The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0113, the little loli with double pony tails

0113Thank you

Today’s Friendship Department Activity Room has finally begun the real “activity” that Nie Kong has been waiting for!The hungry and impatient milfs all couldn't help but fell into Nie Kong's arms when they came to this familiar room, and the four fleshy little hands kept groping on Nie Kong.

It's not surprising that two milfs would be so. You have to know that the mistress H, who is in her thirties, is like a wolf in this respect!And the two women have tasted the sweetness of Nie Kong, and it's pretty good to be able to endure that long.

Because the two mature women were so crazy, they had swallowed Nie Kong's lower body as soon as they took off their clothes, leaving their body completely exposed on Nie Kong's hands.Before long, there were waves in the room.

"I will endure it, I will endure it! As long as this year is over, Jun Nie will definitely choose to marry me!" Meng Xiang clenched her fists, holding back the shame in her heart.

"Don't worry about this, what happened to Jia'er!" Nie Kong originally sent Mao Mujing to take Jia'er out to play so that he could do H's things on his own. He didn't expect accidents.

"Which guy wants to bully Jia'er and doesn't want to survive?"

"Looking at the teacher's head, I almost forgot to do business." Mao Mu Jing patted his head, and then hurriedly said: "I was taken by Jiaer for a walk. As a result, there was a conflict with the freshmen on campus. I started fighting with her."

Your head is already bad, please don't forget it all at once, my teacher Maomujing!

"Hurry up and take me over, I want to see who dares to be so bold!" Nie Kong worried about Jiaer's safety, grabbing Mao Mujing's hand and dragging it out!

"Nie Jun, you forgot to put on your clothes!" Mengxiang reminded.

Nie Kong's body froze, and a little cold sweat broke out of his head when he thought of almost running out just now!

"Thank you, Mengxiang!" Nie Kong put on the school uniform in three or two strokes, dragging the cat's eyes to the goal quietly.Mengxiang was a little worried, and put on her clothes and followed behind.

"Jia'er is so cute, who is so cruel and dare to hurt her." After spending time with Jia'er, the relationship between the two women is quite good.Whenever she has time, Jia'er calls her mother's mother. It's strange that Mengxiang doesn't like her.

When Nie Kong ran to the gate of Yanghai Academy, Nie Kong had already seen a group of students watching the excitement. It was obvious that Jiaer was there!

Nie Kong dashed forward and shouted angrily: "Let's see, don't let me go." As Nie Kong yelled, the faces of the surrounding monsters turned pale, and they fleeed in fright.

Nie Kong's notoriety in Yang Hai School is simply ridiculous, and not many students dare to provoke Nie Kong!

After vacating the venue, Nie Kong finally saw the situation inside!I saw Jia'er holding the devil's blood whip in her hand, and the little Lolita on the opposite side was holding a barbed hammer, which was very intense.The two little loli fought, but they all looked violent, without any aesthetic feeling.

But that little loli looks so cute.He wore a pink ponytail on his head. It was as flat as a bust with no chest at all, and he was 149cm tall.That's right, it's a very pure little loli, and it may still be a loli with arrogant attributes!

Not only that, her face is also pretty, and even Nie Kong can see a familiar shadow from it.But Nie Kong really couldn't tell who he was like!

"Hey, that little loli don't hurry up, stop it, or else it's silly, or my brother is about to do it!"

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