The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0104, cooperate to destroy the world

Alkad is known as the oldest vampire man. In the past, he almost destroyed human beings by one person. He absorbed countless demons in his body and turned into huge monsters. His attack took only 7 days to turn the continent into a sea of ​​fire. .

At this time, another real ancestor of the vampire, Akash, united with the enchanter Touhou undefeated, and the slayer, Godko Shinaki, fought and won the battle with Alkad.In order to seal Alkad, Akash entered Alkad's body to give the final blow, and then fell asleep with Alkad.After 170 years, Akash was awakened by Zhu Ran’s family and combined with Zhu Ranyi tea to give birth to Mengxiang.But in the process of deep sleep, the power of his true ancestor is completely synchronized with the power of Alkad's true ancestor, giving Alkad the possibility of recovery.

When Moexiang was young, Alkad, the ancestor of the vampire, woke up from the seal because of Moexiang's awakening power of the ancestor. In order to save Moexiang, Akasha voluntarily entered Alkad again and sealed Alkad.

Therefore, if you can find the true body of Alkad, and awaken the power of the true ancestor in Mengxiang's body to synchronize with it, you can wake up Alkad in the seal!

This is Nie Kong's plan. If it succeeds, not only will his strength be improved, but the world will also fall into a panic.

"It's really looking forward to it, the legendary ancestor of vampires, Alkad, and Akash, who is sleeping in it!" Nie Kong smiled softly, turned away from the chairman's office and walked out.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Nie Kong who was thinking just walked out the door as if hitting a soft object.

"Don't get in the way, didn't you see that I was thinking about something!" Nie Kong waved his hand unconsciously, and with a snap, he flew away the person who hit him!When Nie Kong reacted, he realized what he had just done.

"Woo... it's all because of Concubine Ruin's mistake that hit the master, Master, you should punish Concubine Ruan. You can go too far, come on and beat Concubine Ruon harder, hit your lovely bitch!" I saw Concubine Ruan lying on the ground. Concubine, suddenly crawled to Nie Kong's feet and hugged his legs, her face flushed with craziness that seemed to cry and laugh.

It's too M. Concubine Ruo's physique is too M. I just slapped her on the face lightly, so happy and excited.Although I want to continue to insult Concubine Ru, the time and place are not suitable.

"Master, why did you appear in the chairman's office?" Ayano asked Nie Kong suspiciously, holding a stack of tall documents in her hand.

"Nothing, just to help the chairman of the board to do a little thing. By the way, Ayano, come with me, I have something to tell you!" Nie Kong saw the servant Ayano Empress, his heart moved up. I wanted her to talk about cooperation with Yuka no Kuni on her behalf.

"Yes, Master!" Ayano refreshed, and after handing over the documents in her hand to Concubine Ruin, she followed Nie Kong as a loyal servant.Concubine Ru, who only has a sad expression on her face, is not satisfied.

The two came to the office building of the committee one after another.The office building in front of me didn't know how long it had not been repaired. It looked like a haunted house that no one had lived in for a long time.

"Student Nie Kong? You are the classmate Nie Kong, the chairperson of Class 1, Class 3." Suddenly a seventeen or eighteen-year-old man with eyes came into the room, looking very sunny.

"you are?"

"My name is Takeshi Kaneshiro and I am the chairman of the committee. I have heard from the chairman. From today on, you will be a new member of our committee. Welcome to join us!" It turns out that he is Takeshi Kaneshiro. No wonder his face is better than other monsters. That's a lot, it turns out to be human.

"You are Jincheng Wudu, long admiring your name!" A smile flashed across Nie Kong's face as he looked at Jincheng Wudu who held out his hand with a smile.

"Hey, have you heard my name before." Takeshi Kaneshiro retracted his hand in embarrassment and asked in surprise.

"As the leader of the anti-school faction, how could I not know him?" Nie Kong's next sentence made the kindly Jincheng Wudu's eyes condensed murderously.

"Haha...Classmate Nie Kong, you are joking, I am not some leader of the anti-school sect."

"It doesn't matter if you don't admit it, I know your purpose very well. Isn't it just taking advantage of the school festival to destroy the enchantment of Yanghai College, causing chaos and war between the human world and the monsters?" Nie Kong didn't care.

"You...who are you? Is it the person sent by the chairman to stop me?" Jincheng Wudu's face showed hideousness, not a bit of gentleness and elegance before!His first reaction was that his plan was discovered.

"Don't worry, I am the only one who knows about you, the chairman does not know. But I have something to discuss with you about the kingdom of Yuga." Hearing Nie Kong's words, Jincheng Wudu kept backing away, his face He showed a look of uncertainty.

"Not only the anti-school, but also the details of Yuga's country? He said he is not the chairman of the board, why are you looking for me?"

After a few minutes of silence, Wudu Jincheng gritted his teeth and said, "Come with me, it is not convenient to talk here!"

This is indeed the case. If these things that destroy the Academy are said here, if anyone hears them, they will set off a huge wave!

Nie Kong nodded and led Ayano behind Jincheng Wudu. They came to a very secret room. In the gloomy room there were a dozen unscrupulous monsters who did not go to class.

"Wu Du, isn't he the pure-blood monster vampire Nie Kong, the leader of the Friends Department, did you bring him here like this?" The wandering monster Wuya in the anti-school sect looked at Nie Kong and the others warily and asked puzzledly .

"He already knows who I am, and it seems that I have something to discuss about the Kingdom of Yuka." Takeshi Kaneshiro sighed.

"Is it about the country of Yuga?" Wuya was silent, and then all the dozen or so wandering demons in the room were driven out of the room.You can't let other people know about the affairs of Yuga Country.

"Student Nie Kong, you can talk now." Jin Cheng Wudu said unceremoniously to Nie Kong who swaggered into his chair as soon as he entered the room.

"I want to say that your idea of ​​destroying the enchantment of Yanghai Academy is too naive. It's just a little trouble. I want to cooperate with your leader to wake up Alkad who is sleeping in advance and completely trigger The war between humans and monsters!" Nie Kong said.

"It turns out that Master, there really is a way to destroy the world!" Ayano was stunned, then ecstatic.

"How do you know the plan of Yuka Country?" Takeshi Kaneshiro couldn't imagine that all the plans within his organization had been exposed.

"Because I, like you, are also peeping at the power of the ancestor of vampires. And now Mengxiang is my woman. If you want to wake Alkad, you must awaken Mengxiang." Takeshi Kaneshiro looked at the smiling Nie Sora, only feeling a chill from the body.

"How are you going to cooperate specifically?" Takeshi Kaneshiro calmed down and continued to ask.

"She is my servant Ayano, you can take her to talk to your leader about cooperation on my behalf. As for your boring plan, don't go on with it, it is too naive. Let me go and destroy it. The whole world, haha..."

Nie Kong is responsible for producing the key Mengxiang, and the Kingdom of Yuga must of course hand over Alkad's body, and then wake Alkad!As for whom Alkad's power will belong to, it depends on their respective abilities.

"My name is Ayano, and the master has already told me what to do! Time is running out, let's set off tomorrow." Ayano smiled gracefully. If she wears a maid costume, she must be a qualified maid!

"Wu Du, shall we follow his instructions?" Wuya asked.

"If you don't follow his words, I guess we will definitely not survive for three days. The pressure that the man gave me is too great!" Jincheng Wudu shook his head and smiled bitterly. Although his monster blood has been developed very scary, he faces Nie Kong. He can't afford to fight at all.

"Tomorrow I will take you there. As for the rest of the wandering demons, please trouble Wuya for your aftermath."

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