Yan Lele asked while driving, "Lu Chong, those two yamen servants should recognize you? Otherwise, how could they be so simple."

Lu Chong said, "it should be, just a bottle of old godmother."

Yan Lele said with a smile: "it's not blind. It's good to throw it. Ha ha, chili oil can be regarded as a biochemical weapon. It's funny to think about what he looked like just now!"

They kept busy. At 6:30, they finally sat down to eat together.

Because there was no outsider, everyone drank happily. Except Lu Chong, they all drank too much.

After Jiang Xueqing finished drinking, the original overbearing queen president fan disappeared and turned into a spoiled little girl.

After drinking too much wine, Fang Bingbing was as excited as Lu Chong had seen before and liked to be coquettish.

After Lin Xiaoyu drank some wine, he soon felt dizzy. He really couldn't drink any wine.

Wu Qingfang drank too much and looked more elegant and mature. Her blush was like a peach, which made people want to take a bite.

Tang Tiantian became much bolder and talked more than usual, but she was more shy.

Yan Lele felt like a queen. He often had a little arrogance, but he smiled and apologized after the arrogance, and then continued to be arrogant.

Finally, these women were carried upstairs by Lu Chong. As for what happened that night, it is impossible to describe.


After that night, Lu Chong suddenly missed Lin Yujing and Yan Yihuan who were in the Shanghai sea.

Especially when he saw Yan Lele, he thought of Yan Lele's half sister Yan Yihuan.

Yan Lele often talks about Tang Tiantian and makes his relationship with Yan Lele end in love and propriety. This is always the case. Lu Chong is always a little bored, and he misses Yan Yihuan who is only the last step away from him.

The next day, he saw that several women in Jiangcheng were in good luck. The dragon fish and the water plant were running well, so he flew to Shanghai to visit Lin Yujing and Yan Yihuan.

When he came to Lin's house, he found that Lin Yujing was not at home, but on a mission.

After chatting with master Lin for a while, Lu Chong went to find Yan Yihuan.

He called Yan Yihuan in advance and knew that Yan Yihuan was at home before he rushed there.

When he entered the room, he was stunned and saw a suitcase in the living room.

Lu Chong asked with a smile, "Huanhuan, where are you flying this time?"

"There is no flight mission," Yan Yihuan said bitterly. "I'm going to pick up my brother and my mother. My brother has been living in his hometown since his leg was amputated. I want to take him to the city and let him play here."

Speaking of this, she was very sad. Playing can let her brother relax. After that, he became a disabled person so young. What should she do in the future?

Lu Chong could feel Yan Yihuan's mood. Seeing her look gloomy, he quickly hugged her in his arms and comforted softly: "there must be a way to get to the front of the mountain. There must be a way. I'm not busy recently. Why don't I go with you!"

He just went to the Lin family to have a look. He knew that Lin Yujing not only had to be on duty to handle the case, but also helped the Lin family deal with the family business. Now the Lin family is working with the Luo family to devour the Wang family, the Liu family and other hostile families. They are very busy. Except for master Lin, who is planning strategies, everyone else is busy flying. Even the little girl Lin Yumi has to deal with the business, Xiao Nizi has a domineering president fan, which looks funny. Lu Chong is also very boring in the Lin family. He doesn't want to face the old face of old man Lin, so he simply accompanied Yan Yihuan to her hometown.

When Yan Yihuan heard that Lu Chong wanted to accompany her to her hometown, her eyes suddenly lit up. She was worried that she could not deal with the villains in her hometown. She was much more relieved to have Lu Chong with her.

Then, she suddenly thought of whether it was a little mean to take her boyfriend home by asking Lu Chong to accompany her home. When she thought about it, her pretty face suddenly turned red.

Lu Chong then called Lin Yujing. He was very sorry to hear that she was busy and had no time to meet her. He said he would go to her hometown with Yan Yihuan to pick up her mother and brother.

Lin Yujing giggled: "go and pick up your mother-in-law and brother-in-law. It's very good. Go!"

Yan Yihuan said coyly, "be quiet, don't talk nonsense!"

"Oh, the relationship between you two is almost there. What's the shame?" Lin Yujing said with a smile. "Well, I'll be busy again. Don't say anything. Have a nice trip." he hung up the phone.

Lu Chong carried Yan Yihuan's suitcase downstairs, drove the BMW 760 he bought for her, and drove to Yan Yihuan's hometown.

Yan Yihuan is from Shanghai, but their hometown is in the suburbs of Shanghai. In fact, they are in the countryside. They are in Panshi town on Chongming Island. They drive out of the urban area, get on the sea crossing bridge, take the high-speed for more than 30 kilometers, get off the high-speed, take a section of asphalt road, and then the muddy sand road.

Lu Chong was surprised that there was such a backward place in a big city such as Shanghai and Shanghai.

However, there are green rice fields on both sides of the road, and the air is especially fresh, much better than that in the urban area.

Yan Yihuan is familiar with the road. Naturally, Yan Yihuan drives the car. Lu Chong sits in the co driver's seat, enjoying the beautiful scenery, her beauty and chatting with her.

They were driving when they heard a bang. The car slid forward and stopped.

Lu Chong and Yan Yihuan got out of the car and took a look. A tire burst!

The BMW 760 has been bought for several months and has never had a flat tire, so it has never put a spare tire. Who can imagine that it has a flat tire on the path that is not near the village in front of it and not near the store behind it.

Yan Yihuan said bitterly, "Lu Chong, what should I do? The trailer on the other side of Shanghai will certainly not come, while Panshi town is too poor and there is no Trailer company at all! Now it has just rained here, and the car repairman will certainly not come!"

Lu Chong asked calmly, "how far is it from Panshi town?"

"There are still seven or eight miles!" Yan Yihuan said with a bitter smile, "but the road to Panshi town is too difficult to walk, especially after the rain, it is muddy and difficult to walk."

"It doesn't matter. Let's go alone. It's a big deal. I'll carry you later!" Lu Chong said with a smile. "Don't worry about the car. I'll call ghost foot seven to send someone to tow it. When we return to Shanghai, let him send someone to Panshi town to pick us up!"

"Well, do as you say!" Yan Yihuan secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, Lu Chong came to her in time, or she would go home alone. In this situation, it really doesn't work every day!

Lu Chong called ghost foot seven, and then walked to Panshi town with Yan Yihuan.

There is no cement road here. It is a gravel road. Once it rains, it will be muddy. The two people walk hard in the mud. Lu Chong falls down. Yan Yihuan's body is fragile. After walking four or five miles, she is tired and sweating.

Lu Chong said with a smile, "I'll carry you!"

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