The Coldest CEO was my first love

Chapter 28:First time (mature)

Bey holds a bottle of drink while sitting on a dining table chair leading to the kitchen window while Mario slings on the side of the dining table, they stared at each other.

Long after they were glued to each other, the wind from the window blew Bey's long hair, it felt cool on her skin.

The tip of Mario's shirt moves, the neck of the shirt was wet with sweat and mineral water spills, making Bey will always remember clearly this moment.

Bey enjoys every moment with her lover while continuing to stare at Mario's handsome face.

Mario reaches into his pocket, he slightly diverts his face, he hides his blushing red face as it resists the turmoil inside his chest.

Slowly Mario pulled his hand from inside the pocket, he pulls out a box and opening the box.

a ring!

Bey was flabbergasted at the sight of a small object at her lover's fingertips.

"Sorry this isn't an expensive ring, I just can't wait to give it to you," said Mario quietly shyly.

Bey can see the red hue and shyness on Mario's face.

Mario steals a glanced at the corner of his squinting sickle eye, gw wants to find out and wants to see his beloved girl's reaction.

Bey was surprised, her facial expressions are uncontrolled between shock and also amazed she did not expect to see a small object in Mario's hand.

All of that made her heart shake violently, gave her goosebumps, she was never imagined that Mario would buy her a ring.

The man in front of her at this moment, embarrassed, his nervousness visible.

Bey never thought if loving could be this happy if having a boyfriend would be as amazing as this.

Bey's eyes stared at Mario's face, slightly fading, as the eyes begin to glaze.

She reached out and opened her fingers, Mario awkwardly attached the tiny ring to her ring finger, with his hands slightly shaking.


Bey immediately hugs Mario and whispers while holding back the happy cry.

"Thank you, honey.." he stroked Bey's hair, wiping - gently.

Bey couldn't contain her tears and feelings, the feelings in her heart scrambling to overflow.

all the turbulent feelings of happiness, bursting like being held at the base of the tongue, Bey whispered for the umpteenth time while holding back the tears that are now rolling down on her cheeks.

"thank you.." Mario nodded quietly replying whispered from Bey's lips.

Mario looks embarrassed and hesitant but in the end, he utters the sentence he has been withheld since earlier.

"May I kiss you?" No need to wait for time to get the answer.

Bey nodded quickly, answering her lover's question, allowing the blushing handsome man's face to take the kiss he wanted.

You're the man I'm going to be with for the rest of my life! Her mind was happy.

Bey imagines wearing a wedding dress and holding Mario's hand.

Ahh... I'm too happy! I can't imagine our wedding, our happy day and everyone present as witnesses, it's going to be amazing.

Her delusions began to fly.

Now I'm not just allowing you to kiss me, Mario, you know obviously that, my eyesight on your face was becoming so bad because of all these feelings, my chest was shaking just by looking at your handsome eyes right now.

"What's wrong?" Mario asked, wondering to find the deep eyes of his lover.

He just landed a little kissed but why would Bey expected more

Mario lifts Bey's body from the chair to sit on the edge of the dining table.

He bends down slightly equalizing their height, his face approaching Bey's face slowly, making his lover smiled.

Mario pinches the corner of Bey's nose.

"Why are you pinching me.." Bey whines spoiled. She replies to Mario's pinch with a faint touch on her lover's lips.

Bey lands kissing several times over Mario's supple and seductive lips, making her lover laughed.

"Do you want to try it one more time?" Mario asked the question that makes Bey nervous.

That question sounds ambiguous in Bey's ear.

What did that mean, trying to do that? Bey's head was starting to think of all sorts of things.

"Someday, I'll try to propose to you properly." Hearing Mario's explanation makes Bey's eyeballs rounded, so you mean to propose, not to the room! You perverted head

"Mario... "Bey can't defuse turbulent emotions bursting into her heart.

She was too happy, happy to have Mario, and that made her feel unstoppable.

Mario let go hugged Bey's waist, his hand pinching the tip of Bey's chin gently, making Bey's face slightly raised.

Bey's head was raised, looking straight into Mario's warmed eyes

I like this guy! I forgot all I had when I was with you, all I wanted was to enjoy your time, Mario.

I want everything, I hope you do too.

Bey's face was getting hotter, her body too, she can no longer control the emotions in her chest, all she wants right now is to be with her lover without any more separation

He touches Bey's neck with the tip of his index finger, making her breath go up and down.

Bey tries to hold her breath but she can't stand the touch of a warm wide palm along her neck.

Bey feels the heart of the two of them clashing as Mario gets closer to her position.

He grabbed Bey's waist with both hands, raised his lover's body, he held Bey.

Took his lover to the room

Bey stares at Mario's smiling face, his good looks can intoxicate anyone.

They seem to understand each other's increasingly deep and meaningful gazed.

He smiled again, kissing Bey's forehead very gently so that Bey could feel his supple lips on the forehead.

His finger smoothed Bey's hair, now he bites her lips slowly like holding back the desired inside of them.

"Bey, are you ready? "Bey's conscience tickled at the sight of her partially bitten lips,

"it's a first for me, so forgive me if I make a lot of mistakes" Bey nodded her head in response to Mario's words.

She tried to understand the sentence her lover whispered just now, Bey's nodded was enough to follow his whisper.

The various flavors whipped on both chests, the feeling of beautiful, happy immeasurable because it is the first time for them, ah this makes both of them felt awkward and scared.

Mario takes off his clothes very slowly as his eyes are reluctant to turn away from Bey's face.

All feelings of pleasure, anxiety, panic, curiosity aah.. everything becomes one.

Bey holds her chest which continues to rumble, her eyes can see the shape of her lover's hardened muscles.

Oh, my Gosh! He's super hot! fish... Her breath was getting heavier, her eyes really can't resist the beautiful figure in front of her face right now.

Mario grabbing the end of Bey's shirt, he helps take off the clothes that are still intact on his lover's body.

Bey is just subdued with a whipping feeling, they behave awkwardly and stiffly to each other, this is the first time for Bey and also for Mario

Mario leads Bey's body to rest on his bed, their eyes staring deeply at each other, until the two of them touch each other, feeling the body temperature that meets and feels warm.

Mario crawls upon his lover's body, not forgetting to make a dim light to cover his red face.

He lands a kiss on Bey's forehead, on the tip of the nose, and then kisses in his lover's lips, pulverizes wet, and tastes sweet of his lover's oral cavity.

Hot breaths collide with each other with rebellious hearts, their skin that meets feels warm, heated, and burning.

He tries for the first time and doesn't seem to be going well while Bey tries to contain the screams with both hands covering her mouth.

She's trying to hold her voice down not to scream.

Mario tries once again, finding a home for his weapon behind a blanket.

Arriving at a place that felt wet and deep, he took a deep breath.

It hurts so much! It's like my body's stuck in a sharp iron! Bey screams in the heart, the corners of her eyes wet.

"Bey..." Mario whispers while holding his body resting on the tip of his elbow, he licks the corner of his lover's wet eyes like a cat. "My dear, I love you.." he whispers with a heavy sigh that makes his chest move up and down.

Bey can't be answering her lover's whispers, she's trying to withstand the pain down there, her hands gripping Mario's shoulders and back so hard that she unknowingly hurting her lover's skin.

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