The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body text 1171, spiritual blood recovery

After the inexplicable battle was over, Xuecai and the others returned to school with sad Xia Yin.They asked what happened to Xia Yin, but she kept silent, only Nie Kong could open her heart.

"Adilad monastery?" In the cooking classroom, Yuma tilted her head slightly and asked. Several women sat side by side at the narrow table.

"Ah, that name seems to belong to a great alchemist a few hundred years ago. Speaking of which, a long time ago, there seems to be a term that predecessors said." Qian Cong thought carefully.

"Well, something happened in that monastery five years ago. The spiritual blood produced by the famous alchemist Adilard 270 years ago went wild, killing almost all the orphans in the monastery. I think it is too late. After one step, I could only rescue Xia Yin and a girl in time. When visiting the hospital, I occasionally encountered the crying ghost Qian Cong, so I told her something. Anyway, what happened?" Nie Empty nodded in response.

"While we were taking care of the stray cats in the monastery, a young man who claimed to be an alchemist attacked us. He said that he would treat Xia Yin as a tribute." Xuecai said exactly what had happened.

"Brother Nie Kong, it was five years ago... it came back to kill me." Xia Yin looked at Nie Kong with soft eyes.

"Could it be that they didn't re-seal the spirit blood the last time that Yuechan?" Nie Kong frowned, and the scene of the red blood metal devouring Lori five years ago appeared in his mind.

"The one who attacked Xia Yin was a young man with a red and white hat, who claimed to be an alchemist. After seeing the loss to us, he simply chose to leave and made a strange move to take away a sculpture in front of the monastery. "Xue Cai frowned.

"Spirit blood is a great work of Adiladius. It is said that if you can put your own consciousness in it to control it, you will eventually get magic power and eternal life comparable to the true ancestor. It seems that the statue seals the spirit blood. , It’s just weird why he attacked Xia Yin. Did he dominate the things five years ago?" Nie Kong said to himself.

"Senior, don't think too much, as long as you will be by Xia Yin's side, he will definitely not hurt Xia Yinjiang." Qian Cong comforted.

"Well, I will always protect Xia Yin." Hearing Nie Kong's words, Xia Yin burst into a gentle smile.

"Xia Yin believes in Brother Nie Kong."

The alchemist who attacked Xia Yin was standing in a dim room at this time, and there was a metal statue in front of him.While playing with his favorite walking stick, he looked at the metal relief.

Although it is difficult to see what I want to express from the abstract patterns carved on it.But with time, you can see the appearance of a woman emerge.She is a young beauty with a foreign appearance.From time to time, he seemed to miss the squint, and he looked at the relief with great pain.

Breaking the quiet time, there was the sound of men's rude footsteps.Three men dressed in suits broke into the building rudely.

"Hello, executive director, unexpectedly came very early!" Slowly turning his head behind the back, the young alchemist smiled to the man in suit in front of him.He is a bald middle-aged man. Although he is less than 160 centimeters tall, he can't help but feel a dull sense of deterrence due to his fat body.At first glance, there is an impression of a competent corporate person.Behind him is a bodyguard with sunglasses, following him to protect him.

"The agreed time is early, has the spirit blood arrived?" To the overly arrogant attitude, I don't know if it's because he's been used to it, the man called the managing director just grunted irritably.

"Of course, you see the relief in front of you, do you think I will misread the legacy left by the master?" The alchemist smiled.

"It's just that it looks like an ordinary statue." The man in the suit smiled rudely as his eyes turned to the relief on the wall.

"Because it is still sleeping, it looks like a piece of ordinary metal, and it needs a medium to wake it up." Tianzuo's tone became serious.What he took out from under his coat was a crystal clear crimson sphere.A gem taken from Kensheng Haase’s home.Tianzhong brought the gem close to the relief and lightly touched the lower surface.

"Look, awakened." At the moment, the sculpture changed dramatically.The surface shook like a wave, rolled up like a tentacles, and swallowed the gems all at once.The shape is reminiscent of a jellyfish awakened from suspended animation.It is a metallic jellyfish with a bright red luster like blood.

"That's it, it's controlled refining!" The man in the suit stared straight at the gem in the sky.

"Yes, it has a powerful self-proliferating fusion type liquid metal life form, a magic catalyst that exists to control the spiritual blood of the sage!" Tianzuo removed the gem from the relief, and the bright red amoeba returned to its original form. Looks like a metal sculpture.

It is not a creature that exists in nature.There is no fixed shape and will never be destroyed.If you can transplant your soul into this immortal metal life body, you can become truly immortal.What makes this miracle possible is the control unit of the bright red gem called the nucleus.

"By transferring the consciousness to the core refining, the fusion person can still maintain his consciousness while fusing with the spiritual blood. By transforming his body into an immortal metal life form, he can obtain near-eternal life."

"I am immortal, and possess the magic power that can rival the true ancestor of the vampire!" The man in the suit touched the surface of the relief with a longing expression.His eyes flashed with endless revenge and demand for power.

"With that power, I will definitely be able to drive me out of the board of directors. The guys who transferred to the remote location of the artificial island are surprised. Not only that, I can root out the boss's family." Listen to him In Chinese, it seems that companies from other countries sent him to work on artificial islands.

"It seems to be very interesting." After finishing speaking as if it had nothing to do with him, Tianzhong placed the refining core in front of him.To catch a gem heavier than expected, the man in a suit filled

"Nu Refining is a relic left by your master, right? Don't you really care if you want to give it to me?" He looked at the sky mound with doubt.It seems to be strange that Tianzhong handed over the treasure-like refining to him easily.

After all, the spiritual blood of the sage is the ideal state pursued by the alchemist.So far, only the great alchemist Nina Adilad has been successfully created.

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