The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 01206The plan in the piano

The spiritual outfit on Nie Kong disappeared, and the flame power on his body was covered by the second strange power, but he couldn't use it at will.The reaction of the elves and the vibration of the space are as hidden as they have never been.

He knew that after his power was sealed, he gained another new ability when he came to the world of dating.Unlike Shizhi, Shizhi's ability can not only seal, but also turn the power of elves into his own.Nie Kong's can only be copied, but it is more domineering than her.Because Shizhi wants to seal their power, they must get the goodwill of the elves and don't speak for themselves!

"Shi... Shizhi, you..." Nie Kong touched his lips, two sweet smells seemed to remain on it.It was just a simple home visit, but I didn't expect to get the first word from the two sisters.

"Ah...Old...Teacher, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." She screamed, clutching her red face and rushed to her bedroom.The whole house shuddered only when the door closed with a snap.On the other hand, in the violin tied with black ribbon, Qiao’s face was more surprised than the girl’s shyness, because what happened was so unexpected.

"You... who are you?"

"What kind of person can it be, just an ordinary human. If there is nothing wrong with Sister Qinli, I will say goodbye. You can tell Shizhi for me." Nie Kong connected all the causes and consequences together, and finally understood The reason for Shizhi's abnormality is explained.It seems that Latatosk treats him as an elf, so he uses Shizhi to attack him and seal his own power.

At the same time, the accident of the three of them caused the interface, which made Nie Kong discover his power as a "elf", probably a blessing in disguise.

"Seal...Is it sealed?" Qin murmured to himself when he saw Nie Kong leaving behind.

"His emotions and strength have returned to normal, and they have become the same as before. I cannot confirm whether the seal was successful." Ling Yin's answer came out of the headset.

Qinli took a sigh of relief. Although there were some twists and turns, it was not without gain.

"Now I can temporarily understand his elven ability-copy." It was Shui Wuyue beside Lingyin who made a slightly ambiguous voice.It seems that most of the organizations know that the Qin Li is about the Balrog.

"I couldn't confirm it 100%, but I understood his thoughts a little bit. He wanted to be an ordinary human. It seems that at least Shiori's battle was very successful." Qinli folded his arms.

Ling Yin made a calm voice on the headset, "It's true. After Shizhi kissed him, his abilities and spatial fluctuations disappeared. The current situation is very stable. No spatial shocks and noises have been observed. Although detailed investigation is needed to confirm the remaining influence, at least it no longer has the danger of destroying the world's highest level if it exists. It seems that Shiori can seal your power, it is not accidental, it is incredible. "

Kotori shrugged, "No way. Because it takes about five years to use various observation equipment to confirm the specificity of Shiori. However, Laxinas was established during that period. Calling all the crew is actually quite appropriate in terms of time.” It turned out that five years ago, it was learned that the power of the Qinli elves was sealed by the Shizhi, so it attracted the attention of the Round Table Council and founded Laxinas.

"Looking at his leisurely situation anyway, the pre-sealing and post-sealing will not have much impact on his life, there will be no problems in the world!" Mizuki muttered.

Although Qin's eyes were mixed and complicated, he answered with a calm tone that was correct.After the curtain came to an end, her mind was lingering with the incomparable relative just now.

The charming two share a pocky, and never thought that they would kiss someone other than their sister.For her, she has always liked her sister since she was a child.

"On the other hand, it should be difficult for him to disappear from his neighbors on his own." Shui Wuyue nodded and said.

"How is Shiori's condition? After absorbing that level of elven power, hasn't anything unusual happened?" Lingyin asked.

"At this stage, no abnormalities have been found. She is probably shy hiding in the house. She is really a useless sister." Qinli laughed.

"But a disaster that is enough to destroy the world! Sealing that power in the human body, there is no abnormality?"

"What's the matter, it's just recreating the scene five years ago." Qinli didn't care, and felt relieved for her sister.

"The power of sealing is similar to the power of copying. She is like an elf. Ke Shizhi has always been a human being before," Lingyin said.

Despite sighing inwardly, Qinli said, "Only her sister is an exception. Only she can save the elves in the world, so our organization can be built on this."

"All in all, our results are quite exciting, and now we are looking forward to Shiori's performance in the future. Haha... It's really funny to see the wizards of AST on the way now and find that the elves have disappeared in confusion." Shui Wuyue regained her previous demeanor, and laughed at the traced shadows displayed on the screen.

"If there will be a second elves in the future, they must be in front of them. Fortunately, they don't have the ability to kill the elves now. I'm so upset with them, I always have to clean them all up." With a lollipop, a brutal smile on his face.

What Qinli said is right. AST's detection of elves is no weaker than them, and they will definitely appear where the elves appear in the first place.To uphold the purpose of saving the elves, there will be conflicts in the future.

"I really hope to see the reactions of the elves disappear, and they look helpless, who told AST can't attack people without elves fluctuations." Shui Wuyue teased, faintly gloating.

As they said, when several AST wizards rushed towards Qinli's house, they found that the spirit wave had disappeared, and they had no choice but to return to the base.They looked bewildered, thinking that the elves were just a short-lived, and they were back to the limit.

Because of what happened very often in the past, I didn't care.

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