Ye Xiaomei's face was full of joy. It was a great honor for the famous Dragon God to give her massage. She quickly smiled and said, "I'm not polite!"

An hour later, ye Xiaomei's muscles and bones were not as stiff as before. She felt comfortable all over, and felt that her flexibility and elasticity were better, and her skills were better than before!

She can't help but praise secretly. She is worthy of being a top expert. Just massage has such a wonderful effect!

But with admiration, her heart was more ashamed and angry.

Her pretty snow-white face was crimson, even her pink neck and jade back were red. When the bastard gave her massage just now, he did it where it should be, and he did it where it shouldn't be!

Now ye Xiaomei is so sore that she can hardly stand up. She is a little ashamed and angry, but similarly, she feels happier than ever!

She thought to herself, how happy she would be if she were so happy, and how happy she would be if she could be like in the film. Her face turned even more red at the thought of this!

But just when she was a little excited and looking forward to it, she heard Lu Chong say, "Ye Xiaomei, go back and protect the concubine. I don't need someone to protect me!"

When he gave Ye Xiaomei a massage just now, he already knew that ye Xiaomei was the sixth new killer in the world killer list and a super first-class killer in the world. She was better than the sixth one killed by Lu Chong. Ye Xuefei needed this level of expert protection more, and Lu Chong didn't need it at all.

Hearing Lu Chong's words, ye Xiaomei shook her head firmly: "Miss, let me protect you, I can't leave! In addition, I want to help Miss look at you, so as not to make trouble with you everywhere!"

With that, ye Xiaomei grinned at Lu Chong, grinding the small tiger teeth on both sides of her. A narrow smile of "Hey, you're finished" appeared at the corners of her mouth, and the dimples on her cheeks were full of an intoxicating smile.

I have to say that ye Xiaomei is really a top beauty. She has Tong Liya's face and ye Zimei's figure. She even has Tong Liya's tiger teeth and dimples.

When Lu Chong heard Ye Xiaomei's words, he was stunned and couldn't help shaking his head.

He can see that ye Xiaomei has made up her mind. She has no way to persuade her back, so she can only follow her and help herself deal with some things.

However, he knows that ye Xiaomei, a top killer, has a habit of killing without blinking an eye, and is used to solving problems with killing. When he comes to the city, he may not be able to control the killing. For example, he killed the four people with her hair last night. If ye Xiaomei keeps doing this, she will kill all the people who are not supposed to die and cause a lot of trouble, Then Lu Chong didn't dare to leave her with him.

Of course, he still has some concerns about whether ye Xiaomei will hurt Lu Chong's other confidants for her Miss Ye Xuefei.

Therefore, he solemnly warned: "you can follow me, but you should understand that this is a city, China, not a place where you can kill if you want to kill!"

Ye Xiaomei didn't agree with Lu Chong's words. She turned her lips and said, "well, don't worry. I'm not a murderer. As long as others don't provoke me, I won't kill them! After all, I'm worth millions of dollars once!"

Lu Chong was relieved.

But at this time, ye Xiaomei's pretty face flashed a stern look: "if that blind person annoyed me, I don't mind letting him disappear from the world!"

Lu Chong's face sank and warned: "before you want to kill in the future, ask me. I'll decide each other's life and death. If you don't listen to me, I'll drive you away immediately!"

Seeing Lu Chong's solemn expression, he said, "you has the final say!"

Subsequently, Lu Chong went to the front desk to check out.

At this time, a young tenant couldn't help blowing a frivolous whistle when he saw Ye Xiaomei with a beautiful face and a hot body, especially when he saw that her leather coat was broken behind her.

Ye Xiaomei looks fierce in her eyes and is about to get angry.

Lu Chong hurried forward, grabbed Ye Xiaomei's hand and said in a deep voice, "is it necessary to kill just because of this whistle? Look at me!"

He shook his hand, flew a piece of paper flat, flew faster and faster, and finally cut the frivolous tenant's lips and tongue like a flying knife.

The guy suddenly had blood in his mouth and shouted loudly. He didn't dare to whistle that frivolous whistle any more.

Lu Chong's action is very subtle, and it's ridiculous to cut his tongue with a piece of paper, so no one believes that Lu Chong did it. They all think that the guy bit his tongue himself.

When ye Xiaomei saw the guy's mouth bleeding and screaming, she immediately giggled: "it's more interesting than killing him. I've learned!"

They strode out of the hotel. Lu Chong called Yan Yihuan and took Ye Xiaomei to breakfast.

Ye Xiaomei is also a big stomach king. Together, they are about to collapse a breakfast shop.

Lu Chong looked at Ye Xiaomei's figure, which was better than ye Zimei's. he couldn't help praising it. Other women ate, and all the excess nutrition was concentrated on their stomachs to form fat. She was concentrated in the place that should be concentrated most. It really made all women envy it. He asked her what Kung Fu she practiced and let her confidants practice with her!

When they finished their breakfast, Yan Yihuan drove a BMW 760 to the door of the breakfast shop.

When Yan Yihuan saw Ye Xiaomei with the devil figure and angel face around Lu Chong, she was stunned.

Lu Chong smiled at Yan Yihuan and said, "this is Ye Xiaomei, the beauty I picked up from the roadside!"

Ye Xiaomei immediately gave Lu Chong a pretty white eye.

Then, ye Xiaomei quietly looked at Yan Yihuan. Even if she had a proud figure and face, she still had to admit that Yan Yihuan was even more beautiful than her. I'm afraid only the eldest Miss Ye Xuefei can compare with Yan Yihuan.

Yan Yihuan took a deep look at Lu Chong, then smiled, stretched out his hand to Ye Xiaomei and said, "Hello, I'm Yan Yihuan!"

Ye Xiaomei was stunned for a moment. She also stretched out her hand and shook it gently with Yan Yihuan: "Hello, my name is Ye Xiaomei!"

At this time, ye Xiaomei looked a little strange. She was so old that she spent almost all her time in killing and training. This was the first time to shake hands with others. This feeling made her feel strange.

Lu Chong couldn't help laughing when he saw that the two people knew each other and didn't explore each other's identity. They were sensible women.

Then he said to Yan Yihuan, "let's go to Roche Group!"

Yan Yihuan was stunned and asked suspiciously, "what are you doing in Roche Group?"

"Go start a business!" Lu Chong smiled: "our entrepreneurial journey in Shanghai and Shanghai starts with Roche Group!"

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