Lu Chong took out his mobile phone, looked at the time, smiled at her and said, "it's 1:15 p.m. and there are 15 minutes to go to work. You finish your Chinese meal outside the office first, and then go back to the office! In this way, you don't violate the regulations, and no one can fire you!"

Lin Xiaoyu looked at her watch and found that it was really a quarter of an hour before she went to work in the afternoon. She hurried out of the office and ate fast food in the corridor outside.

Zhang Xinfu's wishful thinking was smashed by Lu Chong. He became angry and scolded Lu Chong: "NIMA's bad, I'm good!"

Lu Chong slapped Zhang Xinfu, knocked him to the ground and kicked him with a bang: "I hate you, a beast who relies on the hidden rules of power! What a shame to a man!"

Zhang Xinfu lay on the ground and wailed, "wait, I'll call someone to make you look good!"

Lu Chong tried to beat him up.

Zhang Xinfu quickly got up from the ground and ran away in embarrassment.

Lu Chong turned the second marketing department around and went out. When he met Lin Xiaoyu who had just finished his meal, he said to her, "people like Zhang Xinfu are completely villains. Although I beat him away, he will find trouble with you in the future. You should pay attention to it in the future. If there is anything wrong, call me!"

Lin Xiaoyu left his phone. Pink face blushed and said, "thank you. I will pay attention in the future!"

Lu Chong hasn't got the eighth mental skill of Yulong Gong yet, and it's inconvenient to provoke too many girls. Now, seeing the girl's shy face, he didn't dare to talk to her more. He told her a few words and turned away.

Lin Xiaoyu stood there blankly, looking at Lu Chong's back. She clearly saw the tragic situation that Zhang Xinfu had just run out. She must have been beaten by Lu Chong. Thinking of her working here for two months, there were an endless stream of male colleagues chasing her, as many as dozens. But I know that Zhang Xinfu is going to attack himself, and they all scattered one by one, No one dares to stand out for her like Lu Chong!

Even if Lu Chong is really just a driver, she thinks he is very great and a great driver!

What's more, out of a woman's intuition, Lu Chong is definitely not a driver. Besides, as one of the four beauties in Jiangcheng, will Wu Qingfang find a driver as a boyfriend?

Alas, people have a master of the famous grass, so don't think about it yourself!

Lu Chong turned the 34th floor around, photographed several security vulnerabilities, and then walked to the 33rd floor.

In this way, he walked down layer by layer, and his pace was very fast. Even if he walked around every floor, he found hundreds of loopholes in more than 30 floors, which took only more than two hours.

He doesn't worry about Jiang Xueqing's safety. Before informing him, Jiang Xueqing will stay in the company, summon subordinates, hold meetings with customers, etc., which makes her busy. There are six security guards on the inner and outer floors of Tianjian building and Gu Yutian. Although they are waste compared with Lu Chong, they can deal with ordinary killers, and it's daytime now, There is a police station near Tianjian building. Those hired by their opponents will not start at this time.

He went out of Tianjian building and strolled around the building to see where the kidnappers would start and escape.

He touched the surrounding terrain. The Tianjian building is located in the CBD of Jiangcheng. It is surrounded by high-grade office buildings. The police force is abundant next to it. The kidnappers won't start here, but the killer said not necessarily. He must find out.

After a stroll, Lu Chong looked at the time. It was still some time before he got off work. He could do nothing but wait for Jiang Xueqing to get off work. He paced to a cafe on the first floor of a building opposite Tianjian building.

This coffee shop is located in the CBD with many office buildings, with well-dressed white-collar workers. Of course, it is decorated in fashion and has a petty bourgeoisie atmosphere.

In and out are well-dressed white-collar workers. Lu Chong is particularly abrupt in his shabby vest and baggy shorts. When he just walked in, a waiter in black uniform stepped forward and shouted impatiently, "we don't need a dishwasher here. Go to another house!"

Lu Chong was stunned for a moment. Seeing the contempt in the waiter's eyes, he immediately understood that this goods regarded me as a migrant worker looking for a job!

He didn't bother to get angry with a waiter. He went to a window seat and sat down: "I'll come for coffee!"

The waiter frowned and looked at Lu Chong again: "Sir, do you have cash with you?"

Just then, a sour voice sounded: "it's not like words! Now the grade of this cafe is getting lower and lower. No matter who comes in, even a beggar comes in for coffee!"

It was a woman with heavy makeup. Her makeup was too strong to see her age. She was dressed up. Lu Chong thought this woman was a failed woman.

Later, he learned that the woman was an executive manager of a company, Jiao Yan.

At this time, Jiao Yan turned her eyes, turned her mouth and looked disgusted.

Opposite Jiao Yan sat a man in a suit and shoes in his thirties. He was the same company as Jiao Yan. He was the quality manager of that company. His name was Wang Fuguan. He crossed his legs, glanced at Lu, put his mouth aside, and said proudly to the waiter: "I said, how do you do business! Even such dirty migrant workers are let in. Who knows if he is ill! Can you let us drink coffee in peace!"

The coquettish woman Jiao Yan also shouted: "This is where we white-collar workers drink coffee and chat. What a clean place. How can you let a broken migrant worker come in and defile it! You don't respect the grade of your coffee shop and ours! You let a broken migrant worker come in and drink coffee to say that your coffee can afford even broken migrant workers! What do you think of us! Ah!"

Other white-collar workers who pretended to drink coffee all cast disdainful eyes. It seems that they also regard Lu Chong in his shabby vest as a migrant worker on the construction site.

Lu Chong really wanted to take off his vest and hit them in the face: "it's made of silk and dark iron outside the sky. Take it to auction. Someone wants $1 billion. You bastards!"

Wearing clothes worth one billion, but being regarded as migrant workers, who can say this grievance to and who can believe it!

The waiter didn't want Lu to rush in. Now he's more confident, straight faced and coldly said: "you see, you'd better go! You don't have to come to the coffee shop to drink coffee. Go to the supermarket to buy some instant coffee and go back to make a cup. Such a high-end place is not suitable for people like you..."

"People like me? Aren't they migrant workers? Do you have a written regulation here that migrant workers can't come?" originally, he had a pleasant face. Lu Chong didn't want to see the same things as those white-collar workers, but now he is also a dog face. Lu Chong turned his head and looked at the white-collar workers coldly and said: "What's the matter with migrant workers? Aren't migrant workers human? I want to ask you, is the house you live in built by migrant workers? Is the rice you eat planted by migrant workers? Are the clothes you wear made by migrant workers? Are the coffee beans you drink picked by migrant workers?"

At this point, his voice rose and rang through the whole coffee shop: "what are you without migrant workers? Can you live?"

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