Now, all those close to the Wang family and Xiang family are shocked!

The Xiang family has a relationship with the big family in the capital, and Lu Chong has a closer relationship with the capital. Now look at the four shuras around Lu Chong, and the four brown bear mercenaries who surrender. Look at Xiang Wentian who took the mobile phone from Lu Chong in panic. These people are very regretful!

They shouldn't have come here to participate in any engagement ceremony, which is equivalent to announcing that they are on the side of the Xiang family and the Wang family. Considering the mystery and horror of Lu Chong, all these famous figures in the river city feel cold in their pores!

Xiang Wentian trembled all over, and douda's cold sweat rolled down from his forehead. His arrogance was completely gone. Now he is terrified, like a lost dog.

Now he finally understood what Lu Chong had said before.

It turned out that someone really interceded for their Xiang family, and it was grandpa Wei in the capital!

Grandpa Wei used to be a big man in the center. Although he retired later, he still had a detached position and voice in the center. Xiang Wentian's great grandfather saved grandpa Wei's life, and Xiang Wentian's grandmother also devoted herself to Grandpa Wei. Therefore, Grandpa Wei has been taking care of their Xiang family, and their Xiang family has been rampant in Jiangbei for so many years, But now, just because of the little white face in front of him, Grandpa Wei didn't even read about his life-saving feelings and his affair with grandma Xiang Wentian. He just let go. It can be seen that Grandpa Wei had to compromise and give way to this little white face in front of him. What's his origin?

"Who are you? What do you want?" now, Xiang Wentian stared at Lu Chong closely. He looked like a prisoner waiting for the judge's trial.

At this time, Lu Chong didn't listen to Xiang Wen Tian at all. Instead, he closed his eyes and counted the time silently. He felt that he couldn't find it. He opened his eyes and said in a loud voice, "who am I? You'll know later!"

At this time, there were bursts of rapid braking outside the Wang Manor!

Military vehicles stopped outside the manor. Armed soldiers came down from the military vehicles and rushed into the manor.

Surrounded by these soldiers, three people walked quickly into the manor.

Everyone could see clearly that one of the tall, burly and dignified middle-aged men was Zhu Tengyun, the leader of Jiangcheng, and the middle-aged man in military uniform next to him was Shang kefang, the leader of Jiangbei military region.

When they saw Lu Chong, their eyes showed worship and awe.

In front of the two of them, there was a thin young man. He was slovenly and dressed a little sloppy, but there was a very wise light behind his black frame glasses. When he saw Lu Chong, his eyes turned red and his eyes were full of surprise and fanatical worship!

"Zhu Tengyun, Secretary of Jiangcheng municipal Party committee, reported to major general Lu!"

"Shang kefang, commander of Jiangbei military region, reported to major general Lu!"

Two important figures in both military and political circles of Jiangcheng came to Lu Chong and respectfully saluted him!

Those soldiers who rushed into the king's villa also saluted Lu: "report to major general Lu!"

Hundreds of soldiers shouted in unison throughout the manor, and all the guests were terrified just now!

God, major general! He is a major general!

The commander of Jiangbei military region is also a major general, but respectfully saluted Lu Chong, which shows that the gold content of Lu Chong's rank is higher than that of Shang kefang!

How is this possible! How is it possible for such a young major general?

But they couldn't believe it, because they couldn't help believing the salutes of Zhu Tengyun and Shang kefang!

At this time, how can Lu Chong and others care about the shock of their mole ants? Whether they are frightened or scared to death, Lu Chong won't care!

His eyes were now fixed on the thin but wise young man with a very excited look.

The skinny young Ning man with wise eyes and black framed eyes stepped forward and gave a military salute enthusiastically: "report to the Dragon God! The dragon soul and dragon wisdom came to report!"

Lu Chong couldn't help laughing. It was a natural smile for his relatives to meet again after a long separation.

He gently beat Long Zhi, then smiled and scolded, "you boy, you're still coming!"

Dragon soul, Long Zhi, in the hacker world, he is a man like God!

He is the world's top hacker, and the Skynet system he developed is everywhere.

He is the most mysterious leader of the intelligence system in China and is directly responsible to the top leader!

In China, his eyes and ears are everywhere. As long as he wants to pay attention to the things he wants to check, no one can escape his eyes!

Internationally, Long Zhi has created miracles.

The world's top four intelligence organizations, the Central Intelligence Agency of moldy country, the sixth military intelligence office of Britain, Mossad of Israel and the KGB of Russia, all of their intelligence networks have been attacked by Long Zhi, and they are helpless and regard Long Zhi as a lifelong enemy!

Such a god like man, after seeing Lu Chong, his excitement was hard to hide. He came forward and hugged Lu Chong tightly, with tears in his eyes.

He is long Zhi, the dragon of wisdom that frightens the Western intelligence world.

But there was only one person he admired most in his life, their boss, the Dragon God!

Although Lu Chong never asked, Long Zhi kept Lu Chong and the people around him in mind and monitored them closely.

After Lu Chong left Jiangcheng for Shanghai, Long Zhi discovered the changes in the situation in Jiangcheng. Then he knew that Wu Qingfang jumped out of a building and committed suicide. Then he flew to Jiangcheng from the capital overnight.

Seeing Lu Chong's face pale and bloodless, Long Zhi knew that Lu Chong must have taken pains to treat Wu Qingfang, just like long Xin who treated the dragon soul in those years.

When Long Zhi thought of this, his eyes became hotter and wetter.

Then he took out a stack of data and handed it to Lu Chong.

Lu Chong took the information, looked at it one by one, and then looked at a person below.

His move made the following guests all on pins and needles!

"Dragon soul? Dragon soul?" Xiang Wentian was completely stupid at this time. He looked dull and muttered to himself like a fool. Suddenly, he thought of something. His legs were soft, he sat on the ground and exclaimed, "God, he was the Dragon God..."

Xiang Wentian raised his head and looked at Lu Chong's handsome face with dull eyes. He always refused to believe that the boss of the dragon soul, the Dragon God who frightened the underground forces all over the world, was a 20-year-old young man.

Xiang Wentian has been to the capital several times with his grandmother. He has heard a lot about the deeds of the Dragon God. It is a Chinese hero and a Chinese myth. The Dragon God has a huge network in the capital, because the Dragon God not only has extraordinary force, but also has amazing medical skills. Many big people are looking at him to take care of his body and prolong his life!

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