The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 01041, the runaway of spirit blood

Nie Kong held his chin with his left hand and looked absently at the sky outside the window. The cute and slightly illegible sound of that month faintly heard in his ears, but it was a pity that he was chanting some bird language.She teaches English classes and serves as the head teacher for Nie Kong and the others.

Although she is small, she has a wonderful sense of majesty and leadership in the college.As a very capable teacher, the students' comments on her are very good. Many people like to call her "Nayuejiang" intimately.Therefore, apart from Sasaki Cape, Nie Kong is the second existence who dared to provoke Nayue, as her student.Often absent from class, and most of the class time is in daze and sleep.However, his classmates admired him very much because he showed excellent academic performance.

Suddenly, Nie Kong noticed that the back mountain of the school burst out in an instant of magical fluctuations, and the magical power was obviously out of control!

"That Yuechan, I have something to ask for leave for a while." Without waiting for her to agree, Nie Kong rushed out of the classroom in two or three steps.Without waiting for him to use teleport to see what happened, it felt like someone was holding the corner of his clothes.

"Asshole, don't run around casually." Turning around, Ah Ye looked at herself upright.

"Well, I almost forgot to take Ah Ye." Nie Kong smiled and took her soft little hand.A Ye struggling slightly, letting Nie Kong hold her tightly as if she accepted her fate, her cheeks were slightly red.

Nie Kong took Ah Ye to use teleport to appear from the teaching building to the back mountain of the college.

A small park surrounded by green trees and grass, less than ten minutes’ walk from Caihai Academy.A small gray building can be seen in the depths, which looks like a monastery.

"Help..." A cry of horror and misery came from the monastery, making people horrified.And the voice is very immature, obviously from an eleven or twelve-year-old girl.

"What happened?" Ah Ye asked aloud.

"It seems something is serious." Behind them, A Ye made a quiet voice, confused.He has an inexplicable leadership tone and mysterious coercion.A loli in a luxurious dress and holding a parasol full of lace came in an instant.

"Then, that Yuechan!? You don't have to go to class anymore?" Nie Kong wasn't surprised at her arrival.The magic power fluctuates greatly, and she has already noticed it with her magic cultivation base

"Are you embarrassed to say it?" Na Yue muttered.: From the intelligence network of the attacker, I learned that the spiritual blood of the sage seems to be sealed in the Yadilad Monastery!"

"The spiritual blood of the sage, what is that?" Nie Kong asked in confusion.

"The crimson liquid metal life form with independent will created by the great alchemist Nina Yadilad two hundred and seventy years ago can be called the perfect work of the alchemist. If you can transplant your soul into In the immortal metal life form, not only can it become truly immortal, but it also possesses the same powerful magic power as the true ancestor. Depending on the situation, is the spiritual blood of the sage resurrected? The monastery adopts a lot of spiritual abilities As a tribute!" That month's bulging eyes stared at the front and whispered.

"Don't pretend to be arrogant, go inside and see the situation." Nie Kong held the two women's little hands tightly and directly used the place where the incident occurred in the monastery.

The situation inside was very tragic. I saw a red blood-like metal sphere exuding riot magic constantly devouring the little loli of the monastery, and there were less than three dozen loli left.One of them has silver hair that reminds people of snow, and pale blue eyes that resemble glaciers.Perhaps due to the color of the hair and eyes, the beautiful girl makes people feel an indescribable nobility.Her height is almost the same as You Ma, and her refined appearance reveals a sense of holiness.

They were afraid to curl up and had no power to resist.The metal spheres flowed out a shiny liquid like liquid, one by one submerged the loli into the red metal.When Nie Kong and the others arrived, there were only a girl who was beautiful as a nun and a partner hugging each other.The metallic liquid didn't mean to stop, the feet of another girl were drowning like their bodies.

"Stop it!" I can't help but save her.

"Ah..." The moment Nie Kong shot, the pure and refined Lori closed her eyes tightly, and her body exploded with a powerful spiritual force, pushing the bright red metallic liquid back several meters.It's a pity that the partner she embraced has turned into sparkling metal below the knee.Her body also had more or less injuries, perhaps when she ran away.

Seeing that the spiritual blood of the sage was about to attack again, Nie Kong's figure stood in front of the two women.

It seems that Nie Kong is not in his eyes, the spiritual blood of the sage is overflowing and flooding towards Nie Kong.Nie Kong slapped hard, and the whole red liquid burst into powder with a bang.Strangely, the magic has not disappeared.The powdered red blood reunited little by little, like Buu immortal in the world of Dragon Ball!

Seeing Nie Kong's appearance, the two women looked at Nie Kong tremblingly.Nie Kong simply looked very gentle, and a gentle smile could dispel fear.If she has a temperament like a nun, then Nie Kong's temperament is as warm as an angel, like a god in the eyes of the two women!

"Idiot, if you want to defeat the sage's spiritual blood, you must defeat the nucleus that controls the switch on its body!" Ah Ye reminded lightly.

Nie Kong looked at it, and as expected, there was a black sphere in the middle.It was similar in shape, and there was one in an abandoned corner of the monastery, but at that moment it was a gem like a fire ruby.

"You don't need to take action, that is the job of the demon attacker."

Many silver chains appeared in the space, tied to the sage's spiritual blood, but unfortunately the spiritual blood turned into liquid and escaped.Na Yue Qiao's face was tense, the golden knight behind appeared, and the sharp sword in her hand stabbed out of thin air.

There was a circle of ripples in the space, and the point of the sword appeared in the core refining position of the spiritual blood in an instant, which smashed it with a click.The whole group of spiritual blood seems to have lost energy and froze strangely.The liquid solidified into a solid state, like a huge ruby.

"It seems to be sealed again, it is too dangerous to keep it. Regardless, that is not something I should consider." Nayue said lightly.

"Hehe, I think it's easy to destroy it. Would you like to give it a try?"

"No, who told you to refuse to be a demon attacker. Now that the matter is over, you can go back to class for me." Na Yuechan hummed.

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