance has not changed much for hundreds of millions of years, but their vitality and adaptability are becoming more and more tenacious. A cockroach whose head is taken off can survive for 9 days and die after 9 days, It's because of starvation. The star Lord calls cockroaches Xiaoqiang, which coincides with the cockroaches' tenacious vitality.

It's enough to call Xiaoqiang jokingly on TV and movies, but how many people don't feel sick when they meet Xiaoqiang at dinner.

It not only looks dirty, but actually it is very dirty. It eats feces, sputum and the bodies of small animals, and defecates while eating. It is very dirty. It carries pathogenic bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi and parasitic worm eggs, pollutes food and spreads various diseases, such as paratyphoid, dysentery, tuberculosis and acute hepatitis.

Because of this, if cockroaches appear in the dishes in a restaurant, the general boss will politely come and apologize, and then free the order. Some bosses even make some compensation.

As a result, the shop owner has such an attitude!

I almost ate cockroaches. It was disgusting enough. I didn't expect that the owner of this shop was more disgusting than cockroaches!

Lu Chong was immediately angry. He turned to look at the shop owner and shouted, "there are cockroaches in your dish. It's good that I didn't ask you to compensate. Dare you insult us!"

At this time, all the guests in the hotel stopped their chopsticks and looked at the shopkeeper with a disgusting look on their faces. Some guests saw the cockroaches on the plate and showed a disgusting look. Some people threw up directly.

The shopkeeper had a big head, a thick neck and a rude face. He said fiercely, "who the fuck knows if you deliberately caught a cockroach and put it in me to eat overlord food! Two poor people, don't come if you can't afford it! Now you eat, don't think of this door if you don't pay!"

Lying in the trough, Lu Chong wanted to hurt the killer and beat the shopkeeper. Yan Lele knew the lethality of Lu Chong's fist, pulled him and whispered, "don't be impulsive. It's not worth provoking a lawsuit for such a person! I'll reason with him first!"

Yan lelejiao said, "we caught the cockroaches on purpose. Then why were the cockroaches boiled alive? Now there is a cockroach here. There may be dozens or hundreds of cockroaches in your kitchen. Dare you let us see your kitchen?"

The boss obviously showed some fear on his face, but he still held his thick neck high and shouted, "my kitchen is a heavy place. How can you two poor people break in? In case you poison the food! I don't care where you cockroaches come from. Now, you have to pay for the food in my store, or you don't want to go!"

Yan Lele was so angry that he trembled: "I've made a mistake and dare to be so arrogant. I'll go to the consumer association to sue you!"

"Sue, you can sue!" the shop owner said proudly, "my brother-in-law is from the municipal government office. The consumer association still dares to deal with me. Hum, I don't matter. Dare you open a shop like this!"

Yan Lele was angry; "I've never seen such a brazen man!"

"Whatever you scold!" the shopkeeper laughed wildly. "As long as you pay the money, I'll let bygones be bygones. Otherwise, I'll call the police! Hey, by the way, you said there were cockroaches in my dish. Where did the cockroaches go? Hey hey, I can sue you for framing now!"

Lu Chong and Yan Lele found that when they were arguing with the shopkeeper, the waiter had taken the dish away and destroyed the body.

Lu Chong was furious: "are you going to accuse us of framing? It's shameless! Now I'll give you one last chance. You make an apology and compensate us ten times the spiritual compensation. Otherwise, your shop will be closed today!"

The shopkeeper looked at Lu Chong up and down: "Ouch, I'm so clumsy just now. I'm wearing a famous brand. It seems that I'm a rich man. I've found such a beautiful girlfriend. But for me, it's useless if you don't give me any money! You want me to make an apology to you. Dream! Now, you can either pay and leave, or wait to go to the police station!"

Lu Chong smiled coldly: "since you don't want face, you'll wait to cry!"

Yan Lele thought that Lu Chong was going to kill, so he quickly advised him, "Lu Chong, don't be impulsive. There's no need to kill."

"Lele, don't worry, I won't kill people, but it will make him feel worse than dead!" while talking, Lu Chong looked at the shopkeeper's luck with his Qi skill.

No wonder he was so arrogant. It turned out that a brother-in-law was a small section chief in the Yamen. He was supported by his brother-in-law's official spirit (also known as rat spirit for short), so he ran rampant.

Lu Chong sacrificed the dark blade of the Qi knife he trained today. A seemingly invisible cyclone flew out and cut the shopkeeper's body, cutting off all his brother-in-law's rat aura.

His brother-in-law's rat aura only lasted for a few seconds and all dissipated, indicating that he gave up supporting the store owner.

At the same time, the shopkeeper's luck was cut off, turned into mildew, prosperity was cut off, turned into depression, all good luck was cut off, and the whole person developed in the direction of the worst and most unlucky.

Subsequently, Lu Chong took out his mobile phone, searched the industrial and commercial bureau, Health Bureau, Consumer Association and other relevant complaint calls in Hongshan District, and called them one by one.

When the shopkeeper saw Lu Chong make a complaint call again, he became more rampant and said with a laugh, "whatever you complain! However, I'll call my brother-in-law now!"

When he called his brother-in-law, his cell phone couldn't get through, but he wasn't worried. In the past, those departments wouldn't do anything to him based on his brother-in-law's relationship.

But things went in a direction he couldn't imagine.

More than ten minutes later, people from many departments, such as industry and commerce, health and quarantine, environmental protection, taxation, fire protection and so on, came over as they had discussed.

It happened that at this time, a lot of cockroaches suddenly poured out of the kitchen of the hotel, and the guests ran out in shock.

People from all departments who came to inspect turned green. No one dared to cover up. They all tried their best to find out the health problems, epidemic prevention problems, fire protection problems, etc. of the hotel, and issued one after another the maximum amount of fines. Finally, the industry and Commerce directly revoked their business license, which means that the hotel must be closed and it is illegal to operate again.

During the inspection of various departments, the restaurant owner called his brother-in-law many times, but he couldn't get through.

Lu Chong and Yan Lele have been sitting in the store, just like having a party, laughing at the bad luck of the restaurant owner.

The restaurant owner kept on biting his teeth, but after his business license was revoked, the restaurant owner couldn't hold on, collapsed to the ground and began to cry.

Lu Chong asked Yan Lele, "can you relieve Qi?"

"It's so cathartic! How did you do it?" Yan Lele looked at Lu Chong with adoring eyes and wanted to hug Lu Chong fiercely.

Lu flushed and deliberately pretended to be cool: "all the people who are right with me will be unlucky."

Yan Lele gave Lu a coquettish look: "boast!"

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