Lu Chong is lying on the chair with his eyes closed. It seems to be random. In fact, he is absorbing the aura here.

The original aura entered Lu Chong's elixir field and was refined into an air knife by Lu Chong's hammer. The aura gradually ran out, and Lu Chong continued to absorb the aura hammer and air knife.

This Qi knife is purely used to hurt people. It's the same as the sword technique and the dark blade.

However, Lu Chong doesn't use it at ordinary times. This high skill is used to deal with old people with high skills.

At this time, the valley suddenly became noisy. Just now, the group of people who ate roast fish outside also flocked to the fishing place.

Lao Yu came over and said with a smile, "Debao's classmate Huang Fuyi is a rich second generation. His family has money. He said he would hold a fishing competition here to see who catches the heaviest fish in an hour. Whoever is the champion will get 10000 yuan, the second runner up will get 5000 yuan and the third runner up will get 2000 yuan. Xiao Lu, will you come?"

Lu Chong didn't want to participate, but when he saw Tang Tiantian and saw that Huang Fuyi was still salivating across the distance, he suddenly thought about it and said, "OK, we'll participate too. Do you want to pay the entry fee?"

Lao Yu shook his head and said with a smile, "no, nothing. Just participate."

After Lao Yu left, Lu Chong said to Tang Tiantian, who was lying on the recliner in Shanghai Tangchun, "sweetie, get up and go to the game."

Tang Tiantian, like a lazy kitten, stretched out and said childishly, "it's boring. I won't go."

Lu Chong said with a bad smile, "that Huang Fuyi specially held this competition in order to pursue you. If he wins, he can show his ability. If he loses, he can show his financial resources. That guy has tens of thousands of money with him. He is definitely a rich man."

His kind of money is not worth mentioning compared with Lu Chong, who gave away billions of jewelry casually. However, Lu Chong is a little bored here. He is forced to come here to amuse and kill his boring time when he meets such a wonderful flower.

Tang Tiantian has seen Lu Chong tricking his opponent many times. Teng sits up, looks at Lu Chong and laughs: "can you win the championship?"

Lu Chong smiled mysteriously: "this kind of thing depends not only on skills, but also on luck. Maybe you can become a champion in the end. Ha ha, even you, the worst fisherman, can win the championship. At that time, his face must be very good."

Tang Tiantian wants to see Lu Chong win the championship more than herself. She is a typical little woman and likes to see her man look very powerful.

She shook her head. "It would be strange for me to be the champion. I won't go."

Lu Chong grabbed her white wrist and pulled her up: "go, accompany me!"

Tang Tiantian is such a character. Lu has to drag and push for many things before she is willing to take a step forward, such as the relationship between two people.

Being dragged by Lu Chong, Tang Tiantian had no choice but to pick up the fishing rod and participate in the fishing competition.

Seeing Tang Tiantian coming, Huang Fuyi became more excited and said loudly, "I've given Lao Yu the bonus. You don't have to worry about my default. In order to prevent someone from cheating, we'll fish here and don't stay away. It's eleven o'clock now, and we'll end at twelve o'clock. When we catch it, we'll all eat together. I'll pay for the roast fish, and we'll have a good time!"

With these words, he also took a special look at Tang Tiantian and Lu Chong.

A total of more than 20 people participated. Huang Fuyi intended to arrange Lu Chong to a place that was not convenient for fishing.

Lu Chong didn't bother to argue with him, so he sat there.

Tang Tiantian sees Huang Fuyi sitting on his side and quickly sits on the other side of Lu Chong. She doesn't sit next to Huang Fuyi.

Huang Fuyi blushed with anger, but there was nothing he could do. It was always difficult to change his position.

Among the more than 20 people, most of them, like Lu Chong, are ordinary fishing rods, while Huang Fuyi uses professional fishing rods, which use winding wheels. They can take in and pay off the line by shaking the handle. It looks quite professional.

Lu Chong sat down and continued to close his eyes.

After sitting for half an hour, people kept catching fish, the most prominent of which was Huang Fuyi. Huang Fuyi caught three fish in a row, adding up to more than ten kilograms, which made others envy.

Lu Chong and Tang Tiantian failed to catch one.

Tang Tiantian has bitten the fish twice. Because of her poor skills, the fish unhook and ran away, while Lu Chong didn't have a fish there.

At this time, Lao Yu came over quietly. When he passed Lu Chong, he whispered, "this is a dead place. If you can't catch fish, change it!"

Lu Chong understood that the place in front of him was in a small vortex, and the fish would not come.

At this time, Huang Fuyi smiled proudly, suddenly raised the fishing rod, turned the fishing line wheel and pulled up a fish of more than two kilograms.

Huang Fuyi glanced at Tang Tiantian proudly, then glanced at Lu Chong contemptuously, and finally smiled proudly: "I'm lucky today. Mr. Lu seems to be a little unlucky today, Gaga......"

Lu Chong smiled faintly: "yes, you arranged your luck very well."

Huang Fuyi now understood that Lu Chong knew that he had tampered when arranging seats, but he was not ashamed, but sneered: "Luck? Only those who can't fish place their success on luck, while those who really can fish put their hope on technology. If the technology is not good, even if the luck is good, they will decouple. Moreover, technology also includes how to choose the place to fish."

Lu Chong said calmly, "I think it's more luck when you say so."

Huang Fuyi said with a smile: "really, let's prove it."

Lu Chong smiled faintly: "I'm not very lucky, but when I'm with Tang Tiantian, my luck will become very good. I think, even if I'm not the champion, I'm also the runner up."

Huang Fuyi scoffed: "well, Mr. champion, you catch one now! This fish won't be willing to take the bait!"

Lu Chong no longer paid attention to Huang Fuyi, but secretly drove the aura into the small piece of water in front of him. Then he controlled the direction of the aura and let the aura radiate directly to the front, not to both sides.

After a while, in front of Lu Chong, there was a dead water surface, and the water suddenly became very unusual. Huang Fuyi and others turned their eyes, because they found that there were signs of active fish in the dead place by virtue of their experience.

At this time, Lu Chong felt the fishing rod shake violently. He understood that the big fish was hooked, so he suddenly lifted the fishing rod. He saw a big fish with yellow head biting the hook and struggling desperately.

When Lao Yu saw it, he looked surprised: "this is a goldhead fish, but it's the most expensive fish in it. It's nearly 100 yuan per kilogram. This fish has at least eight or nine kilograms!"

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