Lu Chong was so angry that he tried his best to kick Yang Weidong. The key of Yang Weidong was kicked into minced meat, and the nearby bones were crushed.

Yang Weidong didn't even have time to scream, so his eyes turned white and fainted.

A running dog waved an iron pick and rushed up: "dare to beat President Yang, everyone will abandon him together!"

Lu dashed and kicked the running dog into the air. There was a sound of bone fragmentation in his ribs, spitting blood at his mouth, and then he fell to the ground with a pop.

The running dogs turned their faces and saw that the man had broken several ribs and collapsed his stomach. He was silent and fainted.

Lu gave them a cold glance: "get out of here, or they'll be your end!"

Just now, Lu Chong's action was too fast. They didn't see it clearly. Just because they didn't see it clearly, they didn't feel too strong. One of the running dogs shouted: "everyone surround and fight together. I don't fucking believe that he can hit so many of us at the same time with a little white face!"

Except for two people who didn't do it, everyone else came up with all kinds of things and wanted to find a chance to do it together.

"Give face, don't want face!" Lu Chong jumped into the air and jumped more than two meters high. When he fell, the position of his head was right next to the man who had just shouted. Lu Chong's body almost hovered in the air and his hands slapped the man on the shoulder.

The bones of the man's shoulders and legs made a crisp click. The whole man fell to the ground limply. He was completely wasted.

Lu Chong escaped everyone's attack and fell to the ground. He kicked four feet in succession and landed on the faces of four people.

Four people were kicked down with their necks tilted, their jaws broken and their teeth scattered.

Then, Lu Chong kicked the other five people to the ground with a roundabout kick. At the same time, he threw his fists together and knocked the two people to the ground. In the process of retreat, he solved the two people with his elbows.

The fist was in place and made a banging sound. Each sound fell down one person, and it was definitely not like that in some movies. The dust rose again. All those who were knocked to the ground lay down and couldn't get up at all.

The rest of the people were frightened. They threw down their weapons and retreated. While retreating, they shouted, "spare your life! It's none of our business!"

Lu Chong Leng snorted: "all stand in a row. I'll ask you a question."

The remaining seven people hurried into a row.

Lu chongleng asked, "how did Yang Weidong know we were coming? Who told him?"

Lu Chong took a look, found a person close to Yang Weidong and asked, "say, otherwise, I'll break your limbs!"

The man turned his eyes and said with a sad face, "I don't know!"

Lu Chong nodded: "I believe you..."

The man breathed a sigh of relief.

But Lu Chong hurried to him, grabbed the man's arm, twisted it with a little force, and with a click, the whole arm was broken by Lu Chong Sheng.

Lu Chong Leng snorted, "I believe you're looking for death! If you don't say it again, you can't keep the other arm!"

The man nearly fainted in pain. Holding his broken arm, he said, "I say! I say..."

Lu rushed and kicked off the man's leg: "still fucking hesitant. Do you want to make up a lie to deceive me? If you let me know that what you said is a lie, I'll leave you without a good bone."

One leg was kicked off, the man fell to the ground with a plop, chewed a mouthful of black soil residue, endured the pain and said, "Mr. Yang and Duan Shao received a call from a friend of Mr. Yang, saying that a man and a woman came from Wushui city and had a relationship with the original mine owner and wanted to come to pay Mr. Yang. Mr. Yang has been preparing. When he saw you today, he called us together."

Lu Chong narrowed his eyes and asked coldly, "Duan Shao, is that Duan Qichang?"


Lu Chong asked again, "did Yang Weidong say who told Duan Qichang?"

The man cried, "no, Duan Shao didn't say who told him, just let president Yang prepare."

Lu Chong asked, "when did Duan Qichang call Yang Weidong?"

"Last night."

"OK! In view of your good performance, I'll spare your life!" Lu rushed to the man's key and kicked him into a eunuch.

Then, in addition to those who had become eunuchs, all the others were kicked into eunuchs by Lu Chong, all covering their vital points and rolling and wailing on the ground.

This is Lu Chong's belief that all men who dare to covet his women are eunuchs or dead.

Lu Chong finally warned: "you tell Yang Weidong and Duan Qichang that I want to buy this mine from the original mine owner. From now on, how much ore will be transported out, and how much will be vomited out to me in the future!"

With these words, Lu Chong got on the Hummer and asked the driver to drive away from Wutou county.

Someone is sending a message, which shows that not only Yang Weidong is prepared, but Duan Qichang is also preparing. He is a local snake in Wutou County, and Lu Chong is unfamiliar in Wutou county. If he stays here, there will be problems. Lu Chong is not afraid alone, but the key is that Wu Qingfang is around him. He can't be careless.

Lu Chong took out his mobile phone and called Du Ziteng: "last night, someone tipped off Duan Qichang and Yang Weidong in Wutou county. Today, we were surrounded by each other as soon as we arrived at the tungsten mine."

Du Ziteng asked nervously, "aren't you and Wu Qingfang hurt?"

Lu snorted coldly, "we didn't. They were the ones who were hurt."

Du Ziteng knew that Yang Weidong had a group of tough thugs. Hearing Lu Chong's words, he sincerely admired him and said, "Mr. Lu, you are really an expert."

Lu Chong said seriously, "she Guangjin and Ji Houde are the most suspected informants this time. Please help investigate their whereabouts, especially last night."

Du Ziteng hurriedly said, "it's very kind of you to say please. You're a great benefactor of Du Ziteng. If I can't even do this well, I'd better kill myself. Don't worry, I'll use all my strength to investigate Ji Houde now."

Lu Chong asked, "where is she Guangjin?"

Du Ziteng said firmly, "he dare not!"

Later, Lu Chong hurriedly asked the driver to drive directly to Wushui city. Duan Qichang had more power in Wutou county. When he arrived at Du Ziteng's site in Wushui City, he couldn't help it.

The car went out of Wutou county and didn't go to Wushan City, but went straight to Wushui city further away.

Seeing that it was getting closer and closer to Wushui City, a jeep dedicated to the Yamen suddenly drove from the back, turned on the light and flute: "wuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu.

A yamen attendant shouted with a car loudspeaker in the co driver's seat: "please stop the vehicle in front immediately! Please stop immediately for inspection! If you dare to disobey, we will kill you! Again, please stop the vehicle in front immediately!"

The driver panicked and hurriedly asked, "Lu... Mr. Lu, what... What to do? They called the Yamen service."

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