The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0108, put aside the world

"Boom!" A huge explosion sounded. Somewhere on the campus of Yanghai Academy, three girls were fighting fiercely.No, one of them is a young woman full of flavor.

"Little girl! Look at your young age, you are fighting with us to grab a man in a large court, how can there be any kind of ladylike style? It's really declining, and you are not ashamed. Are you ashamed." Bai Xue Icicle panted out of breath , But Meng Xiang was ironic in his tone.

Li Mengxiang's face turned red and said: "I don't care about ladies, I think it's good! Besides, Jun Nie is mine, so I can't rush it!"

"Nonsense! I don't remember Nie Jun saying that he admitted his relationship with you!" Bai Xue said coldly.

"Xiaoxue ignore her, that little girl is a ghost, our mother and daughter can't clean up this girl if we don't believe it!" Baixue icicle came over and said.

When the three girls were about to fight again, Xiao Zi's strange voice rang in their ears: "Bai Xue, Mengxiang Niejun is not here, why are you fighting well!"

When the three women heard Xiao Zi's voice, they all stunned.Three pairs of bright eyes scanned the surroundings, but no one found Nie Kong!

"That irresponsible fellow Nie Jun, how can he escape again? I really can't leave him at a glance!" Bai Xue stamped his foot in anger, leaving the battlefield no matter what.

"Xiaoxue wait for mom, mom will accompany you to find Nie Jun." The two peeking crazy, disappeared in front of Mengxiang and Xiaozi in a flash.

"Since Nie Jun is not here, Mengxiang, please accompany Xiaozi. Xiaozi just introduced my mother and father to you!" Xiaozi pulled Mengxiang happily, and couldn't wait to introduce her favorite person to The parents know it.

"Xiao Zi, wait a minute... I have to go to Jun Nie, otherwise Bai Xue will find it in trouble!" Only Meng Xiang's helpless voice remained.

"Hu Meng, why did you bring me to the activity room of the Friendship Department? Didn't you say that there was something urgent?" Seeing that he was taken by Hu Meng to the activity classroom of the Friendship Department, Nie Kong finally couldn't help asking his doubts. .

"Nie Jun, am I beautiful today?" Hu Meng did not answer Nie Kong's question, and his extremely soft body gradually approached Nie Kong!Hu Meng today wears a bathrobe like Mengxiang.


He swallowed unconsciously,

"Yes... Auntie, you... why are you hiding here?" Nie Kong's head was short-circuited, and he couldn't figure out why Hu Meng's mother would take off and hide in the warming table.

"Are you happy about Nie Jun? Hu Meng said that I would give you the best enjoyment tonight! In order to get Nie Jun's heart, Hu Meng has already given up everything." She was lying in bed with her mother next to her beloved, feeling like this It is both exciting and faintly happy to break through the shackles!

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