The Coldest CEO was my first love

Chapter 19:Can he stay here for a while

Bey and Mario froze in front of Bey's parents' house.

Their feet felt heavy to step in, Bey clenched her fists and swung stiffly, to get rid of the worry.

Sometimes she glanced at Mario, The face of the man next to her was tensed, Mario biting his lip, it was a habit when he felt worried.

Sometimes Mario's behavior made Bey's lips smiled. But now it is not the time for her to smile.

~ This is the first time I brought a man home ~

"Next time I'll come to your house again." Mario was about to turn around but Bey tried to catch the hem of his shirt without changing her standing position, She looked down to hide her face.

~ What should I say ~ Bey is confused about what to say.

She prevented Mario from wanting to escape from this awkward situation.

Bey looked down at the packing house with a hot face.

~ How is this ~ Bey pissed off.


The middle-aged woman, the owner of the house, opened the main door. She also froze seeing her daughter in the front f their house while pinching the hem of a young man's shirt with his back to them.

"Bey .." she said.

Bey could see her mother's startled face as she opened the door. Her eyeballs stared straight at her daughter then Follow the direction of Bey's hand reaching the hem of Mario's shirt.

Her eyes stopped when she met Mario's face, who turned around.

Mario bowed politely and hid his face by looking down.

There was a big question mark on Mama's astonished face.

Bey glanced at Mario, He straightened his stance when he saw Mom who was standing in front of them.

I was silent, Mario was silent and Mama was silent

Time also seemed to be silent.


Inside the Bey family's house, in the main room where many photos are displayed on the walls, covering a third of the white walls of their house.

Bey sits on the sofa in gray synthetic leather, Mario is in the opposite direction, the atmosphere was cold and a little bit tense.

Bey's father sat in a single chair with both hands clasped on the table while Bey's mother stood next to the middle-aged man.

Bey's father's probing eyes made the young couple flutter with fear.

Now and then, the two of them glanced at each other, confirming their respective circumstances.

Mario's forehead was sweating, his back was straight, his hands clenched at the corner of his knee. He was very tense.

Bey could see her lover's tension, she also got panic attacks in front of her parents, She tried to be calm and not as clear as her lover's body language.

"What's your name?" Asked the father breaking the silence.

"Ma, Mario uncle, eh sir" Mario's voice sounded shaky and scared.

~Geez, I'm also worried and afraid, how could Mario possibly stay here ~

Bey did not dare to look at the faces of her father and mother.

Where did the spontaneous invitation idea come from, she sighed heavily

"Have we met?" Papa's voice sounded heavy, his eyes staring intently at Mario's face, while the opposite didn't dare to look at him.

Mario was still scared, he looked down at the floor.

Bey shuffled her feet hoping Mario understood the code she was sending,

~ Mario, raise your head! "

She asked Mario to raise his head in reply to her papa's question.

Maybe, Mario finally understood the code for his lover's leg movements, he slowly turned his head confusedly at Bey.

Bey raised an eyebrow asking Mario to immediately answer papa's question.

Mario looked very nervous, he tried to glance at Daddy Bey's face but looked down again.

~ Geez Mario! ~ Bey could only smile bitterly.

"Is your name Mario!" papa's index ignored Mario.

Bey's boyfriend and tried to lift his head, he nodded slowly, yes.

"I saw on the news, oh my, what a mess." Papa continued, making Bey and Mario's faces gawked in disbelief, didn't he know about the scandal?

"Huh !!" Mom was surprised too.

Bey frowned,

why papa knows better than me? She grumbled.

papa smiled as he pointed to the newspaper sheet on the table,

haha! Bey put on a face of disbelief, ~ papa was more updated than me, while I know from Reo, geez Papa is more advanced! ~

it seems like the atmosphere has melted a little, seeing that the faces of papa and mama are not as sharp as before.

"Pa" Bey took a deep breath before continuing the sentence, oh that feels so heavy!

"Can Mario stay here for a while?" Bey tried to put on a pleading face, hoping that she could melt her parents' hearts.

I understand, my request is hard to accept how can a girl ask a young man to stay at her house, especially when this was Mario's first visit, at a super absurd moment.

