The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional body 01047, exposed

She screamed, and her splayed leg was gathered and quickly clamped tightly, leaving no gap.She blinked, as if a bit teary and shy.Rao is the Yaze Keshu who grew up with his childhood sweetheart, and it was the first time I saw Asumi show that expression. Is he hurt?

Nie Kong was very keen on the girl's pain, not to mention that he was observing the match in Qian Cong, so he came to her for the first time.Nie Kong originally helped her up, but she was strangely unwilling.

"Qian Cong, are you okay." The classmates finally noticed the abnormality, and gathered around, asking her about her situation.

"It seems to have strained the thigh muscles with excessive force!!" Qian Cong lowered her pretty face, and desperately pulled her boxer leggings with her hands, acting suspiciously.

"Let's help you to the health room. You must be treated as soon as possible." The women were enthusiastic, but they saw what Qian Cong Qiao's blushing had become, and they kept waving her hands to refuse.

"Senior, you have specially allowed you to carry yourself to the health room." She said with a bit of shame. Although she speaks like a buddy, she has a little bit of a girlish taste.

"Well, the remaining time for this class is running out. You are free to move around. Now classmate Qian Cong's foot is injured, I want to take her to the health room." After Nie Kong arranged it, his hands passed through Qian Cong and held tightly. He hugged her horizontally on her knees.The compact body is only 150cm high and has a unique fragrance.Loli is small, but as beautiful as Yuma.

Her eyes panicked for a moment, and she pulled her trousers with her hands.A part of the trousers surrounded by the sports pants around the waist was exposed, pure white and black.

The classmates in the class suddenly realized, "It turned out that Qian Cong had that idea, so I was so envious. I really want to hold myself in that way."

The white calf is very slender and slender, and the skin is full of smooth and tender touch.She pulled her pants tightly, and did not actively embrace Nie Kong.

"Before going to the health room, can you go to the changing room to change your clothes?" Qian Cong asked foolishly.

"No, change after treatment, otherwise it will get worse!"

Nie Kong had no doubts, and directly brought Qian Cong to the school health room.After pushing the door open, he found that the teacher in the health room was not there, and a male student in the third grade of junior high school planned to lie lazily on the bed in the health room and skip class.

"What are you going to do? Don't get in the way in the health room if you have any health problems." Nie Kong glared at the classmate and scared him to escape from the health room.I have to say that the health room is very popular among students who are absent in the second dimension.

Gently put the light green onion with her head in her arms like an ostrich on the white bed, let her sit on the bed, and found her blushing pretty face and panic in her eyes.

"The health care teacher is not there, does Qian Cong's feet matter?" Nie Kong asked warmly.

"It feels...there is no big problem. I can rest for a few minutes. Senior take me back to the changing room." Qian Cong weakly said.

"No, as your teacher, you can't do irresponsible things!" Nie Kong forced Qian Cong to sit on the hospital bed.

"Since the health care teacher is not here, I will give you emergency treatment. It must be painful to see if you hold onto the position of your strain." Nie Kong had experience in being a girl-in-law before, because Chunca twisted her ankle in physical education class. .

He cleanly flipped through the medicine cabinet in the health room, and soon found an ice pack out, not to mention how skilled he was.

"Ice compress can relieve the pain, and the health care teacher will help you see it after you come. Otherwise, you will not be able to attend the next class in your current state. You will be injured, and I have a responsibility."

Nie Kong squatted in front of Qian Cong without authorization, holding the ice bag in his hand and looking at her tightly closed thigh.

Holding her closed knees domineeringly with both hands, he noticed every piece of her skin slippery.

"Light onion, let me apply it for you."

", I...I'm alright." She was completely stupid, shaking her mature head constantly.

"What are you shy? I won't peek at your trousers." Nie Kong didn't care, thinking she was shy, so she gently opened her tightly closed thighs and pulled away the position she was holding tightly.

"Ah, don't look, don't look..." She shook her hand in front of Nie Kong in a panic, as if to stop Nie Kong's sight.

Nie Kong removed her thighs, making her legs an M shape.He finally saw a "huge wound" that spread from the back to the front. The "wound" was very important.

The position of the crotch of the tight-fitting four-corner sports pants was split from the hip position to the front, revealing a one-centimeter opening, and the inside of the hole was white!

The trousers of pure white cotton completely appeared in Nie Kong's eyes.The pants are so cute, with a little white rabbit with red eyes.It tightly covers the important position, and the dented crack can be seen vaguely, although the outline of the crack is not very large.

"Kacha..." The ice bag in Nie Kong's hand fell, but he didn't care about it anymore.

Is it growing? Is it growing?Nie Kong's head banged, and a strange thought lingered. He never expected to see such a beautiful picture.No wonder she kept pulling her pants, no wonder she kept asking to the changing room. It turned out that Qian Cong was not injured, but because the pants were broken.Once someone helped her up, trousers would be exposed in the walking room, so I would ask Nie Kong.Because Nie Kong was much more reliable than Yase Keshu, and she felt that if it was Yase Keshu, she would definitely be very embarrassed to meet in the future, because he was a buddy of her own.

So you can't let your classmates know, otherwise you will lose face and get hurt.Unexpectedly, Nie Kong would not care to take her directly to the health room, and pulled her thighs apart.

"Woo, it's over, Senior has seen everything." She was so ashamed that she wanted to die, and circles of mosquito coils appeared in her energetic eyes.The shame of a girl is something I don't want to be seen by others, and it's a boy.

The current posture of the two of them was so lustful, Nie Kong squatted in front of her, broke her leg and put his face into her leg.

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