Yan Lele hit him like this, and Lu Chong suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart.

Yan Lele thought it was fun and hit Lu Chong several times in a row.

When she saw that her mother looked at her strangely, she realized that it was wrong. Her pretty face turned red and trotted all the way to the kitchen.

Yan Lele's mother Yan Fengju gave Lu Chong a look of cheering and making persistent efforts.

Lu Chong couldn't laugh or cry.

However, he sincerely feels that Yan Fengju, Yan Lele's mother, has a good character. She is not the harsh mother-in-law who is picky and picky. If she is her son-in-law, she must be very good. However, her emotional world is in a mess. Don't spoil Yan Lele.

The mother and daughter are busy in the kitchen and don't let Lu Chong interfere.

Lu Chong had to return to the living room to make tea for Yan Lele's father, Yan Shouyi.

Yan Shouyi has been silent and doesn't like drinking tea. After drinking tea for a while, he took out the chess board and said to Lu Chong, "let's kill each other!"

Lu Chong is looking at Yan Shouyi with his Qi watching skill. He sees that there are two women and one son in Yan Shouyi's life Qi. He sees that there are two women in his charm Qi. One has been very light. He is a little sure that Yan Yihuan's father is Yan Shouyi.

What makes Lu Chong wonder is that Yan Shouyi has no bad deeds. He is a very honest man. But why did he abandon Yan Yihuan's mother and leave Shanghai completely to Jiangcheng in those years? It's really a mystery. Unless you ask him, you can ask him if he is willing to say that since he has successfully concealed Yan Lele's mother and Yan Lele for so many years, I think there must be difficulties, and Lu Chong is inconvenient to expose it.

When Yan Shouyi said that he was playing chess, Lu Chong couldn't help thinking of his previous chess game with master Jiang Haitian, and said, "OK!"

Yan Lele was busy in the kitchen, but her ears were always listening to the sound in the living room. When she heard the sound of chess pieces swinging, she said loudly: "Lu Chong! My father plays chess very well. He once participated in an amateur chess competition in the province and was a runner up! My father said that the man I want to marry in the future can't be too bad at chess, otherwise I can't play with him. Lu Chong, you absolutely don't want to marry me. I guess you're not even as good as me. When I played chess, the boys in the class were killed by me."

Hearing his daughter's praise, Yan Shouyi couldn't help smiling with complacency.

Yan Fengju, Yan's mother, said, "Xiao Lu! Don't listen to Lao Yan. I'm in charge of marrying my daughter! What's the use of a girl playing chess? Work quickly!"

Lu Chong smiled and said, "my level is very average. I haven't been down for a long time. Uncle, please bear with me."

Lu Chong's chess level is the highest in the world, but the Chinese chess level is very general. In the final analysis, his master Jiang Haitian thought his chess level was the first in the world, so he taught Lu Chong himself. In fact, the old man's chess ability is very general, and he is a smelly chess basket. Learning chess with such people, Lu Chong's level is naturally not very high.

Yan Shou nodded and said, "let's talk about the next set first."

Lu Chong played chess, and the two began to play. They had a regular start and jumped the horse as the head gun.

Yan Shouyi's chess skills are very old and spicy, while Lu Chong's original level is average. He hasn't played for a long time, and he fell into a disadvantage soon after the start.

However, although Lu Chong's chess skills are not very good, he practices the dragon magic, has great aura, strong mental power, and strong computing ability of the brain. With each step, Lu Chong can calculate all the possibilities behind, so basically there will be no mistakes and will not be strictly guarded.

Yan Shouyi is an old chess player. He has been playing chess for many years. He soon found that Lu Chong can calculate, but he can't make choices and has no overall view.

As a result, in the middle of the next half, Lu Chong found that he would die four steps away, and he had no possibility of returning to heaven, so he had to admit defeat on his own initiative.

Yan Shouyi looked at Lu Chong in surprise: "you seem to know how I will get down. Walk and see!"

So Lu Chong walked as like as two peas in a white chess game.

Yan Shouyi said with appreciation, "it's very good. Your brain is very good. You just don't have much. Come on, another plate!"

In the second game, Lu Chong survived the middle game and was strictly guarded until the end of the game.

In the third inning, the two men were deadlocked in the endgame, and finally Lu Chong lost because of lack of experience.

In the fourth game, Yan Shouyi wiped the sweat on his forehead after finishing the "draw".

Yan Shouyi was puzzled. A novice can spend years surpassing a chess master. If he is a genius, it may take a few months, but he can draw with the master in only four games. This can't be described as genius. It's God. He asked, "Xiao Lu, tell the truth, didn't you let me just now?"

Lu Chong said with a smile, "it's really not surprising. I'm a very fast learner."

Yan Shou nodded: "your chess style is really childish. At the beginning, it's just walking around. Now it's a little better. I feel that you don't play chess with experience and chess skills, but force a draw purely by computing power."

Lu Chong said with a smile, "yes, I can count."

Yan Shouyi said, "let's have another game."

The fifth game was still a draw, but it was very hard to keep it. The longest step was thought for five minutes.

In the sixth game, Yan Shouyi finally took out the strength of the province's amateur chess runner up, forced Lu Chong into a disadvantage, and was suppressed from the beginning. However, in the residual game, Lu Chong successfully dragged Yan Shouyi down by relying on a trivial pawn. Finally, he turned the tide, caught a slight mistake and won his first victory.

Yan Shou sighed, "lost." he threw down his chess pieces and carefully recalled the chess game just now.

Yan Lele heard what was happening in the living room. He ran from the kitchen and raised his hands. His hands were greasy. His black eyes stared very big: "what? Dad, you lost?"

Yan Shouyi said with a wry smile, "little Lu is a little evil. I haven't encountered such a strange thing after playing chess all my life."

Yan Lele looked at Lu Chong suspiciously: "you didn't cheat and steal my father's son, did you?"

Lu Chong looked unhappy: "Hey, do you think I look like that kind of person?"

Yan Lele said with shame and anger, "you don't look like me. You are! Dad, you must have made a mistake this time. Let's have another set! It's really not good. If our father and daughter go to battle together, I don't believe him!"

In Yan Lele's eyes, her father is a great chess master. From small to large, everyone who can play chess in the yard obeys, which makes her very face, but she didn't expect to be overturned by Lu Chong.

Yan Fengju didn't stop Yan Lele and said with a smile, "anyway, it's almost finished. Lele, you wash your hands and play together. I said Xiao Lu is good at everything. Even Lao Yan can win this chess skill. It's absolutely no problem to marry Xiao Yan! Lao Yan, what you said in those years counts?"

Yan Shouyi smiled infrequently.

Yan Lele blushed and twisted his waist. He ran back to the kitchen to wash his hands. At the same time, he shouted, "I don't believe it! I'll come too. You two wait for me!"

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