The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0122, Zhu Ranyaai appears

If he didn't insist on pulling his brother to transfer to Yanghai Academy, maybe he wouldn't die.The younger brother was killed by himself because of his willfulness.

Staring sadly at Huang Fangfang, whose face still has the color of horror remaining, Huang Lingling's heart is full of regret and anger.Who on earth dared to blatantly kill her brother in front of him!

With hatred eyes looking up at her brother's body, Lingling finally saw the murderer of her brother!He has a cute face and a black shawl with broken hair.As for the height and chest, they are almost the same as the beloved, with a loli figure!But Zhu Ranya's age is three or four years older than Mengxiang. Although her body is a loli, her heart is mature.

"Yaai, it's Sister Yaai!" The beloved, who was holding Mengxiang's arm, saw the girl in front of her. She unconsciously stepped backwards, her eyes flashed with fear!In the past, every time I pestered Sister Mengxiang, I was always miserable by Sister Ya'ai.

"Did you kill my brother? Never forgive!" Huang Lingling's eyes were red, and she rushed over with her hand knife.

"Bengyue Dimensional Knife!" With a light stroke of Huang Lingling's hand knife, the space in front of Ya Ai started to stagger slightly!

"Bengyue Dimensional Knife? I didn't expect you to inherit the unique knowledge of the Eastern Unbeaten! But the power is too bad. Compared with the Eastern Unbeaten, it is not at the same level!" A hint of surprise appeared on Ya Ai's face, but Soon he saw through Lingling's moves.

With a slight side of her body, Ya Ai escaped Lingling's Bengyue Dimensional Slash!In the wall behind Ya'ai, a two-meter crack was strangely torn!Compared with the one-year period, Lingling's Bengyue Dimensional Knife has improved a lot.But compared to the terrifying talented Zhu Ranya Ai, she was not an opponent at all.

"Hee hee, Ya Ai will let you see what the Bengyue Dimensional Sword is!" Ya Ai's petite figure appeared slightly to Lingling's side with a weird pace, and the knife in her right hand stabbed Lingling's. abdomen!

"The Miao family's footwork? No wonder you want to kill Fangfang so much!" Lingling's heart was shaken, she could only stretch out her right hand to block Ya Ai's piercing when she was too late to escape!But a weird scene appeared when Ya Ai's hand passed through Fangfang's arm and pierced her stomach.

"Tear!" A big wound appeared strangely on Lingling's stomach!Countless blood gushed out from inside!

"How could it be! Who is she and why is my grandpa's Bengyue Dimensional Sword?" Lingling fainted with confusion and confusion.

Zhu Ranya's Bengyue Dimensional Knife is too terrifying, even if it is not much worse than the Eastern Unbeaten!Coupled with the good kung fu learned in the Chinese Miao family since childhood, it can kill people invisible.

The battle between the two women was over at once, and it was almost just a blink of an eye for Nie Kong, and the two women had already decided the winner!Lingling in seconds!

Thanks to Lingling being a zombie, so her body is stronger than ordinary people, so she won't be killed immediately!But if you don’t help stop the bleeding, you will lose too much blood and die in less than ten minutes.

"Sister Ya'ai is still as scary as before, but why did she appear in this Yanghai Academy?" Mengxiang's head was dripping with cold sweat, and she was a little scared of her sister.

"You are not a student of our college, who are you? Not only did you break into our college privately, but you dare to kill others casually?" Mao Mujing scolded angrily when he saw the scene of death and injury.

"Do you mean that level of enchantment? It is too fragile and can't stop my dimensional sword! As for these two people, it is not my goal, but whoever calls them the Huang family, I just want to go hand in hand. It's solved." Ya Ai said with a chuckle.

"Master, be careful. Her name is Zhu Ranya Ai, a horror master sent by the Kingdom of Yuga! Maybe she wants to come to see you just to take away Moexiang, and she has no plans to cooperate with us at all." Ayano said softly. Biting Nie Kong's ear.

"I guess so, she is a standard sister-in-law! How can a strange man be allowed to occupy her beloved sister." Nie Kong stared at Zhu Ranya Ai, watching her warily.

Zhu Ranya's strength is very high, and it is infinitely close to the three Pluto!Dealing with the weird and unpredictable Dimensional Knife, if you dare to be careless, you will definitely die miserably.

"Sister Yaai, you... why are you here?" Mengxiang's words shocked the girls around.This terrifying loli in front of me is actually Mengxiang's sister, right?

"I finally met, Moexiang has become beautiful. No, it's another Moexiang. What's the matter, doesn't it mean that your seal has been unlocked?" Looking at the familiar face of Moexiang, Zhu Ranya Love is like completely changing the individual.The cute face is no longer murderous Ling Ran, but a touch of shyness appeared to surprise!

Please, you don't really want to be with Moe Xiang Lily, I don't agree.

"You were sent by the country of Yujia, didn't my subordinates tell you clearly about the cooperation?" Nie Kong stepped forward, blocking her loving sight.

"Hmph, do you want to cooperate with us too! I can snatch it by myself!" Ya Ai said disdainfully, and she didn't put Nie Kong in her eyes.

"Nie Jun, what exactly is the cooperation you are talking about?" Mengxiang wondered, what kind of cooperation would make her scared sister Ya Ai come to the college.

"I will explain to you in detail in the future, now you hurry up and stay away, and if you fight later, I will not be able to take care of you!" A battle is inevitable, Nie Kong sneered in his heart.If you dare to underestimate yourself, let you see my strength.

Although you have not upgraded to the true ancestor, the soul power is not something you can stop!

"Dare to stop me, I'll kill you!" Ya'ai's cute face once again condensed murderous intent, and her figure jumped to the lower right corner of Nie Kong strangely.

Although the speed is not too fast, the strange movement is more terrifying than the rapid impact in a straight line, and it is impossible to prevent!

"Twisting hand hammer!" Ya Ai made a lunge, and the hammer formed with his right hand hit Nie Kong's chest!

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