"Yes .." papa nodded, followed by a smile from mama.

What Seriously, this easy for you to accept Mario? ah, I think this is just my imagination.

"As parents, their children must rely on. Wise parents must understand the situation of their son or daughter." Papa's voice made Bey want to cry in tears.

Bey was still confused by her ears.

Did you hear that? She turned to Mario.

looking at his face, Mario also looked surprised, but the slight smile on his lips indicated that he was happy.

Bey stared at the faces of her mother and father in turn, the faces of the warm parents.

"Are mom and dad sure?" Bey still didn't want to easily believe it, she convinced herself once again.

"Yes, of course, Mario is being targeted by reporters, it must be very tiring to handle all of that" replied Papa diplomatically.

He stood up from his seat, followed by Mario, they shook hands and gave a warm smile, even papa's palms stroked Mario's shoulder, what's this atmosphere?

Bey also rose from the seat and approached papa, She took turns hugging her parents.

Mama landed a warm kiss on Bey's cheek, seeing their smiles that kept on convincing Bey that all was well.

Then she glanced at the face of her boyfriend, even Mario bared his teeth. There were slight tears in the corner of this handsome man's eyes.

Thank you, papa and mama.

After tidying up the guest room, Bey returned to the main room and was ready to take Mario to the guest room, Mama followed with a blanket and pillow in her hand.

"Thank you, aunt," said Mario, still looking awkward and nervous, Mom nodded quickly to receive Mario's sincere words

"Come on, let's eat first," Mom put her arms around her daughter's shoulder, leaving Mario's room, Mama also invited Mario to walk in front of us...

"Thank you ma," whispered Bey

"He is very handsome, my daughter is smart to choose a lover," said Mom, making Bey's face flushed with embarrassment

"aah Mama .." she said shyly as she continued to stare at Mario's back.

It's like a dream, he's here tonight, and we'll even spend dinner together.

As mama said, Mario is handsome, even from behind his back, his wide back steals the eyes of any girl, especially for me!

Today Bey was very happy, even complete with papa and mama by her side.

Looking at papa who was waiting at the dining table with a warm face, Bey jogged, she pulled out chairs for her mom, Mario, and herself.

Bey turned her head, Mario did not immediately sit in his chair, he was still standing, Papa looked at Mario's clumsy behavior.

"Come on, sit down," said daddy.

Mario hesitated to accept his chair, his expression could not be guessed, he seemed to be smiling, pulling a bitter smile.

"Sorry Om, I never eat with my family."

Mario's sentence thrills Bey, how could he forget how to eat with family?

"Then, from today always remember, you are part of this family" Papa reached out his hand, invited Mario to sit down.

Papa asked him without hesitation to give a loose smile, Mario smiled back at him.

They have dinner together at the dinner table, where was the best place to tell stories, the occasional laugh, joke, all mingle and spill there, any food tastes good when eaten with family.

Bey felt her heart warm. Warmth due to the complete family with the presence of Mario.

"Make papa a banner for the shop," asked Papa during their chat

"Papa has a personal supermodel for our bakery," said Papa, pointing to Bey.

Mama laughed out loud, followed by Papa and Mario, Bey hid her embarrassment behind her palms.

Ah, how ridiculous Papa's joke! embarrassed me in front of Mario. What was a supermodel!

They live from the bakery.

Every time there was a variety of new bread flavors, Bey will be appointed to be a model and advertise their bread with a large banner adorning the glass walls of the shop.

Mario was an experienced photographer, which is why papa asked Mario to make a banner for their bakery.

"Surely your bread is delicious and in-demand" Mario teased in response to Bey's father's request.

His eyes stole a glance at Bey, his smile was very loose this time, he looked happy.

"Of course, even Cameron Diaz eh who is your idol?" papa pointed at Bey, his daughter frowned trying to think.

"Giselle pa, Gisele Bundchen" Bey replied quickly.

Seriously, the world's top model was juxtaposed with an ordinary student like me! papa is an extraordinary hallucination Bey hissed in her heart, but seeing everyone laughing, she was happy too.

Laughter and happiness are pleasures of life!

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