The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 01120, first heard of the Black Death King faction

Nie Kong and Sayahua were hostile to each other. Yukana covered her eyes and shook her head feebly: "Sayahua, why did you appear on the cruise ship of Aldiyaru? You used to be in the foreign affairs class. Multinational magical crime."

"Now I'm on a mission." Saayaka replied, who was so gentle as to be two people.

"Task?" Xue Cai said in surprise.

"It's the same as you, Yukina. I took over the job of monitoring vampires. It is my task to monitor Duke Aldiyaru and prevent the citizens of Kushigami City from being exposed to danger." After listening to Saya Hua casually. It means that Xue Cai finally clarified the situation.Just as Xue Na came to Xian Shen Island to monitor Nie Kong, Saiya Hua was also ordered to monitor Vatra and boarded the ship.In order to obliterate Vatra if it causes harm.

"Sure enough, the noon matter has nothing to do with you."

If so, Nie Kong probably guessed who it was after sending letters during the day and controlling the shikigami to attack him.That didn't have any special intentions, it was just to find trouble with Nie Kong.Sayahua seems to have a sister-in-law feeling towards Xuecai, and in her eyes, Nie Kong has naturally become an evil vampire who puts her baby Xuecai in danger.Fortunately, Nie Kong did not have Lily's tendency.

"Hmph, what are you talking about, why don't I understand." Saya Hua pretended to be stupid.

Xuecai thought of the attack at noon, and suddenly realized it, and said with a wry smile: "Saya Ka, don't mess with people indiscriminately, who should be responsible if it causes a catastrophe."

Saiyaka replied weakly: "Who told him to look very proud? I just teased him a little bit." Shikigami's remote control, no wonder she didn't find her in the school.

The surrounding crowd looked at Nie Kong and the others, and pointed at them.Xue Cai cried out bad, failed to use spells to drive away the miscellaneous people, etc., and now caused everyone to watch their jokes.

"Haha, I'm so glad to meet again."

The surrounding crowd separated a broad road, and saw a handsome young man in a pure white coat slowly approaching him.The figure is tall and delicate, without a sense of threat.The nobles in the domain of the warlord belonged to the pure blood vampires of the true ancestor, even though they were not as powerful as the first true ancestor Vatola.The young man turned his head back with his blond hair, and looked at Nie Kong with blue eyes, with some respect in him.

"Oh, it seems your luck is very good, you didn't die in the last feast." Nie Kong said flatly, but praised the younger generation's tone.The crowd watching the excitement around him was sweating coldly. He actually talked to Vatola in that tone, didn't he want to live?As they expected, Vatola's whole body was covered with pure white flashes, and magical power surged out.

"Teacher!" The first reaction was Xuecai.She drew her spear from the instrument box and planned to rush to Nie Kong.Saiyaka also followed suit to cover Yukana, what happened in a blink of an eye.

The people around were gloating, as if they had guessed the result.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for worrying." But surprisingly, Vatola's magic suddenly faded.He knelt to face Nie Kong on one knee and lowered his head deeply, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Countless people were horrified and inexplicable, and those who could face Wattola's attitude would only be the noble true ancestors.

"The last banquet tentatively tried to drive the majesty, and I sincerely apologize for how offensive it was. My name is Dimitri Vatola, and I was given the title of Ordia by the Forgotten Warlord of our ancestor. Duke Lu’s title. It’s a blessing to be here."

Yukana and Saayaka, who held the silver spears, were all stunned when they saw the change in Vatola's attitude.

"Don't talk about polite things, nothing will bother me. Don't you know that the party you are hosting is actually very boring." Nie Kong asked with a frown.

Vatra smiled and raised his head, which was a kind smile at the same time."For your dissatisfaction, please forgive me."

"President Aldiyaru, I have a question, why don't the Fourth True Ancestor be invited here?" Sayahua asked.She thinks that the fourth true ancestor is the protagonist of the party, but he overlooked the important and minor differences.

Yukuna sighed deeply, without waiting for him to answer, and then Saiyaka's words looked straight towards Vatra with a serious expression: "Please tell me what you intend to do with your visit to Xuanjin City. Could it be with the emperor of the fourth true ancestor? Is it your purpose to have an improper relationship?"

"No, the main purpose is to visit His Royal Highness Nie Kong. As for the fourth true ancestor, it's the second. And I have to come here because I have to come to the artificial island for some serious business." Facing Xuecai's accusatory speech, Vatra did not change his smile. .

On the other hand, Xuecai exuded an offensive aura, glaring at Vatra threateningly and asked: "What do you call the business?"

"His Royal Highness Nie Kong, have you heard of Christopher Judd Xiu?" Vatola asked with a smile.

"No, who is that?" Although Nie Kong has been here for more than three years, he only has a general understanding of the world's structure. As for the main characters, he doesn't know anything.

"He is a retired orc soldier born in the domain of the king of war, a small well-known terrorist in Europe, and a cadre of the radical group Black Death Royal faction." Vattola calmly explained with a glass of champagne.

"I've heard the name of the Black Death Imperial faction, but didn't that have collapsed years ago? Because the commander was assassinated and died." Xuecai said strangely.

"Yes, I killed it. Although it's an old orc man with a little tricky stunt." Vatola replied with a leisurely smile while drinking from a glass: and Judith was the one who survived the black death imperial faction.To be precise, the remaining party of the Black Death Royal faction has actually hired him as the new instructor.Those people hired Jia Dexiu, who had left behind a great accomplishment in the case of terrorists."

"Wait a minute, does your reason for coming to Xianjin Island have anything to do with the man named Judxiu?" Xuecai hurriedly asked.

"That's the case. Some intelligence pointed out that Judexiu had dived to the artificial island with the subordinates of the Black Death Emperor faction." Wattola nodded admiringly, and told Nie Kong in an official tone.

"The Black Death Emperor faction is a discriminatory orc superiorist. Their purpose is to completely abandon the peace treaty signed between mankind and the true ancestor, and take control of the warlord domain from the first true ancestor."

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