The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 01209Joo Hui who is crazy about marriage

"Aha, the twenty-five-year-old is very late. It's probably time to think about marriage. Did you say so, Teacher Nie Kong." In the office, another forty-year-old with eyes The teacher smiled.The middle-aged man in his forties seems to be married.

Nie Kong curled his lips. He clearly said that she was twenty-two or three years old. How did she hear her ears turned twenty-five years old? They didn't seem to be deaf?

"Marriage is a major event in life, of course, you must carefully choose a girl you like." Nie Kong said.When Zhu Hui heard the word marriage, she seemed to see Zhu Hui's cheek twitching slightly.

"Haha, what do you think of Teacher Zhuhui." He jokingly looked at the two of them, adding to the flames behind Zhuhui.Teacher Zhuhui's pretty face was shy, and she looked at him with gratitude.

"What a great assist. If you can get married, you must give him a big gift," Zhu Hui thought.

"Well, Teacher Zhuhui?" Nie Kong looked at the small body, only to think it was the same as that of Yuechan, but his personality was just the opposite of that of that month.Eyes with large frames perfectly demonstrate the characteristics of the glasses girl.

"Very cute, he is a good teacher." Nie Kong couldn't help but praise.He was right. Although the human body is small and exquisite, the developed body is more mature and plump than Shizhi.

After a short silence, Zhu Hui made a small voice.

"Are you serious?"

"Ah, yes... yes." If it's not cute, it can't be so popular.Nie Kong thought she was talking about that, so he didn't care.

Then Zhu Hui immediately took a step forward and grabbed Nie Kong's sleeve.

"Really? Even if I'm a few years older than you, doesn't it matter? You will come to say hello to my parents, are you acceptable to be married, and are you willing to inherit my family's inheritance?" , Zhu Hui, whose breathing is disordered, has been approaching.

When she heard the word marriage, she was a little clumsy as if she had changed.It seems that for a twenty-nine-year-old single woman, the word marriage is like a spell that kills with one blow.This is because this kind of person is in a state of instability, such as the former classmates gradually establishing families, the parents continue to urge marriage, and the need to surpass the thirty-year-old high wall that they did not care about.Having said that, her reaction was extreme.Seeing her hopeful eyes and taking the initiative, Nie Kong showed an expression of astonishment.The teacher on one side smiled, and it seemed that he might succeed.

"Then... that, Teacher Zhuhui... what's the matter with you?" Nie Kong asked if he had misunderstood his words and treated his words as a marriage proposal?Although I have been advised by my mother to go on a blind date several times in three dimensions, my mother will not worry about her marriage contract at all.After more than 20 failures, my mother will gently comfort herself and say not to be discouraged, and I will keep you up until you grow old!

His younger sister Nie Shuang's attitude was the worst, always teasing him after every failure, and she wanted to play games with her all night.

Now looking at her with an expression that seemed to be stimulant, Nie Kong was thinking about how to deal with the situation before him.

"Hey, Teacher Nie Kong, can I take up your time? So let's press the blood stamp first. Do you have a knife. Don't be afraid, because I will try my best to make you painless." Zhu Hui gradually approached. Said endlessly.

"Ah... if you continue, it will only increase unnecessary trouble. The current teacher Zhuhui can no longer listen to any advice." Nie Kong swallowed, "I'm sorry! I really don't have the awareness of that... …! Please treat it as nothing, now I’m going to Shizhi’s math class, please forgive me for quitting temporarily!”

Nie Kong said while holding Shizhi's finger to escape from the door.

"Ah...Teacher Nie Kong, you didn't say yes or not!" Zhuhui's voice came from behind, and Nie Kong ran with Shizhi desperately.

"Oh, what a teacher with a personality." Nie Kong got a headache. Proposing is too enthusiastic.If it weren't for running fast, it would definitely fall into her hands.

But Zhuhui, 29, still maintains a pure body, and Nie Kong admires her very much.What's more, she is such a cute girl that no one wants to pursue it.Or is it a problem caused by orientation.

"Hehe..." The Shizhi who reacted, saw Nie Kong running away embarrassedly, and couldn't help but let out a smile.Seeing the unexpected side of Teacher Zhuhui, she was so cute that she was so anxious to get married.But a big reason lies in the body of Teacher Nie Kong, he is very different, with a look and temperament that girls like very much.Fortunately, Teacher Nie Kong escaped, otherwise the situation would be unimaginable.Teacher Zhuhui, who is persistent in getting married, has a very own personality.

He heard Shizhi's leisurely laughter. He murmured as he ran: "What a joke, Shizhi, you are so leisurely watching the show."

"It's nothing, I think Teacher Nie Kong is funny. Why don't you accept Teacher Zhuhui's proposal? You already said Teacher Zhuhui is very cute." Shizhi said jokingly.

"I said, most people would refuse, right? It's the first time I met her. How can anyone agree to get married right away?" Nie Kong said silently.

"Yes, yes, the teacher has someone he likes," Shizhi said, but who did he like?She has been very distressed, but can't get Nie Kong's answer, hope he can tell.

"Um...I like girls who are as cute as Shizhi, of course." Nie Kong said in general.

But Shiori heard that he was just like himself, and a shyness flashed in his eyes. Did the teacher secretly refer to him.

I didn't dare to say more to him, but I was very happy, very happy.

"Then... As long as the teacher expresses her heart, I think she will definitely accept it," she said shyly.

"Well, I'll talk about it later if I have a chance. Where is the identity gap between the two. It's about to go to class now, let's get into the classroom soon." Nie Kong smiled knowingly, thinking that the current Shizhi is very cute.

If you get married, of course you have to talk to all the elves. It's too early to say those words.

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