The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional body 01215. Distinguished name: Princess

"By the way, Diancho classmate, have you seen Wuhe Shiori?" Nie Kong glanced at the crowded refuge, frowning and asked at the last Diancho.

"Hey, didn't Wuhe classmates come? I remember she said that she forgot to take something, so she wanted to leave temporarily." Dionding said in surprise.

"You stay in the refuge well, I will look for Shizhi outside." After Nie Kong finished speaking, he squeezed the crowd and rushed out of the refuge.He thought to himself that the fool Shizhi must have obeyed Qinli and wanted to attack the elves.

"In any case, I won't admit that kind of thing." Nie Kong cursed secretly. The girl wanted to attack the girl, just thinking that Nie Kong felt absurd.He knows that there is Lily, but he can't forgive his own existence. Girls will like girls.

Based on the information feedback from the spiritual sense, Nie Kong understood a very important thing.Today seems to be very special, it will be the day before the plot begins, the day when Elf Shixiang appears.

Before she could change her sailor skirt in the middle of the country, the girl with a crimson uniform on her shoulders sat on a main seat of the ship, looking down at a group of people working under her.

"Commander!" Shui Wuyue, who was on standby next to the captain's seat, saluted the piano, with a beautiful posture like a template in a military education textbook.

Qinli glanced at the man and kicked his calf with his toe.

"Don't waste time saying hello, hurry up and explain the current situation. Generally speaking, there will be elves in the B-level space shock!" Qinli talked to the man while pulling away the lollipop.

"As soon as the elves appeared, AST's attack immediately began. The number of people that can be confirmed is currently ten. One of them is taking a chase offensive and is fighting the elves." Mizuki said.

"Play satellite images to determine the information intelligence of the present world elves." Just after Qinli's words, a synchronized image appeared on the big screen of the bridge.On the main road about two roads away from the busy street, two beautiful young girls wielding huge weapons can be seen fighting.

When their weapons collide, the surrounding buildings will collapse and the scene will be full of scenes that are unimaginable in real life.

"Comprehensive degree of danger: AAA, scale of the space shock caused: B, spiritual outfit: God-powered spiritual outfit·Jufan, angel: slaying father, the distinguished name of the elf, princess. According to analysis, she is not the first time she has appeared! "Shui Wuyue answered by looking at the data in her hands, otherwise there would be no such clear information.

"It turns out that the princess appeared." Qinli's eyes flashed with meaning, quietly watching the battle situation on the screen.

"The battle is really fierce, but, since the opponent is a AAA-level elves, they should have no chance of winning? Attacking her every time she appears, it will make her hate humans, it's really unbelief."

Shui Wuyue leaned forward and said, "As you said, and in fact, we are also helpless now." Qinli kicked him aside with all his strength, and Shui Wuyue's stupid pig's face showed happiness.

Ignoring the expression on his face, Qinli sat quietly waiting for Ling Yin's return.

After a while, two footsteps came from behind.Her lovely sister's clear voice resounded in her ears.Qinli smiled slightly, is the secret weapon finally here?

"Hey... isn't that the Origami classmate?" Seeing Origami fighting with a beautiful and incongruous girl on the screen, the Shiori who had just arrived, his eyes flashed in astonishment.

"As you can see, Yuanyi Origami is not a simple student, she has another identity, the trump card in AST!!" Lingyin explained.

"Hey, no." Although she didn't want to admit it, the facts in front of her told her that what Lingyin said was all true, and that the origami in her class would be an AST member dealing with elves.

"Now you understand, AST will do its best to destroy the elves in the real world, but it is a pity that the elves can not be destroyed by their power. Every time they fight, they will destroy the world." Qinli said .

"I...I know, but...but what can I do now." Shizhi looked at the two women fighting. She didn't want one side to be hurt.

"There is no problem, our entire Latatosk staff will do our best to help you." Lingyin looked at the data on the screen and nodded meaningfully.But Shizhi couldn't understand what the data on the screen meant.

The only understanding is that the street map displayed on the right side of the screen is a street map centered on a sprite, which is monitored by satellites.

"Shiori, it's your turn to play soon, please be prepared."

"What? They're fighting right now." Shiori's body was stiff when he heard Qinli's words, and now there is no chance to talk to the elves.

"Look at it carefully." Following Qinli's line of sight, Shizhi looked towards the screen.There are still unintelligible numbers beating on the top, there is a red sign, and then a few small yellow signs are displayed around it.

"The red one is the sprite, and the light yellow represents the AST. Look at the AST logo, a few have stopped moving just at the beginning, right?"

"Hey, really, but is there any special meaning in it?" Shizhi asked stupidly.

"You are really a stupid pig. Think about it for a while before you talk. It's shameful, I'm afraid the pig understands the truth." Qinli shrugged exaggeratedly and explained: "They stopped moving, of course it means they have lost The fighting power has been gained. After all the people waiting for the AST are killed in the hands of the elves, isn't there a chance for you to play."

"Did you die?" Shizhi exclaimed, wanting to watch his classmate origami hurt in his own eyes.

"Well, only at that moment the people from AST will not interfere with you. But Shizhi, you have to be careful. If the situation is critical, tap the earphone twice as a secret signal." Although Qinli's personality has changed, his feelings for Shizhi No reduction.

"Okay...Okay, I hope that Origami students will be fine." Shiori's words were mixed with worry, but he still stood by the bridge gate obediently.I just hope that I can do my part to save the elves and save the world just like saving the teacher.

"The princess's entanglement is a hundred times more difficult than Nie Kong, Commander, do you worry about her?" Lingyin whispered while looking at the Shizhi who was opposite.

"Don't worry. If it's Shiori, you can be reborn immediately even if you die once!" Kotori said, her only concern is whether the plan will succeed.If it fails, there is no second chance.

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