Seeing that Yan Lele couldn't be moved, Wang Shaoxing turned his head and said to Lu Chong, "boy, you can't give up being Yan Lele's boyfriend until you make a price and how much it costs."

Lu Chong looked at the goods jokingly, lying in the trough. Where did such a wonderful flower jump out! I haven't met this wonderful flower for a long time. It's a pity not to play!

Seeing that Lu Chong didn't say anything, Wang Shaoxing drew out a bank card and said, "here is the pocket money of this month and the money won from playing cards with his friends last night. It's not much, about 500000. As long as you leave Lele and don't be her boyfriend anymore, this 500000 is yours."

Passers by were attracted by Wang Shaoxing's words. More than 500000 is not a small amount. They can afford the down payment of the house.

Lu Chong looked at him thoughtfully: "is there such a good thing? Do you really want to give me 500000?"

Wang Shaoxing smiled contemptuously: "I just want to tell Lele that in reality, don't delusion that the poor boy and princess will have results! Only I can bring Lele a stable and needed life."

Lu Chong glanced at Yan Lele and found that she was about to speak. He resolutely stretched out his hand to block her mouth and said seriously, "who told you to speak? Shut up!"

Before Yan Lele could react, Lu Chong looked at Wang Shaoxing and looked at the bank card. His eyes deliberately showed greedy light and said, "how can I believe your words are true and effective? What if you cheat me? Yan Lele is so beautiful and a stewardess. I love her to the bone. I even met her parents and have lived together. It would be a pity if you cheated me."

Yan le was stunned, but immediately understood Lu Chong's intention. He was shocked by Lu Chong's shamelessness. This guy even played with the son of Wang's executive vice president of real estate!

Wang Shaoxing said disdainfully, "it's a lot for you, but it's just my pocket money for a month. I can't afford to lose this man for only half a million yuan!"

He took out the pen and paper from the car and wrote: "if Party B is willing to give up being a boyfriend and girlfriend with Yan Lele and doesn't marry Yan Lele, then Party A is willing to give Party B all the cash in this bank card!" then, Wang Shaoxing wrote his name and date behind Party A, and added the card number and password.

Lu Chong impolitely took the pen and paper, wrote Lu Chong, and then reconfirmed: "this is a gift agreement. It only needs the signatures of you and me. There is no need for witnesses. It's no use suing me even if you regret it. Really give it to me?"

Wang Shaoxing said impatiently, "I can't imagine how Lele would like a man who grinds and chirps like you. What's the value of your clothes in your eyes? This 500000 is what's the value in my eyes. Your brain can't understand my strength! Take this 500000 to buy a car. Don't chase the stewardess when you're poor!" Wang Shaoxing said, Put the bank card in Lu Chong's hand.

Holding the card in his hand, Lu Chong smiled happily, "thank you," and put away the agreement and bank card.

Wang Shaoxing went to Yan Lele, put away his pride and disdain, and said seriously, "Lele, you see? You've been cheated by TV dramas and fairy tales! The poor need money more than the princess, and they can't afford you. Lele, I may have bad problems, but you should feel that I'm sincere to you!"

Yan Lele suddenly showed sad eyes and looked at Lu Chong: "in your heart, I'm really only worth 500000? You say! You say!"

Lu Chong was stunned for a moment, and then reluctantly said, "I love you, but I love 500000 more!"

Wang Shaoxing was secretly relieved, but he was shocked by Yan Lele's next dialogue.

Yan Lele asked sadly, "that is to say, you not only love 500000, but also still love me? Tell me the truth, your answer determines your and my future."

Lu Chong said seriously, "you're right. I love 500000 and you at the same time!"

Yan Lele immediately said, "in that case, I'll rest assured. I won't be your girlfriend or let you marry me. I'll be satisfied as long as I'm by your side. Can you not abandon me?"

Lu Chong said, "Lele, I think he really likes you, otherwise he won't donate 500000. Where can I find such a generous boss? Try to get to know his father next time and get three million back."

Yan Lele was angry with Lu and smiled: "you are really a money fan! You want to betray me again for the sake of cheating people with money. I'm not finished with you!"

Lu Chong hurriedly said, "I'm not lying. What I said just now is true. I love you to the ribs. We've met your mother and lived together. It's all true. And I also promise that I won't be your boyfriend or marry you! I'll do it for 500000!"

Knowing that he had been fooled, Wang Shaoxing clenched his teeth and asked, "what do you mean? You're not his boyfriend? You've been fooling me just now?"

Lu Chong said wrongfully, "you didn't ask me if I was his boyfriend. You said you wouldn't let me be her boyfriend, so you gave me 500000. You see, I did it."

Wang Shaoxing asked Yan Lele, "no wonder your roommate said you moved away. You'd rather share a room with such a person than see me? What can he give you? A room of several square meters? Or more than ten square meters? As long as you marry me, I'll buy you a house of more than 100 square meters immediately!"

Yan Lele sighed and said bitterly, "you're right. He really can't give me too much. He can only let me live in a small three-story villa, with a small bathtub, a small cloakroom and a small dressing room. I'm tired of cleaning every day. He doesn't know that he loves me or hire a nanny."

"What?" Wang Shaoxing looked at Lu Chong in disbelief and looked at his clothes carefully. They were all famous brands and didn't look like fake goods.

I don't know why, Wang Shaoxing suddenly felt that this man seemed very unusual and calm.

Wang Shaoxing asked cautiously, "excuse me, what's your last name?"

Lu Chong said calmly, "Lu."

Wang Shaoxing immediately racked his brains. He soon remembered a man and asked, "what's your relationship with governor Lu of Taoxian city?"

Lu Chong said expressionless, "I heard it for the first time."

"What about President Lu of the Lushi group?"

"It's also the first time I heard about it." Lu Chong's attitude was very indifferent.

Wang Shaoxing asked nervously, "are you a relative of secretary Lu Dongshan?"

"I haven't heard of it at all." Lu Chong was still calm.

Yan Lele couldn't help laughing when he saw Lu Chong's serious appearance: "don't guess, Wang Shaoxing. Lu Chong is a jobless wanderer now. He's definitely not anyone you've heard of. Wang Shaoxing, go, you can't play with him. If you stay next, you'll be cheated by him even the car."

Wang Shaoxing trembled with anger and stared at Lu Chong angrily.

Lu Chong said reluctantly, "I really don't want to cheat you. You took the initiative to give me money. You don't make money, son of a bitch!"

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