The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 01109, the aftermath of that month

"The command is invalid." A weak voice came out from the artificial girl's mouth.And the beast who was struggling to resist the Dragon Eater-Qiangwei's fingertips, all that magic power was fed to Samael.

The beast she could control was maintained by the plundered magic power of the demon clan, but now the beast itself is quickly devouring her vitality after losing the magic power.She collapsed slowly on the spot, closing her eyes with compassion and peace.

Ostakh Rudolf lost consciousness after being badly hit by Sauce, and even if he could recover sober now, he probably had no intention of fighting again.Without Astaruti's help, his defeat was a foregone conclusion.He was very remorseful and failed to complete the mission ordered by the church.

"Teacher, we won. Not only did it protect the 560,000 people on the island, but it also helped the teacher clear the charge of yesterday's destruction of Warehouse Street. Now, we only need to take him to the Lion King Institution..."

After confirming the matter, Xuecai took back the silver holy spear.Looking at Nie Kong with bright eyes, a fleeting smile appeared on her face for an instant, like a flower that blooms implicitly in winter.

"Oh, have things settled? It's a bit unexpected. But don't bother with the Lion King mechanism. Now the attacker of the artificial management agency will take over." A clear and sweet voice, with a majestic voice resounding out of thin air.

Xuecai was shocked, holding the holy gun in a defensive posture.Next to Rudolph, the space fluctuated, and a loli in a black gothic dress appeared. It turned out that Yuechan came.

Although there is no sunlight, she is used to holding a lovely parasol, like a doll, like a beautiful princess.And that month, now belongs to Nie Kong alone.With Nie Kong's watering and caressing, his body shape has not grown up, and he still maintains his previous cuteness, which can definitely satisfy Nie Kong's loli-control attributes.The exquisite facial features are attractive to those big talking eyes.

For Ah Ye, it is now developing towards a mature woman.The chest is strong and round, as if it can burst out.However, compared with the whole world, most of the girls are loli and cute, and they belong to the two extremes with Yu Jie's Zero War Ji.

"Then... Teacher Nayue? Why are you here?" Xuecai asked in surprise.

Na Yue Qianqian sighed and looked at Xuecai: "New transfer student, did you learn to absent from class from Teacher Nie Kong not long after school started." It's strange to have Nie Kong as a position.Since hearing that he and Xuecai were absent from class for no reason, she had to understand their every move.

"Um..." Faced with that majestic month, Xuecai couldn't say anything to refute.She looked at Nie Kong, hoping that he would make a decision.In fact, I felt that he and Nie Kong had cooperated and defeated the enemy, and now it is so easy to hand over to the demon attacker.

"Then Yuechan, you should understand his purpose." Nie Kong asked.

"Well, since knowing his true identity, the artificial management agency has guessed it. Acting as the cornerstone of the artificial island-the arm of the saint once obtained by illegal means!" That month emits magical fluctuations, and the magic of the space comes at hand. Came out.

Xuecai blinked in disbelief, and found that she and Nie Kong had left the original research room and came to a strange hall.She was shocked and didn't touch them, but she was able to take them to another place using spatial techniques.That month, the witch who is known as the killer of the demon race, how sophisticated her space manipulation technique was.

There are four steel cables extending from the four artificial islands at the end, and the anchor pier that fixes the heads of all machines is a metal base in the shape of a mini inverted pyramid.And there is a beam in the center of the anchor pier, which is firmly driven into it like a log.

Its diameter is less than one meter, but it still carries millions of tons of load used to connect the island of the god of strings.The texture of the pickled vegetables is similar to obsidian translucent stone pillars-the cornerstone of the string temple.

Looking at the famous stone pillar as the cornerstone, there was a certain pity in that moon's eyes.In that translucent stone, an arm of someone emerged.The shriveled arm is like a mummy, without the slightest moisture.There are cruel wounds on his wrists, and the remains of martyrs who have suffered and died for their own beliefs, dedicated their lives to devout believers of God.

Those are the medium through which the sacred nature of God appears in the world, and therefore have become the objects of people's faith.It is said that the body with powerful sacredness will never decay, and it can cause all kinds of miracles.

And part of the body of that saint is now sealed in the stone pillar.That month, Nie Kong was able to bring Nie Kong to the hub of the artificial island, which shows how powerful he was in the management agency that month.

Nie Kong glanced at his arm and found that there was pure light power in it, supporting it to remain immortal.However, Nie Kong felt that the feathers of the Celestial Female Beast were stronger than it.

"Then... Is that the arm of the saint? Actually, our artificial island made a mistake, right?" Xuecai said blankly.

"There is no right or wrong, it's just a game, it's about the safety of the world." Nayue whispered.The purpose of creating an artificial island, she knew it was used as an altar.

"That month, what did you say?" Nie Kong asked.

"No, nothing." Now is not the time to let him know, otherwise God knows what will happen.In terms of his character, he must be looking forward to that.

"We will resolve related matters. Don't worry about it, Jun Nie, please go back to school with peace of mind." That month looked at Nie Kong with warm eyes, and Xuecai felt very uncomfortable for some reason.She knew that Yue and Nie Kong lived together, but at the moment she had a close relationship with her teacher.With an ice-like poker face, Xue Cai suddenly raised her eyebrows.

Before she knew it, she became very concerned about Nie Kong.She felt confused for her own feeling, not knowing that it was because the task of the Three Saints of the Lion King agency was to monitor Nie Kong or other aspects.

And that month was already Nie Kong's woman. Nie Kong would certainly trust that month, so he nodded in agreement without hesitation, making Xuecai unable to tell.

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