The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 01128, the target is the cruise ship in Vatola

Nie Kong and the others were only about 30 meters away from Narakville, judging from the huge body of the ancient weapon that was more than ten meters away, it was only a step away from a super dangerous zone.

After it had destroyed everything around it, Narakveler's round eyeball-like position was constantly scanning the surroundings. Its behavior was to gather intelligence on surrounding targets.With a sense of touch like an insect, it really discovered the existence of Nie Kong and the others.Staring at Nie Kong and the others, a flash cannon came out from his mouth.The energy beam properties are the same as the so-called large-caliber laser guns. The beam spear with a focal temperature of more than 20,000 degrees should burn the self-repairing body of a vampire into ashes instantly.

However, when the flash shot in front of Nie Kong, Saiya Hua took a protective action.After Wu Weiyuan of the Lion King mechanism was able to penetrate the future in a moment with her vision, her defense came faster than Narakweiler's light-speed attack.

The laser cannon shot in front of Saiyaka’s sword,

"My Huang Hualin has two abilities, one of which is to neutralize physical attacks. You have to thank me, Nie Kong. If you didn't have me, you would have become coke by now! But don't make it yourself. Passionate, I just want to protect Xue Cai."

What Saiyaka's sword can cut through is not matter, but the connection between matter and space.No matter how powerful an attack is, it cannot surpass the fault of space and cause damage.Only at that moment, the space swept by the six-type descending magic bow Huang Hualin would turn into an absolutely invincible defense barrier.

Nalakweiler's large-caliber laser was blocked by an invisible wall in front of Nie Kong's eyes, as if it had shuttled into the turbulence of space and vanished.

"Saya Hua is indeed very suitable for defense against physical attacks. Relatively, my Xuexia wolf can neutralize magical attacks." Xuecai said softly.

One of the two women can defend against physics and the other can defend against art. It can be said that they can defeat most enemies after cooperation.

"And the barrier that can prevent all attacks is the strongest blade in the world. Even if it is to deal with the weapons created by the gods, there is nothing in my sword that cannot be cut! If you are willing to ask me, I can't make it. Help you fight." Saiya Hua looked at Nie Kong, proudly showing off.

"What's so proud of, it's just that level. Then Yuechan, leave it to you to solve it, there is no time to spend time with it." Nie Kong said indifferently..

"Well, you can rescue You Ma as soon as possible. It won't take much effort to deal with a small ancient weapon." Nayue replied cleverly.

Without seeing what she was doing, countless chains ejected from the void, tightly handcuffing Narakweiler's huge body.Although it has strong power, it is surprised that it cannot break free from the shackles of that month.

"Turn it into nothing." In that month's compact body, a burst of unprecedented powerful magic suddenly burst out.They only saw that the surrounding space was very blurred and the whole space was distorted.

The Narakweiler in front of him was twisted into a twist with the distortion of space.When the space was restored, Narakweiler was already a pile of scrap copper and iron.

The two witches exclaimed, because the magic power displayed that month was too strong, beyond their imagination, they could only stare at the scene dumbfounded.Yukina's fighting ability is beyond ordinary people, but Saiya Hua's sword skills are not inferior to her.But to fight the out-and-out monster in front of them, the two can barely suppress it when they unite.But that month was just a simple move, destroying the weapon that could kill the true ancestor, and its strength can only be described as absurd.

The body of the ancient weapon appeared abnormal, and the scrap copper and rotten iron was creeping, and it was automatically repaired in front of Nie Kong and the others.And when it used space magic to strike it that month, its armor actually bounced off.

"Huh!" Narakweiler's armor showed strange lines, and a faint magic light enveloped the body.The strange technique covers the surface, and Narakweiler's armor has completed the evolution, and he no longer fears the magic of that month.The monster in front of me is terrible, and the metal used to make it has strong repair and self-improvement functions.

"Is that the ability of the weapons of the gods?" The imagination of weapons that can learn and evolve on their own makes Saiyaka and Yukina tremble.

"It's up to now, I can't underestimate it. Come out, my golden guardian." The witch's contractor appeared, and a golden faceless knight holding a huge sword appeared in the void behind her.

Since the strength of that month has increased, its guardian has also been increased, and the strength is so strong that it can sweep the entire island.

As if aware of the enemy's power, Narakweiler slowly opened his back armor with a gentle arc.The appearance can't help but reminiscent of insects with open wings.Located inside the armor is a cylindrical thruster.Along with the loud bang, Narakweiler's nozzle burst out propulsive kinetic energy.

It is only a few kilometers from here to the neighborhood of Xianjin Island.Once it is lifted off, it should reach its destination in a short amount of time.Narakweiler must not be let go now.

"Don't want to leave." The knight turned into a golden flash again, and the condensed flash formed a huge beast in the sky.

Even if the weapons of the gods are capable, since they have not been studied, they cannot resist her attack.What's more, any business should have a limit, and her power is absolutely beyond Narakweiler's tolerance.

The knight's great sword easily smashed the armor of a large ancient weapon and smashed its skeleton, directly smashing Narakweiler to the ground in a swooping posture.That kind of power is not what the additional artificial island of the hollow structure can bear.The thick steel plate covering the surface of the artificial island was lifted, and the steel bars everywhere were broken.

A mass of discarded rotten iron is hissing and steaming.The organization that was squirming is now completely destroyed.

"It's amazing, it really deserves to be Nangong Nayue, who is known as the killer of the demons." Wattola let out a low growl, with three points of panic and seven points of fighting spirit.He had to admire that he could simply kill an ancient weapon in less than ten seconds.

"That month, you will be responsible for the aftermath. I will completely pull out the orc who dared to hold Yuma."

When Nie Kong was about to search for the location of Youma, Vatola said distressed: "His Royal Highness, it is necessary to tell you one thing. In fact, my cruise ship Deep Ocean Tomb seems to have been hijacked."

"You said kidnapped?" Nie Kong looked at him coldly.As long as it is intentional, it is impossible for a mere terrorist to take his ship.If so, there is only one possibility.Watola took the initiative to hand over the ship to the Black Death King faction.

He broke out in a cold sweat, and hurriedly explained: "Yes...that's right, so, I managed to save my life and escape, and...and I don't know that His Royal Highness Nie Kong's daughter will be kidnapped by them."

"So that's it. Is it your boat that brought Judd Xiu's gang to Xian Shendao?" That Moon fanned lace against his throat like a knife, expressing his discomfort for delaying his work.

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