The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 01038Yuma's confusion

That month, Nangong, known as the witch of the gap, used space transfer to bring the crowded Nie Kong three people to a large house in a high-class residential area, with spacious and luxurious decorations!

That month, Nangong, known as the witch of the gap, used space transfer to bring the crowded Nie Kong three people to a large house in a high-class residential area, with spacious and luxurious decorations!!

The chain that locked Ah Ye only lasted for one minute. She pushed Nie Kong away in a panic, sorting out her messy clothes with both hands.

"This house is my residence in the Mozu Special Zone. If you don't dislike it, you can live here." That month proudly introduced his mansion.

"How sad, do you want to stay in your dreams and refuse to wake up?" Ah Ye sneered.

"Indeed, you treat me as an unreal projection. Ah Ye can sleep on the same bed with him as a husband and wife like last night." Na Yuechan raised her head and said something misleading. Come.

Ah Ye Qiao blushed and strongly denied: "What nonsense is you talking about, who slept with him? But you, did you pretend to be asleep and kiss him deliberately."

"A Ye, do you want to quarrel?" Nangong Nayue akimbo, looking at Ah Ye fiercely.

"Who is afraid of you, one day I will take back the secret affidavit from your memory. Do you think I will make peace with you?" Ah Ye's beautiful ruby ​​eyes looked hard at that moon, and the air smelled of gunpowder. Full.

"Go on, I'm going to take a bath in the bathroom." Nie Kong was too lazy to deal with their dispute, and set off for the bathroom.The two women didn't seem to notice Nie Kong's departure, and there seemed to be a flash of electric spark in the eyes of each other.

Lori Youma, who was watching from the sidelines, didn't know what to do, so she could only use Nie Kong as her support.

"You Ma... You Ma helped my father rub his back." Unable to adapt to the atmosphere, You Ma timidly followed Nie Kong to the bedroom.

Nie Kong came to the bathroom, which was full of pink decorations.Even the bathtub is relatively small, and Nie Kong may take up his general physique as soon as he sits down. I wonder if Yuechan designed a bathroom suitable for his body shape.After washing his hair and washing his body in the shower, Nie Kong took off his clothes and sat in a small bathtub filled with hot water.

Before Nie Kong had time to enjoy the long-lost warm bath, the bathroom door creaked open.

Nie Kong squinted his eyes, and blushing You Ma appeared.

"Yomajang, what's wrong?"

"Occasionally, I have to help my father, wash and take a bath together, and rub her back!" Yuma, who was blushing to the base of her ears because of her shyness, slowly took off her clothes, stepped into the tub and sank her waist, and sat down in Nie Kong. Behind.

"Does You Majiang have anything to worry about?" Nie Kong asked, feeling the strangeness of her actions.

"One. Take a bath together...Don't my father like it?"

"Nothing like that, but I think you have something hidden in your heart, and you have been unhappy." Nie Kong replied.Since Ah Ye abandoned her, her eyes have always been dim, she should be more sad than anyone else.

"I don't have the memory of six years ago. The minimum knowledge required for daily life and the contract with the devil belong to all memories. I was born as six years old. I am alone in the basement of the castle. I often ask the maid of the artificial life body. , Where is your mother? Your mother is in the prison enchantment, and the maid always answers like this. Telling my mother about the situation, it is in the Tokyo Metropolitan City of String God, a prison located in the Far East Mozu Special Zone, and the world A different sealed space, an eternal death place, a time maze without an exit. Only when my mother is betrayed by the hateful witch of the gap, will I be imprisoned in the abyss of darkness! My mother gave me life to use it as a trump card to escape that prison . And I’m a pure-blood witch who was born with a contract with the devil, a blue witch guarded by a blue knight! I don’t understand anything. I only understand that my mother is locked in a remote place, and that my mother wants to escape. There, you must have yourself. I have always believed in my mission to rescue my mother when I grow up. But..."

You Ma paused, and Nie Kong could perceive You Ma burying his face behind his back: "But, since I was born to escape from prison, what will happen to her when the purpose is achieved? After leaving prison, your mother obviously doesn’t need Yuma anymore. Is the value of Yuma’s existence now?"

It seems that Ah Ye’s maids often brainwash her, everything is part of the vast magic, and those are all part of the sophisticated procedures for spawning prison escape items.

"Okay, don't be mediocre. Abandon everything before and start your new life tomorrow." Nie Kong hugged You Ma from behind in front of him, looking at the cute and pretty face showing a soft side, very Provoking pity.

He helped her wipe away the tears, "Since the last mission is completed, then make the next mission yourself."

"Make it yourself?" Yuma sobbed, staring blankly at her new father.

"Yes, for example, do you want to be a good daughter of your father in the future, and try to get your mother to recognize yourself or something. In fact, many people will have the same troubles as you, but the purpose of specifying goals is not to make life full and Are you happy?" Nie Kong made up casually.

"Well, Youma understands. Youma will be a good daughter of the father and will let the mother recognize Youma." Her pretty face of the tomboy regained its brilliance, and her hands held Nie Kong's neck tightly. Faces pressed tightly together.

"I will always be by your side." Nie Kong couldn't help kissing her on the cheek. You Ma Qiao blushed and responded to Nie Kong, giving him a hard kiss on his right cheek.

"Thank you, my father."

"By the way, what is the relationship between Father, Father and Mother? Are you Yuma's real father?" Yuma asked curiously.

"Um, I guess... it may be in the future, but now and A Ye are just ordinary friends." Nie Kong said with a hesitant.

"Hehe... Come on, Father, you must work hard to become Yuma's true father."

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