The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 01246, ice release

"The elven wave of the hermit disappeared?" The dark clouds dissipated, and the scene of the ice and snow that covered the entire department store slowly melted, causing Liaozi, the captain of the AST special attack team, to speak to himself.

"It's really a pity, I finally waited until the AST's permission to attack said." The team members standing next to Liaozi were regretful. For them, only the recluse can bully.

Now the recluse disappears from the human space and returns to the alien space of the neighboring world. They call it the disappearance of elves.Annihilating the elves by force is the purpose of AST, but it is actually quite difficult to completely defeat the elves with powerful combat abilities.Therefore, the disappearance of the wizard is usually regarded as the end of the battle.

As a result, the sunlight poured down from the gaps in the clouds, and the torrential rain hit the area where the display device was emitting, and now it completely stopped.

"All members, the mission is complete, return to the base." Hearing the voice of Liaozi, the huge muzzle in the origami handle was lowered, and the preparation posture was lifted.

However, as Origami was preparing to return to the base behind Liaozi, in the field of vision strengthened through the manifestation field, Origami found a figure that was of concern, and her face was surprised.

"Captain, I'm in a hurry, so I won't report back to the base. Could you please help bring the manifestation equipment back to the base." After speaking, Origami forcibly resisted the aftereffects of removing the manifestation equipment.After taking off the mecha, the origami step staggered, and disappeared in front of them at a very fast speed.

"Do you know what happened?" Liaozi asked the surrounding partners strangely.

"No clue at all." The rest of the team members know very little about origami, perhaps because of her cold personality.Liaozi is basically the only one who can talk to her.

"That child has always been obsessed with killing the elves, because her parents died in the hands of the elves five years ago, and recently discovered that she has changed a lot. I don't know what happened." Liaozi sighed lightly as she watched her leave.

Many questions revolved in her mind, and now they are in a mess.For example, why Nie Kong can have the power of a princess, why the princess will become an ordinary person and live in their world.

She is not qualified to know, even though she is a captain of AST, the rank of captain.But AST is directly under the Japanese defense department, and there are many high-level people above her.

"Teacher Nie Kong and classmate Shixiang, you really didn't go to the refuge, and sneaked into the department store." When Nie Kong pulled Shixiang full of ingredients and left from the back door, panting origami stood in front of him.

"Origami-student, it seems very regrettable that the guy named Shiina has returned to the neighborhood safely." Toka said with a triumphant smile.

"Teacher Nie Kong, don't you say that you have not sealed the power of the hermit?" Origami asked softly.

"There was a little accident, so I didn't have time. But through talking with her, I learned that Sishi is a very kind girl, so I have to save her." Nie Kong looked at Origami firmly and said slowly.

"Elf-kind...kindness?" Origami's expression was plain, and the muscles of his face were twisted.If the elves were kind, why did their parents die in front of them five years ago?

"She hates pain and hates horrible things. So I think that humans must also hate pain and horrible things. So she is dedicated to the sake of your AST who keeps showing hostility, malice, and killing intent to her. She is careful not to hurt you, then What a difficult thing! Even if you want to kill her, she still doesn't want you to be hurt and painful..." Nie Kong said with a thousand emotions. Compared with Xia Yin, her kindness and tenderness have been compared. Nothing less.

Origami's eyes were in a trance, and scenes of previous pursuits and killings of recluse replayed in his mind.Indeed, as Nie Kong said, the recluse did not attack them at all.But is it weak as an elf? That's impossible.I have never shot because of her gentleness and kindness.

"Humph, so I used to hate your AST. Shixiang didn't do anything bad, so you came to kill me." Shixiang said in disgust.

Origami remained silent, perhaps the two thoughts in her mind had messed up her.

"Origami, is the hermit already the first few elves you have encountered?" After a while of silence, Nie Kong suddenly asked an irrelevant question.

"For now, the recluse is the third elf we have encountered in AST."

"Hehe, then, there must be more than a few elves. There are good people and bad people among humans. Of course there are good and bad elves. So I agreed with you before that I will help you find out the real murderer. Here it is. Before, don’t bring all the jealousy to the innocent elves. As long as I seal the power of the elves and no longer cause space shock, then they are no different from ordinary people, such as Shixiang." Nie Kong touched her. Short silver hair, smiled at her.

"But...but it is our AST's task to disperse the elves." Origami's complexion warmed, and he lightly said to Nie Kong.

"So, when the elves are in the realm, Origami must not take the risk of fighting each other with the elves. Follow the real orders of AST." Nie Kong didn't expect her to forgive the killing of her father and enemies, but hope she would understand Own actions.Everything with good intentions also blinds the soul in order to melt the hatred of origami.

"I see, Teacher Nie Kong, don't break your promise." Origami nodded and said.

"Okay, let's go home, I'll cook delicious food for you." Nie Kong finally smiled with satisfaction when she saw her obediently.

"Woo, it's all Shixiang selected ingredients, no origami." Shixiang like to protect the chicks, holding the food and ingredients tightly in his arms.

"Is that right? Taking the things from the shop is equivalent to the crime of stealing. According to the law, it will be sentenced to ten days of not being able to eat." Origami said blankly.

"Eh, ten... ten days?" Shixiang was completely shocked.

"You nonsense, I...I already paid."

"Oh, there is no one in the department store. Who did you give your money to?"

"Then... well, I generously promised to divide you a bit, you are also an accomplice."

The three of them strolled in the sun after the rain, and the two women who were bickering brought excitement and laughter to Nie Kong, but Shixiang was not an opponent of origami at all.

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