The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 01061, Encounter, Agurola

The night uncle of the flame refers to the plan created to create a new true ancestor. According to the plan, the twelve elements of the fourth true ancestor were created, which can be said to belong to the sealed entity of the fourth true ancestor.Relying on the technology of the three true ancestors and the heavens, the supreme weapon of killing gods!The fourth true ancestor is known as the strongest vampire in the world beyond the true ancestor who is the oldest vampire.Its very existence will disrupt the balance of the world and disrupt the order.So the twelve flame-lit Ye Uncles were sealed everywhere.Some were buried in the stormy desert, and some were locked in the icy coffin!

Once the feast of flames is to be held, twelve elements must be gathered.The emperor who has the key qualifications, as the practitioners, prepared a ritual to awaken the fourth true ancestor—the hundreds of thousands of people living in their domain were used as living sacrifices for the fourth true ancestor to awaken. The magic.After the original awakening, the Fourth True Ancestor will absorb the twelve dependents into his body to gain control.Actually, Nie Kong and Ah Ye didn’t know, the twelfth flame-lit Ye Bo Agurora, and the twelfth Beast Familiar Demon Ji’s Cangbing, she was sealed in the material together as the watcher and the original cursed soul. Sleeping in the coffin.

"The information provided by the witch secretary shows that three years ago, a famous archaeological doctor Xiaoyacheng led an archaeological team to excavate No. 12, and now the organization that keeps her is the famous MAR research group in the artificial island." By Nie Kong's side, but she now bans You Ma and re-controls the crime magic organization called Witch Secretary.

"It looks like you are going to grab her by force?" Nie Kong asked.

"Yeah, but it might be troublesome to untie the seal of the coffin." Ah Ye nodded.

Nie Kong suddenly realized that, at this time, he fully understood the origin of the fourth true ancestor.Although he was disdainful of the fourth true ancestor, Nie Kong was curious about how strong the true ancestor level was.

"It's okay, there will be a way to solve it. Let's hide that month for now, after all, she is the demon attacker who protects the artificial island. Aye, help you find out the specific location of No. 12, so we can start the action." Nie Kong said.Spiritual knowledge is very useful, but Nie Kong has never seen the face and magic of No.12.

Ah Ye nodded, did not speak, quietly buried in Nie Kong's arms.Nie Kong put his arms around her waist and slept with her.

After a while, Ah Ye ordered the library organization to secretly investigate the specific location of the 12th.Although MAR is rich in wealth on the artificial island, and there are more than a dozen important strongholds, the Magisters are detecting one by one.Finally, near the famous hospital adjacent to the artificial island, relevant information was searched.

Nie Kong was astonished. Thinking back to the fourth true ancestor's attendant Xiao Gucheng and Sasaki Cape, many people approached the hospital and suddenly understood many things.The 12th Agurora of the Fourth True Ancestor must be sealed in the stronghold around the hospital.

Now that he understood his approximate location, Nie Kong made a plan in advance.He wants to use the time to prepare for the winter vacation at the end of the semester to snatch the family member No. 12 from the heavily guarded MAR base.

Ye Hei Feng Gao Killing Ye is indeed suitable for doing bad things.When Nie Kong was asleep with You Ma that month, he took Ah Ye to the sky above the familiar hospital.

His eyes seemed to see through time and space, and Nie Kong looked directly at the scene inside.Slightly stretched out his hand, the energy beam condensed with dazzling light blasted on a building.

Accompanied by a huge explosion, the ground shook, and a strong shock shook the hospital.The hospital on duty turned into darkness in an instant, and the sirens buzzed.

Nie Kong followed the broken hole and rushed to a building where a heavy iron gate was stuck.Nie Kong kept moving forward, and the steel gates that needed passes could not stop them for a moment.

The inside of the building is dark because the explosion just caused a power outage.The unfamiliar passages were intertwined, like a maze, but Nie Kong walked forward without any confusion.

The dust fell into the passage, and the pungent smell came on.The buildings cracked everywhere, and even part of the road sank.The road is completely devoid of people, and darkness and rubble have rejected the arrival of mankind.

However, I don't know when it started, and a faint coolness slowly emerged in the darkness, it was a biting cold air.The floor and walls of the passage are covered by ice, and the metal part of the weld is covered by thick frost.Tiny snow crystals like petals are mixed in the mist and mixed with the atmosphere.The countless icicles growing on the solid concrete floor stand up sharply like thorns, preventing those who intend to approach.

Nie Kong and Ah Ye paused for a moment and looked at the situation inside the ice.

It was a spacious room like a school classroom.There are countless things that look like wooden boxes in the horrible interior, which seems to be an area used as a warehouse.

In the center of the warehouse, there is a staircase that can go down, and the surrounding floor has a huge crack.The air-conditioning became stronger around there, and it seemed that he was approaching the real goal.

Perhaps because of the rapid change in temperature, the reinforced concrete at the feet has become very fragile.Stepping on it, it made a creaking sound, as if it was crushed.

"Huh!?" When they arrived at the innermost part of the warehouse, Nie Kong and Ah Ye were surprised at what they saw, and stopped moving.

In the faint moonlight falling from the skylight of the warehouse, the girl sleeping in the huge ice block, dazzling light.Pure white air conditioner.She closed her eyes tightly, as if she had no chance at all.

A young girl with a fairy-like dreamy appearance.The hands and feet are as thin as young children, and the skin is as fair as transparent.The hair is faintly blond, and it will change color like a rainbow depending on the angle of view.

Lolita, who is about 13 or 14 years old, has slightly revealed ribs, slightly raised breasts, like transparent white skin, no place on her whole body is not exposed in front of Nie Kong.Cute and beautiful, there is a dreamlike beauty in comparison with Yuma and Light Onion, as if there is no beauty in the world.She is like walking out of that Western painting, with a beauty that surpasses human beings.

The block of ice enclosing her is engraved with a powerful magic barrier. If ordinary people don’t have the legacy of the heavens—the holy spear that can neutralize magic and tear all barriers apart, they will definitely not be able to break the barrier. Wake her up.

"The twelfth body of the Fourth True Ancestor, Agurola?" Nie Kong whispered.

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