Through wiretap monitoring, Lu Chong learned that Wang Fuen, Ji Houde and Duan Qichang met. More than ten minutes later, the three men set out for the new mine bought by Wang Fuen.

Lu Chong showed Wu Qingfang the way, and their car drove to Wang Fuen's mine.

Wang Fuen's mine is very remote. Before that, Wang Fuen had ordered the mine to shut down, all the workers had left, and there were no other vehicles on the road to the mine.

Lu Chong and Wu Qingfang come to the fork of the road. One road leads to Wang Fuen's mine and the other to the nearby town.

Lu Chong took a dummy out of the trunk and did some tricks on the dummy's face.

Wu Qingfang was surprised to find that after Lu Chong put on makeup, the dummy turned out to be the same as the man Lu Chong turned into by changing his muscles and bones. It looked no different from a real person.

Lu Chong put the man in the co pilot's seat and fastened his seat belt. Then he walked to Wang Fuen's mine.

Wu Qingfang hurriedly reminded: "footprints! Be careful of your footprints!"

Lu Chong looked back and smiled. Then his feet made a little effort. The footprints on the ground became much deeper. It looked like a fat man with more than 200 kilograms could step on them.

Wu Qingfang looked at Lu Chong's back and deep footprints. She immediately put down her heart and smiled: "it's worthy of my Chong Chong!"

She drove to a nearby town, and then came back at the appointed time to pick up Lu Chong.

Lu Chong walked into Wang Fuen's mine and didn't see a living person. It seems that Wang Fuen dismissed all his workers in order not to let the plan leak.

Step by step, Lu rushed to the mine. The pattern of this mine is no different from that of other mines. There are office buildings, staff dormitories, canteens and high piles of tungsten ore.

Lu Chong listened and heard something in the office building.

He strode over.

The people inside were talking attentively and didn't hear his footsteps.

I only heard Duan Qichang's voice: "since President Wang and President Ji look up to Duan Qichang, I will work with you wholeheartedly! I hope you two will keep your word in the future. As long as you open a mine in Aconitum, you should have 10% of my shares!"

Ji Houde's voice: "Duan, don't worry. President Wang is the brother of Wang Fucheng, chairman of Wang's group. As for me, I'm a man with a head and a face in Wushui, and I can't say nothing. What's more, if we want to stand in Wutou, we need a local snake like you. How can we open a tungsten mine here without blood? Since the boss of the tungsten mine bought by Wu Qingfang has changed, even if we change our boss If we don't bomb, the locals will blackmail soon, so it's all up to you to help us deal with it. "

Duan Qichang, Lao Lang and his men were all aconites. When they heard this, they all laughed proudly.

The old wolf smiled and said, "I also did it in those years. Whether you build roads or dig mines, you either lose money or defeat us. President Wang, are you building buildings the same?"

Wang Fuen said impatiently, "don't talk nonsense. Are everything ready? Duan, have you contacted your people?"

Duan Qichang said, "don't worry. It's absolutely no problem if I speak. When the miners fall asleep at night and our people are on duty, they will bring them in unconsciously, and any monitoring can be solved."

Wang Fuen asked again, "old wolf, are detonators and timers all right?"

The old wolf said, "don't worry, it's absolutely no problem."

Wang Fuen asked, "what about these intellectual disabilities?"

The old wolf said contemptuously, "not to mention them."

Wang Fuen said, "well, we'll wait here. When everyone in the mine falls asleep, we'll go over."

Just then, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Everyone in the room turned pale.

Ji Houde scolded, "old wolf, didn't you let you lock those mental retardants? Go and have a look."

Everyone was relieved.

The old wolf quickly opened the door and was stunned.

Wang Fuen exclaimed, "Lu Chong!"

Duan Qichang's face was as white as paper: "Lu... Mr. Lu?"

In front of them, Lu Chong restored his face to its original appearance, glanced at them faintly and said with a smile: "it's all there. It's easy."

Ji Houde, Wang Fuen, Duan Qichang, old wolf and an old wolf's men, a total of five people.

Ji Houde and Wang Fuen were livid, Duan Qichang trembled, the old wolf and his men were tense, as if they had met the hungry wolf of a tiger, alert and nervous.

Wang Fuen sighed deeply: "it's Mr. Lu. He has great powers and can even count this. I admit defeat. Since I haven't caused you any loss, I'll forget it this time."

Lu Chong smiled faintly: "forget it? I just knew that you Wang Fuen are so generous."

Wang Fuen roared angrily, "you let me lose hundreds of millions! Let me get down from the position of president! Let me lose face in Jiangcheng! Let my son be detained and harmed by others. What else do you want me to do? Lu Chong, don't deceive others too much!"

Lu Chong shook his head and sighed, "what point didn't you provoke me on your own initiative? Did I provoke you on my own initiative? You can't live because of your own sin!"

Just then, the old wolf suddenly took out a sharp dagger and stabbed Lu Chong's heart.

At this time, Lu Chong didn't seem to react. Wang Fuen, Ji Houde and Duan Qichang all showed surprised expressions. Aren't you very good, Lu Chong? Will you die this time?

But when the old wolf's dagger stabbed Lu Chong's heart, it seemed as if it had stabbed an iron wall and could not stab in any more.

The old wolf was stunned and said, "you... Your golden bell jar and iron cloth shirt?"

"Iron cloth shirt!" Lu Chong was right. Tianchan Baojia is made of black iron wire and tiansilkworm silk. It is an iron cloth shirt.

In the frightened eyes of the old wolf, Lu rushed. His hand was as fast as lightning. He grabbed the old wolf's wrist and pinched it gently, which shattered the old wolf's wrist.

Then, Lu Chong changed his palm into a fist and hit the old wolf's heart with a gentle fist.

There was a pit in the heart of the old wolf, a pit as big as the mouth of a bowl.

The old wolf rolled his eyes, collapsed and fell to the ground. Blood gushed into his mouth and nose, but strangely, his mouth and nose were bulging with blood, but there was no blood flowing out.

Lu Chong said faintly, "it's not suitable for dead people here. Your graveyard is in the mine."

Duan Qichang quickly took out his mobile phone from his waist and wanted to make a phone call.

Ji Houde and Wang Fuen immediately breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Duan Qichang's move. Lu rushed several meters away from them and had no time to stop Duan Qichang from calling. They were still saved.

At this time, the old wolf's dagger suddenly appeared in Lu Chong's hand. The sharp dagger flashed a knife and flew to Duan Qichang.

Duan Qichang's finger was just about to press a number, but he was stunned to find that a sharp dagger flew and cut his mobile phone in half.

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