The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 01096, the arrival of teacher Jian

Most of the demons like the night, so they are in the artificial islands where the demons have a lot of residents.The services provided to them by night life are quite rich.The dazzling neon night view may be a symbol of Xianjin City where humans and demons coexist peacefully.

However, no matter how bright the light shines, the darkness will not completely disappear from the night city.Although many demons have registered their ID cards, their dispositions have not changed.For example, the bloodthirsty of vampires, the rage of orcs.

"Do you want to play with me?" The crowded park at night.When the drunken men passed by the lookout trail that could overlook the sea, they suddenly heard a mechanized, crisp female voice.

A woman stood in the dimly lit street lamp.No, it can't be said to be a female, but a small blue-haired loli.The eyes are pale blue, Wang Yangxian, knee-length cloak covering her body, barefoot.

"'s definitely a kid." One of the men looked a little disappointed when he saw her appearance.

The two men looked at each other with sloppy expressions.They will be attracted and approach the girl with swaying footsteps, all because of her strange beauty.The skin is clear and white, the eyes are big, and the facial features are symmetrical.The aura of being a creature is a little weak, like a fairy girl.

"In the middle of the night, we can't take it as a joke to strike up a conversation with a man." One of the weird men said frivolously. They had a Demon Race landing card in their hands to prove their Demon Race identity.

The two men surrounded the girl from the left and right. They were both in their twenties.Except for the one with a strange atmosphere, one of them was wearing a public relations style black suit with brown hair, exuding a rough temperament.

The monster man showed his fangs, revealing his nature as a demon. He is a D vampire.Eighty percent is the sexual excitement after seeing a girl, causing the man's impulse to suck blood.

The other person rudely pulled out the bracelet on his right hand, so that nothing would restrain the demon's ability.With his shirt off, his muscles bulged, and his back was covered with brown hyena.It is orcish.

"Perhaps it will leave a shadow in your heart, but don't blame me." The men glared at the girl with piercing excitement.But the girl's expression remained unchanged, she looked up at the two men with a trace of sadness, her eyes rippling like sympathy.

"The city that never sleeps for the demons to swagger, the artificial island is like a cursed decadent city." There was a gentle and sad voice from behind the two demons.The strange movement appeared without warning, and they turned around in fright.

In the dark corner of the street lamp stood a man dressed in a priestly robe.The foreigner who shaved his blonde hair as short as a soldier is a replica of Gonitz in the world of the King of Fighters.

The left eye is embedded with a blindfold-like metal monoglass, and the height should be more than one hundred and ninety centimeters.The age seems to be about forty, but the large muscles of the shoulders can not feel the aging caused by the years.

He was already sturdy, and inside the robe he was wearing, he could vaguely see the metal armor.That is the armored reinforced suit used by the military's heavy infantry unit, which has a huge sense of threat.

The middle-aged man held a metal half-moon axe in his right hand. It was a battle axe with a huge blade. It should be quite heavy, but a man could easily handle it in one hand.

"Are you an attacker?" the vampire man asked murderously.

"Since you are watching by the side, you should know? It was the woman who came to us just now, and it didn't make sense to be talked to by you. Don't get in the way and go aside." The orcified man also warned with a hoarse voice. .

"I know everything in my mind, so I said please play with us. I took the initiative to find the ballast." The man in the robe looked at the two demons blankly and raised the blade of the axe towards them.

"Smelly old man, dare to look down on us... So that kid is with you, right?" said the vampire man. They were originally demon races with good sex, and their impulse to kill could not be suppressed.Make him whisper and show his fangs.

"Kill you as you wish!" A kick on the ground, the orc's body accelerated explosively, and the sharp claws in his hands tore at the face of the unsuspecting man.The battle axe in the hand of the man in the robe bounced easily, his expression distorted in amazement, and the orcs repeatedly attacked, but the result was the same.

"Quickly, but it's too monotonous. Sure enough, it's incomparable with the regular orc soldiers of the Empire of Night, pitiful..."

The reinforced armor in the middle-aged man's robe made an operating sound like a roar of a beast, and his muscle strength increased to its limit.The road surface quickly cracks and the atmosphere screams.The man's battle axe swung swiftly, and the remnant shape drew a trail, and the orcs had no time to react with the rapid blow.

"Gah...!" The axe blade fell straight from the shoulders to the waist, and the orc's giant was chopped off.Warm blood splattered everywhere, and the smell of blood spread all around.The sound of bone shattering and cutting flesh appeared a step later.Human beings must die on the spot.Even for an orc with strong vitality, the serious injury that month was a matter of life and death.

"Asshole..." The vampire man yelled at his injured companion blankly.

"My name is Rudolf Ostach, the annihilation teacher of Rotan Lingchia." The middle-aged man said without changing his face.

"I don't care who you are, I want to kill you." He was venomous, spraying pitch black magic from his left leg.

"Come out, my beast!" The magic power turned into a horse with a twisted appearance and flames, and immediately pounced on the man in the robe.It was a scorching beast at a thousand degrees Celsius.The atmosphere swayed with the heat flow, leaving the burnt odor on the ground.

The man seemed to have been waiting for a long time with a smile on his mouth.The unexpected situation made the vampire man's eyes widen.An invisible barrier appeared in front of the man in the robe, resisting the attack of the scorching demon horse.It turned out that the girl standing next to Teacher Jian had a wonderful barrier to protect him.Obstructed by that barrier, the flames of the beast can't touch the opponent.However, the girl's defensive enchantment did not seem to be strong enough to completely bounce the beast.The pressure caused by the collision between the barrier and the flame makes the atmosphere burst into sound.Then a weak breath appeared in the girl's lips, as if she could not afford the intense energy conflict.

"It seems that there is room for improvement. This is the end of tonight's experiment, Astaruti." Rudolf said with some regret when she saw her defense.

"Yes, Master Jian." The blue-haired girl who was called Astaruti quietly closed her eyes.She opened her cloak and at the same time declared in an artificial voice that lacked undulation:

"Receive the order. Do it, Qiangwei's fingertips." As soon as the words fell, magic power burst out from the gap in her coat.

It was a clear arm with pale white light, which was bigger than the thin body of the girl.It seemed that the hand penetrating from her lower abdomen, like a living snake, penetrated the vampire's beast with one bow.The body was penetrated, and the fire horse roared in pain.The attack of the transparent arm has not stopped.It swept repeatedly several times, as if to swallow the beast of the flame.

The beast that could not maintain the entity disappeared, and the vampire man fell on the spot.He lost a lot of magic and couldn't move, his lips trembled with fear.

"how come……"

Rudolf said indifferently: "Using a stronger Beast to fight the Beast, you can easily defeat it. The principle is simple."

"How is it possible... You said it was a beast? She, she is obviously not a vampire..." The vampire swallowed while looking at the huge arm that stretched out from the girl's body.

Looking down at the two fallen demons coldly, he said, "Although they are not worth killing, if left alone, they will perish with the artificial island sooner or later. Astaruti, give them mercy." He was expressionless. Ordered the blue-haired girl.The vampire sensed the meaning of the words and trembling to flee.

The girl looked at the man with light blue eyes, and her lips trembled and said: "Order to accept." The huge arm with pale white light began to move like a malicious beast, and only heard two sad screams.

It turns out that the artificial management society requires light onion to work overtime. It seems that the demons on the artificial island are missing a lot of relationships inexplicably.

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