The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 01164, defeat Garda

"Please wait, I didn't allow you to leave!" Nie Kong stopped Jiada.He attacked Nie Kong while concealing his identity. Now that his true identity is revealed, he is afraid of causing huge diplomatic problems to leave. How could there be such a cheap thing in the world.

Vatola dared not speak out, but sighed.He has reminded the third true ancestor Jiada, admonishing her that she must bear the consequences of annoying Nie Kong.It now appears that their battle is inevitable.As for what effect it will have on the artificial island, it can only be seen in Nie Kong's mood.

"Do you want to stop me?" Jiada paused and said with a frown.As the true ancestor, it was naturally the first time she heard someone say such a strong word to her, arrogantly despising her dignity.

"The third true ancestor came here personally. As the host, how could it not be a good reception." Nie Kong stared at her, filled with the smell of cold.

Jada had goose bumps all over his body, instinctively aware of the danger.She was shocked, and the magic in her body emerged again.A flaming magma monster, a huge skeleton giant, and a dark cloud shining with thunder and lightning appeared.At the same time controlling the three beasts to deal with Nie Kong, it can be seen how cautious she is.She had no confidence in winning, and Nie Kong could not handle it alone, not to mention a few witches and two angels exuding divine power beside him.It's hard to have a chance to win with her alone.Although he was very jealous, he had to take action now.

"Hehe, let me enjoy it, now the battle of the true ancestor level begins."

Nie Kong rushed towards the floating Jiada at the pace of nothingness. Since he was going to make a move, he wouldn't say much nonsense.

"I admire the reckless young man who is self-conscious!" Jiada's pale face showed caution.An unusually huge ball of lightning appeared above her head, and the charged air crackled and stung people's skin.

The silver-white flash of light swept across Nie Kong, an attack that ordinary people would never see through.If it's just ordinary lightning with destruction, it's easy to avoid it.But the skeleton giant's ribs opened like a door, and the overflowing darkness was released like a cannonball.It was a dark cannonball that crushed space.The principle of ability is similar to that of the dark particles of the serpent. It seems that the giant devours more than one skill.

The last magma monster stayed behind Jia, acting as a guard.The three beasts have offensive and defensive capabilities, and she controls them quite skillfully.Compared to the fourth true ancestor, Agurola, it's a lot better.

Two powerful magical riots have caused the surrounding air to be distorted. It can be foreseen how fierce the true ancestor-level battle is, and it can definitely easily destroy the artificial island.

If you deal with ordinary true ancestors, the two will definitely be able to force the enemy into embarrassment.However, Nie Kong quietly chopped out a hand knife and used a dimensional knife that had not been used for a long time.The faint spatial fluctuations dispersed, and a black spatial crack of ten meters or more appeared in an instant, which engulfed the attack and the two beasts into powder.If Nie Kong swung the Dimensional Knife with all his strength, that would be a powerful trick that could simply cut a planet in half.

Jiada showed a heavy expression, Nie Kong in front of him was not like a vampire, but like a witch.From the beginning to the present, he has only resorted to powerful and amazing space control techniques.

"Stop your resistance, immediately disarm the beasts, and follow my instructions." Nie Kong said lightly, and a ten-meter blood whip with flames appeared in his hand, shaped like a dragon.She was only five meters away from her, and Nie Kong could hit her with a simple wave.

"Do you want to instruct me." Seeing Nie Kongliang's weapon, Jiada was critical.

"It's really interesting, do you still refuse to surrender?" Nie Kong's blood whip quickly swung out and locked the target.As an angry blood whip, you will be emotionally infected when you touch it.Just when Nie Kong thought he had hit, Jiada beckoned to the magma behind him, and made a very strange move.

"Roar..." With a loud cry, the magma monster behind him changed unexpectedly. The entire huge body shrank into Jada's jade hand, forming a blood whip like Nie Kong's, and it was longer than Nie Kong's!!

"Can you be a vampire who can weaponize a beast?" Nie Kong had encountered two, one was a prostitute from the prison, and the other was the magician Beatrix who met a few days ago.It seems that the two women are descendants who have inherited her blood.

The two blood whips were hitting right in the middle, and Jiada was able to control the beast to block Nie Kong's blow.It seems that not only can he control the beast, but Jiada's physical skills are also very strong.How powerful is the magic contained in the blood whip of anger, not to mention the power of the original sin.Almost all of her beasts were burned clean by the flames of sin.No matter how Gada calls, it cannot appear in a short time.The reason is that due to the erosion of anger, it will be out of Gada's control for a long time, knowing that it will fully recover.

"Huh!?" Jiada's eyes widened. He didn't expect that she would lose to others in the melee competition. You must know that her physique is the strongest among the true ancestors, otherwise she won't have the special ability to turn the beast into a weapon.

"You lost." The crimson flame whip flexibly flicked out and bound to the beautiful woman in front of her.Jiada had planned to dodge with agile movements, but he couldn't keep up with the speed of Bloodwhip at all.

The dragon-shaped whip was completely tied to the body of the third true ancestor, and no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't get out of the situation.Ever since, Nie Kong simply pulled and dragged her towards him.

He didn't use anger to corrode, so now the third true ancestor Lori can stay awake.

The battle ended in just one minute, which was unbelievably fast.Vatola gave a wry smile. Although he discovered early that Nie Kong was a vampire who surpassed his true ancestor, he was too shocked now.

He clearly didn't use the beast, so he beat up the third true ancestor, and couldn't see how deep his true bottom line was.I'm afraid that the old man and the second true ancestor will not be able to beat him alone.

Vatola didn't know how strong Cain was, but he felt that Nie Kong must be several times stronger than Cain.Facing Jiada, who was already a prisoner, he didn't know how Nie Kong would punish her. He hoped that the world would not shake things up!!

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