Seeing Ma Zheming fall to the ground and die, Lu Chong is satisfied and drives away to the north of the beautiful river.

Jinxiu Jiangbei is a project developed by Wang's real estate four years ago. Wang Fucheng rewarded black snake with a large suite. Black snake and his wife have always lived here.

Lu Chong parked his car in the parking lot and sneaked into the black snake's house.

As soon as he entered, he was shocked to find that there was a man and a woman in the bedroom.

One of them is Zhu Shujun, the wife of black snake, and the other is crazy Biao, the right hand of black snake.

Zhu Shujun, 30, was once the flower leader of a club. Later, she became her mother sang. She was prosecuted for accepting women for illegal activities. Later, she went on bail for medical treatment through the relationship with black snake. She married black snake four years ago. This woman loved black snake very much because black snake died at the hands of Lu Chong. She threatened to hire someone to kill Lu Chong several times.

Crazy Biao, named Feng Biao, is tall and strong. He can fight very well. He is a powerful thug of the black snake. He has killed and maimed many people and squatted in the shift room several times. He was protected by the black snake. He is impulsive and irritable. He is suspected to have minor mental problems.

Unexpectedly, not long after the black snake died, they rolled together.

The two of them were so selfless that they didn't notice that there was another person in the house.

Lu Chong looked at their luck with his Qi skill. His eyes became colder. Neither of them was a good man. Zhu Shujun killed three women who didn't want to do that kind of thing, and crazy Biao killed five people, all innocent nail households.

Moreover, crazy Biao is really like his name. He has sick Qi in his head. It is usually very mild and does not affect his normal life. But if he is stimulated, his sick Qi will aggravate and he may go crazy.

After a while, Zhu Shujun and crazy Biao ended the battle.

Like a man after the event, Zhu Shujun lit a cigarette after the event: "would you like what I told you?"

Crazy Biao looked at Zhu Shujun affectionately: "sister Zhu, I am willing to marry you. I am also willing to sign a prenuptial property agreement. I don't want a penny."

"Fuck you!" said Zhu Shujun angrily, "that's not what I mentioned!"

Crazy Biao said reluctantly, "you asked me to kill Mr. Lu, I dare not. You don't know Mr. Lu's power, I know. What's more, Mr. Wang ordered not to provoke Mr. Lu. Even Mr. Wang dared not provoke. I'll go. Don't I want to die?"

Zhu Shujun scolded contemptuously, "you fucking bastard!"

Crazy Biao shouted angrily, "sister Zhu! Pu Tianle of the green dragon club, you know? Such a powerful man looks like a dog in front of Mr. Lu. Do you think ordinary people can get him? Listen to my advice and don't provoke him."

Zhu Shujun stared at the ceiling: "I know he's powerful, and I know that Dong Wang doesn't want to offend him, but I don't believe that his surname Lu really has three heads and six arms! I Zhu Shujun don't owe anyone else in my life, but I owe too many snake brothers! I have to repay this revenge! As long as Lu's name dies, I'm worth all my money!"

Crazy Biao advised: "sister Zhu, I'm also sorry for brother snake's death, but he's dead. You don't have to take your life. If someone finds out, you will be implicated and may be sentenced to death! Even Mr. Lu will do it himself. At that time, you will be as miserable as brother snake!"

"Seedless counsellors!" Zhu Shujun turned her head, spit on crazy Biao and sprayed crazy Biao all over her face: "get out! Don't want to go to my bed in the future!" she stood up and walked to the bathroom.

Crazy Biao rushed out of bed, hugged Zhu Shujun from behind and whispered, "sister Zhu, you know me. When I first saw you, I fell in love with you. I haven't married yet, just for you. Because brother snake is here, I haven't told you, but you know that you and I have always kept a distance. But now that brother snake is dead, don't you give me a chance?"

"As long as you help me take revenge and kill that Lu, let alone marry you, even if you kill me, I won't frown." Zhu Shujun asked, "but dare you?"

Crazy Biao said loudly, "sister Zhu, Mr. Lu is so powerful that if I kill him, I can't live. Didn't you kill me? In your eyes, I'm not as good as a dead black snake? Who robbed you when you were besieged by small gangsters? When the black snake's opponent forced you with a gun, who risked his life to save you? Sister Zhu, have you forgotten all this?"

"I forgot!" Zhu Shujun snorted coldly, "you're right. In my eyes, you're not even as good as a hair of the black snake! Loser, I'm so blind that I let you sleep. Let go. Even if I go to the street to find someone, I won't let you touch me!"

"I won't let go! Sister Zhu, I'm doing it for you! If I were afraid of death, I would have been driven away by the black snake. I have five lives in my hand. Do you think I'm afraid of death? I'm not afraid of death. I'm afraid I'll never see sister Zhu again. Sister Zhu, please, forget this and live the rest of my life well, can't I?" crazy Biao begged bitterly.

"Waste!" Zhu Shujun scolded, turned her head and bit crazy Biao's upper arm. Crazy Biao hurriedly let go of her in pain.

Zhu Shujun suddenly turned around and hit the man's most vulnerable place with a fierce knee.

Mad Biao screamed, covered his legs and fell to the ground, shouting constantly.

Zhu Shujun kicked mad Biao in the face and scolded: "I thought you were a man before, but now I understand that you are an incompetent loser! In the future, the black snake's industry has nothing to do with you. Get out! Love me? You deserve it! I don't want to touch you, a dirty thing worse than a pig and dog!"

Zhu Shujun finished and walked to the bathroom.

Lu Chong's eyes narrowed. The woman hated herself deeply and couldn't stay. Crazy Biao killed five innocent nail households. She was very angry. Lu Chong wanted to eliminate harm for the people!

His hand shook and the Dark Blade flew out, cutting off all the positive Qi of crazy Biao, aggravating his negative Qi, aggravating his disease and murderous Qi.

Mad Biao's illness became worse and his mind gradually lost its reason. Thinking of his previous pay and thinking about his current treatment, he became more and more angry, and his murderous spirit increased sharply, constantly stimulating mad Biao and making mad Biao kill in his heart.

Crazy Biao looked up at Zhu Shujun's beautiful figure and thought that he would never touch her again. He thought that he would be driven away. His eyes turned red and shouted, "bitch! How dare you look down on me! I'll kill you!"

He rushed behind Zhu Shujun, grabbed her hair and hit the wall.

"Let me go!" Zhu Shujun cursed loudly and grabbed back. Her sharp nails scratched the bleeding wound on crazy Biao's arm.

"Still dare to scratch me!" crazy Biao finally lost his mind and was completely controlled by anger and killing intention. He grabbed Zhu Shujun's head and hit the wall crazily.

At this time, Zhu Shujun's mildew increased, and some fragile places such as temples, eyebrows and back of her head kept hitting the wall.

The red blood flowed from Zhu Shujun's wound, eyes, nose, mouth and ears. Slowly, Zhu Shujun lost her breath, but she was crazy. She still tried hard to grasp Zhu Shujun's head and hit the wall, so that Zhu Shujun's face was completely distorted and the whole head was dyed red by blood.

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