The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 01145, uninhabited island

After sailing for more than half an hour, they traveled more than 100 kilometers to a deserted island outside of the artificial island.It is said that it is deserted, and the shape of the residence is invisible from the sky. It is a completely deserted island.Spiritual consciousness probed for a while, but no half-person figure was found.

It was a half-moon island covered by green forest in the center, less than two kilometers in diameter.The plane began to circle sharply.The engine hissed noisy and the fuselage shook violently.

There was no concrete road, but the plane resolutely landed on the grassy flat ground, almost by force landing.The body bounced several times on the bumpy road and slowly stopped.

The frightened Xuecai and Naisa couldn't help but hug Nie Kong tightly, and they were ashamed of this when they had no time.

The orc named Kirishima skillfully unfastened his seat belt, and then helped Nie Kong open the door in poor condition.Nie Kong took the swaying two women onto the deserted island.

"Yase and the others are really on the island?" Agurora asked, looking at the empty scene.

Kirishima smiled and said: "Who knows, you will have a chance to meet sooner or later, if you can live safely until then." After confirming that Nie Kong and the others got off the plane, he closed the hatch.The aircraft engine started again, and the compact body slowly started to leave.

"Goodbye, hate Beatrice woman if you want to." He shook his hands at Nie Kong and the others at the window.

Xuecai's expressions froze in amazement, they seemed to understand what he meant, and they watched the plane disappear into the sky.The planes that disappeared at the other end of the sea horizon did not return. They were completely abandoned on a small uninhabited island.

"Nie Jun is an idiot, he can only stare at beautiful women, now you have been deceived." Naisha, who recovered from the airsickness, chattered to Nie Kong.

"Look, I told you not to come here." Nie Kong shook his head. There were a few followers who couldn't solve the problem cleanly.

"Without us, I can't think of what your situation would be like, teacher, maybe that vicious woman would trick you into selling you." Agurola muttered.

Xuecai had a pained expression, then silently lowered her head.As a witch who is proud of her outstanding spiritual vision, she did not see through Beatrice's tricks, and 80% of her thought she was responsible for the matter.

"I'm sorry, teacher. It was my mistake. But why, they did everything possible to prevent us from visiting Xia Yin? And imprison us on the island, what are their intentions?" Xuecai said bitterly.

"The phone signal cannot be received, and no boat will happen to pass by. It really feels like a victim drifting to an uninhabited island.. Really, do you want to live on the island for a lifetime?" Nasha took out his mobile phone and looked pretty. The face was disappointed.

"Picnic?" Only when Enatos muttered, she drooled out of her mouth.From the afternoon I took a flight to the island, now it's time for dinner."Well, you also need food and shelter from wind and rain. If you can, you must find it before the sun is completely down." Xuecai drew a silver gun from the guitar case behind her. She has a lot of experience sleeping outside depending on the situation.

"Okay, come and find a place suitable for a picnic." The women said, following the snow vegetables enthusiastically, a group of girls rushed to the forest on the island.

Listening to the voices of the two vampires Lolita looked cheerful, Xue Cai was a little speechless.Following the road out of the snow vegetables, I walked in the forest for about half an hour.A black concrete wall stands in the middle of the slope.The walls are cracked and covered with moss, but they must be artificial buildings.

It just looks like a fortress, and there are countless holes and cracks on the wall that are suspected of bullet holes, like a place to test the power of weapons.There is no half-person in the dim castle, and only the sounds of insects can be heard quietly.

Seeing that night was approaching, Nie Kong took a few women through the forest from where they landed and arrived on the silver beach.At this time, the red sunset is setting, and the sun can be seen sinking below the sea level.

The blue and rippling ocean is very quiet, occasionally a few seagulls will stop in their sight, full of ease.

"Now let's prepare dinner."

Nie Kong did not know where he took out a huge iron frame, and some barbecue cooking tools and cooking materials, but most of them were meat.

Agurola and Enatos are drooling, they like barbecue most.

Xuecai took a look at the surroundings and used her silver gun to knock out the coconuts growing on the beach.And Naosha was very clever to pick up a pile of wood from the forest, piled up a stove with stones, and the collected dead branches were lightly lit.

The two women were unexpectedly capable, but the two powerful vampires lacked common sense and stared at the roasted meat in Nie Kong's hands.If you leave it alone, you might actually starve to death.

"So... what is that, is nature bestowed on us?" Agurola was surprised as she watched the snow vegetables knock the coconut, revealing the sweet juice and white tender meat inside, feeling delicious.

"That's coconut fruit, let's use it for side dishes and drinks." Xuecai replied slightly.

"Well, it's really delicious to pair with barbecue. Looking at the wide ocean and having a picnic outside with the sea breeze, it feels so comfortable." Agurola took a bite of Nie Kong’s grilled meat and took a sip. After the natural coconut juice, I feel the unprecedented happiness is coming.

Nasha was very satisfied. No matter where he went, as long as Jun Nie was there, life would be full of comfort and joy.Even in danger, he will bring them peace of mind and happiness.

"Really, I was planning to visit Xia Yin. Who would have expected that I came to an isolated island by accident, and the teacher actually had a leisurely picnic. And I don’t know what the Magister Plastics will do. The teacher is really not at all. Crisis consciousness." Xuecai muttered, but clearly enjoyed it.

The night was getting deeper, and only Nie Kong and the rest of the flames and the aroma of the barbecue were permeating and spreading outward.At the same time, there is no wind in the forest.

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