Fortunately, Lu Chong drove the obese doctor away and asked Jiang Xueqing and ye Xiaomei to guard the door and keep no one close. Otherwise, the Western doctors would make a fuss and shout when they saw this scene. Even some Chinese medicine authorities did not agree with Lu Chong's treatment.

But they didn't know that Lu Chong had miraculous skills and had aura to protect his body, so he could do this. Otherwise, an ordinary expert could not even pass the level of painstaking efforts.

The aura wrapped around the gold needle, controlled the slightest effort, slowly dropped into the pinhole of Wu Qingfang's heart along the falling direction of the gold needle, and then slowly penetrated into her heart.

This is the last step. This step should be very careful and very slow. Lu Chong should concentrate and calm down. Otherwise, if there is a slight difference, all his previous efforts will be wasted!

Until all the hard work in the vial penetrated into Wu Qingfang's heart, Lu Chong still held his breath and even dared not leave the atmosphere.

With his bright eyes, he nervously looked at the heart wave display, and pulled out 402 gold needles that had been inserted into Wu Qingfang one by one.

Now, Lu Chong is so nervous that he can't hear any other sounds. He only hears his own violent heartbeat!

The heart beat very fast, very intense, as if to jump out of the body.

But when he pulled out the 402 gold needles on Wu Qingfang's body, when he saw the heart wave on the instrument, it was still a straight line. He immediately felt that his heart was still stirred by a needle and knife, which was very stinging!

Why? Why not?

Lu Chong was almost crazy. His eyes were bloody red, sad and desperate, which made him make a crazy decision: "since I didn't protect her, I'll trade my life for her life!"

Then he took a gold needle and without thinking, stabbed it into his heart.

When the golden needle pierced into his heart, his body shook violently.

Then, he immediately pulled out the filiform needle and slowly dropped the little effort on it onto the gold needle above Wu Qingfang's heart.

Subsequently, Lu Chong took his painstaking efforts again and again, dripping into Wu Qingfang's heart.

Outside the intensive care unit, Jiang Xueqing, Lin Yujing, Fang Bingbing, Lin Xiaoyu and Tang Tiantian looked at the crazy figure in the ward through the glass and all cried.

A trace of hard work was drawn from his heart, and then drops of hard work penetrated into Wu Qingfang's heart.

They can see that Lu Chong is clearly trading his life for Wu Qingfang's life!

This scene shocked Jiang Xueqing, Lin Yujing, Fang Bingbing, Lin Xiaoyu and Tang Tiantian. Lu Chong is a man they can trust for life!

Because he takes his woman's life more seriously than himself!

Lin Yujing put her hands together and wept and prayed to the sky: "sister Fang, you must live... Chong, you must be fine..."

Jiang Xueqing, Fang Bingbing, Lin Xiaoyu and Tang Tiantian's beautiful eyes all gathered on the two people in the ward and prayed one after another. Sister Fang woke up quickly and Lu Chong was safe.

At this time, ye Xiaomei's beautiful eyes were full of brilliance. She was also moved by Lu Chong's move!

This is love, which she hasn't found in more than 20 years.

She sighed in her heart: "Although he is very playful, he is sincere to his women. He can give all of his life. He is a good man! Maybe when the young lady meets the same problem as Wu Qingfang, he will exchange his life! But if he meets such a thing, he doesn't know whether he is willing or not. After all, he is not his woman!"

At this time, Lu Chong has completely fallen into a state of madness!

His face was dead gray, like a dead man, and his eyes were blood red, like a fierce beast in madness.

He has completely ignored his life and has been absorbing his painstaking efforts.

When he didn't know how much effort he had absorbed, when he suddenly looked at the heart wave display, his face was filled with strong joy, and the straight line finally fluctuated.

Then, the lines on the heart wave display became more and more tortuous. With it, he could feel Wu Qingfang's heart beating faintly.

Seeing the gradually winding line, Lu Chong couldn't help smiling. Although he was exhausted to the extreme, he was desperate to urge the aura in his body. The aura penetrated into Wu Qingfang's heart, moistening her heart and making her heart more and more energetic.

The lines on the heart wave display are becoming more and more normal, more and more like the heart of a healthy person.

However, after a long time, Wu Qingfang still didn't wake up.

Lu Chong's smile congealed. He checked Wu Qingfang again and his face sank: "why can't she wake up?"

Under the nourishment of his aura, Wu Qingfang's body has improved a lot. Although she is still weak, she will have no problem if she slowly replenishes nutrition.

There was only one reason why she didn't wake up. When she jumped downstairs, she fell to her head and her brain nerve was seriously damaged.

For the coma caused by severe brain nerve damage, modern medicine is of no help at all. The only magic medicine Lu Chong knows is that at the bottom of the Great Rift Valley in East Africa, there is a kind of mosang flower, which is shaped like Epiphyllum, but its flowering period is shorter than that of Epiphyllum. Its flower is a peerless treasure of beauty, and its root is a peerless magic medicine for treating nerve damage!

Thinking of this, Lu Chong had a hopeful smile on his face. He said to Wu Qingfang: "Qingfang, when I get rid of the dregs in the river city, I will go to East Africa to pick mosang flowers for you! You will get better and more beautiful than before! I will make you the happiest woman in the world and ask you to have a lot of children for me..."

With the heartbeat becoming more and more stable and with the aura continuously input by Lu Chong, Wu Qingfang's pale face gradually blushed and recovered her former beauty, but her eyes were still closed, but she seemed to hear Lu Chong's words and shed crystal tears from the corners of her eyes.


The night passed quickly. When the sun shone into the ward, Jiang Xueqing, Lin Yujing, Fang Bingbing, Lin Xiaoyu, Tang Tiantian and ye Xiaomei, who had been waiting outside all night, came in.

When they came in and saw Wu Qingfang's ruddy face and tears in the corners of Wu Qingfang's eyes, they couldn't help crying with joy!

Before that, although they had hope for Lu Chong, their reason told them that the hope was very small, but they never thought that the hope finally came true, and Wu Qingfang really lived!

They looked at Lu Chong, who was as pale as paper and sweating all over. They felt a strong pain in his heart. They knew that Wu Qingfang was saved by Lu Chong with his life!

At this moment, the most shocked is Li Yuanhua, especially the fat authority of Western medicine.

They are doctors and know Wu Qingfang's situation very well. It is the person whose heart has been declared dead for a long time. It is already a corpse. Now, when they see the blush on Wu Qingfang's face and the same heart waves as normal healthy people, they are stunned and speechless!

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