The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 01218, ten incense meet

Someone would bring soybean flour and bread on such occasions, Qinli couldn't guess whether Nie Kong really did it on purpose.Moreover, in a few conversations, the elf's attitude towards him from strange to him has exceeded seventy!If you want to go further, just take the opportunity to date...

"It's a pity, what use does the elves have for him to have a good impression? It's not that Shizhi can't seal the power of the elves at all." Lingyin said with regret.

"Yeah, if you know his true identity is an elf like the princess, I really can't be at ease..." The crew members below each talked about each other, mostly distrusting Nie Kong.

"That's not necessarily true." Qinli used the lollipop in his hand to point to the one under him, "Although he has not been certified, according to our guess, his elven ability is probably a copy! The last time I contacted Shizhi I kissed her, but I think it is impossible for Shizhi to simply seal his power. His copy and Shizhi’s seal were originally very different powers. There will be two possibilities, one is a complete seal, the other is Instead, he possesses Shiori's sealing power. Now that Shiori has not been able to attack the princess, he can only investigate him. It is better than having nothing to do."

"No way, why would he help us. You must know that he is an elf, and he has not been able to truly confirm his abilities. It is impossible to help humans deal with their companions." Many people are controversial, and the piano is strong. Stared at them.

"What's the noise? Except for him, who do you think will be competent to deal with the princess. And that is just an imperfect plan. Of course, it must be strictly confirmed before implementation." It has always been Qinli's own intuition, his ability. Without the seal of Shizhi, there is a very small possibility that it will be used to replicate the power of Shizhi.

"Then what should we do?" Lingyin asked.With his free and easy character, they basically don't need them to help win the favor of the elves.

"Well, our organization will leave the princess alone for the time being. Let's focus on training good Shizhi. If she continues to be so stupid, how should she deal with the new elves in the future. Failure once is not terrible, but I am afraid that she will not be smart. "Qinli said.

"Yes!" They had no objections to Qinli's words, because they were all volunteers gathered from Qinli.There is only one goal to gather them, to save the elf.

"Shixiang, I... my name, isn't it nice?" She looked shy, carefully watching the marks left by Nie Kong's fingers just after sliding.

"Yes...right, I like Shixiang's name very much." How should I put it, in all respects, Nie Kong didn't have any brain power, but said her name from his mouth according to the original name. .But Shixiang's name has a profound meaning in dating, because the names of the elves are related to numbers.

Hearing Nie Kong's words, Shixiang smiled happily, as if the spring snow melted away and looked very beautiful.

"Nie Kong..." She yelled expectantly.

"Shixiang, what's wrong."

"Nothing." After receiving a response, her eyes were incredibly excited, and she muttered: "That... Nie Kong. That... That... You... Next... Could you please invite me next time..."

"Huh? What are you going to say?" Nie Kong asked.

"Can you ask me to eat soy flour and bread next time." She mustered up the courage and offered an invitation to Nie Kong.It seems that soybean flour bread is too attractive to her, it is the ultimate weapon against Shixiang.

"Okay, you can make an appointment next time you meet. But next time you are in the realm, don't destroy it everywhere." Nie Kong nodded in response.

"But... but they are all bad guys, and when they come out, they say they want to destroy me." Shixiang said with a bulging mouth.

"That's very simple. Next time you are in the realm, you hide in a large building. Whether it's an aquarium, a movie theater, a department store, or a tram station. That way, those people will not be able to attack directly." The movement is very restricted and can only fight in a spacious place.

"I'll see you next time, Nie Kong. Your soybean flour bread really tastes good." After saying that, her figure slowly faded and she returned to the limit with her strength.

"Teacher... the teacher did what I failed to do, the teacher is so courageous..."

The Shizhi hiding behind rubbed the corners of her clothes, watching the relationship between the elves and Nie Kong get better, and she should have been happy to melt into the human world, but at this moment she only felt uncomfortable.

"Elf... Elf actually took the initiative to propose a date. According to the development, her goodwill will definitely exceed 80! Unbelievable, if Shiwei is half of his dazzling..." Qin Li sighed deeply, only feeling a little regretful .No matter how many simulation trainings he had, he couldn't compare to Nie Kong.The information he knew showed that he had no experience in love, and Qin Li really didn't know whether Nie Kong really had a kind of close power.Even the last time I accidentally kissed him, there was no trace of disgust.

"His EQ is too high, and whatever he wants to say will not make the girl hate it." The crew member exclaimed.

"Well, it's about his personality. He has a gentle personality, so he is not willing to hurt others." Lingyin said his thoughts.

"You all make sense. He is really good at dealing with people. He deserves to be an elf who can be a teacher in a Zen school." Sweat leaked from the cheeks in the piano, and he muttered in a low voice.Even without their help before, he would definitely be able to become a teacher compared to his ability.

The origami on the other side dragged his tired body out.When Nie Kong could see the contact with the elf, her pretty face paled in shock.In her heart, elves have always been super dangerous, and her purpose in life is to kill them.

"That's really too dangerous. I have time to talk to him. How can a human get close to the elf? Fortunately, nothing happened." Origami sighed.

Origami far away, could not hear the conversation between Nie Kong and Shixiang.So seeing that Nie Kong was fine, the elf returned to the other world, so he let go.

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