The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 01160, the true ancestor is coming

In the southern part of the artificial island, the narrow roads are filled with the smell of decay and dampness. The surrounding buildings are cluttered and crowded. The streets are like ruins and have not been repaired for a long time.It is clear that most of the walls are cracked, and it is difficult to find a good floor.

Although the area is terrible, the slightly dirty streets are crowded with a large number of people, there are drunk people, street gangsters, and women with heavy makeup...

At a glance, it looks like a slum.There are drug users who indulge in alcohol and illegal drugs, and people who gather here because of violence and money.No, it cannot be called a person.Because the slums are artificial islands, they belong to the Mozu Special Zone.

To put it simply, the demons can live like normal people in the city, but the flow of people in the slums does not have a demons landing card on their wrists. At first glance, they are all demons who have landed illegally.It shouldn't exist in the Mozu Special Zone, which is called the abandoned area of ​​Xianjindao No.27.

A man was walking on a broken path, dressed in a white suit, looking noble and handsome.Judging from his temperament, he is very outstanding, with pure blond hair and a straight face, as eye-catching as a gold coin in a stone.The gangsters and prostitutes around were infected by his aura, they didn't have the guts to talk to him, and watched him leave without words.He is Vatola of the Warlord Realm, claiming the first vampire of the true ancestor.Relying on the rights of diplomats, he got rid of the watchers and was able to move freely on the artificial island.

It was impossible for a noble person like him to come to this ruin, but he received a message early in the morning that made him take it seriously.It seemed that a powerful vampire appeared in the abandoned area.

After passing the uneven streets, Vatola came to a slightly dirty tavern.Due to the daytime, there are so few customers in the store that you can count them.Behind the counter stood a bartender who looked like the owner of the shop. His height was over three meters, and his muscle growth method was obviously different from that of humans. He was an illegal demons at first glance.

"Here is a new face." The shopkeeper said in a low voice, and he could hear Vatola being very repulsive.

Vatola threw out a stack of banknotes indifferently, and said calmly: "I heard that there is a young female vampire hiding nearby. If possible, can you introduce me to it?"

"Sorry, I don't know about that." The shopkeeper accepted the money, but shook his head coldly.

"Huh, don't you think it's too small?" Vatola narrowed her eyes coldly, shooting all over.

Affected by the atmosphere, two giants drinking in the shop surrounded him back and forth.Like the owner, they are all over three meters tall.

"Boy, dare to ignore our giant clan, what a courage!" The man in front actually grabbed the front of the young man and was about to lift him directly.

Instead, Vatola held the giant's chest with one hand, and the giant's expression stiffened.His bones creaked, he lost his strength in the battle with Vatola, and he staggered backwards.

"Really, fortunately it's in the ruined area, there should be nothing wrong with the shot." Vatola grinned, showing two fangs.

At this moment, the other giant in the back drew a weapon from behind. To the giant, it was just an ordinary dagger, but in the eyes of ordinary people, it became a wide-bladed sword.With huge power attached to the hilt, he pointed at Vatola vigilantly.

"You... are Dimitorie Vatola, a fighting freak in the domain of the King of War?"

"You actually know my identity, that's it, it seems that you are not ordinary alcoholics." Vatola smiled cheerfully at the giant holding a huge dagger and looked up at him.

The floor of the concrete building was twisted like sinking only where he was standing. The giant manipulated a hundred times the gravity to impose a load of several tons on Vatola’s own body, and the air in the store rattled dull.

The two giants attacked Vatola unaffected by the effect, and then they blasted them out of the door with a shock like being hit by a huge hammer.Vatola, who burst out of magical power, easily neutralized the gravity attack and defeated the giant.More than that, the impact crushed the old and decayed exterior wall of the tavern, and fragments of the collapsed ceiling fell into the shop.Among the dust, only Vatola stood unscathed.

"Is it here? Dimitorie Vatola..." A small girl stood on the roof of the pub that was almost falling apart, her green pupils staring at Vatola below.

It was a foreign girl wearing a white hood, about fourteen or five years old, with slender and slender legs that were transparent and fair.Her motionless figure is like a beautiful and dreamy glass sculpture.The beauty is dreamlike, and the face is so similar to Agurola!!

He was shocked, probably because he didn't notice the enemy's approach.Looking up, he suddenly exclaimed: "Are you the fourth true ancestor Agurola?"

"No, who are you. When did you dive to Xianjin Island? What are you investigating here?" Vatola calmed down and asked the girl calmly.The girl in front of her is not Agurola, but her temperament is very similar to the original.

She is not an official Shijin Island citizen, but an unregistered demons who have stayed illegally.Seeing her stay in the abandoned area, we can know that she is very familiar with the environment of the island.

The giants will desperately help her hiding, and it is hard for Vatola to imagine that the giants with high self-esteem would swear allegiance to an ordinary vampire girl.

"Don't worry about my business, I come to the artificial island but I have something to do." The girl lightly put aside Vatola's question.

"Today I especially forgive you. Go away, snake husband." The words are very similar to the original. Could it be that Nie Kong didn't completely kill the original soul half a year ago?

"It's great, you can please me! You don't have to answer, but as long as you swallow you, I can know everything about you." The warlike Vatola Vatola was overjoyed, a huge lover The beast shadow slowly emerged behind him.If the opponent is also a vampire, Vatola has no reason not to use her own beast.The magic is surging, it seems that Vatola is very serious,

"Hehe, the mere snake charmer wants to swallow me, and he must have a bottom line if he doesn't care."

The girl slowly turned to Vatola, staring at him with cold eyes and arrogantly, without seeing him at all.

Vatola was shocked by the deterrence of the true ancestor, but at the same time he laughed loudly, and the fighting spirit was surging.

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