The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 01286, action

The next day, the third day after the incident.Although it was not a weekend, all the students and faculty members who came to Zen High School did not recover from the influence of the Eclipse City barrier, so a one-week suspension was announced.

After being suppressed by the medicine, Qinli's spirit finally returned to normal temporarily.After the selection of all the people in Latatosk, the date of the date was set at the playground in Tiangong City.

Originally, Shin Wuyue and the others said they would go to the Ocean Park for a date because they could see Commander Kotori's swimsuit, but Shiori refused to go to the playground with his sister for many years.

Shizhi stood in front of the east exit of Tiangong Station, waiting for his sister Qinri to emerge from Latatosk's base.On the way, he answered a phone call from Origami and asked her where she was.

Shizhi only said that He Qinli went to the amusement park in Tiangong City to play, but did not say that she must date Qinli today and let her like her own affairs.

Because the task is very difficult, if you can't complete the task within today's time, you may lose your sister, and the power of the flame elf will swallow her.Therefore, no slightest negligence is allowed.

Shen Wuyue's voice came from the headset, and Qinli had become a party, and he could only give orders from the deputy commander."Qinli seems to have been teleported to the ground, and it will arrive at your side in a short time. Everything is up to you, Shiori."

"Ok...Okay!" Shiori took a big deep breath to adjust his breathing after hearing his words.

So, two or three minutes later, a cute little loli ran over from the street.

Wearing a short-sleeved shirt with suspenders and matching shorts with small, semi-whitening and big legs, it is very cool.Her long reddish-brown hair was tied into a double ponytail for her sister, and she was tied with a black ribbon that she often used in the piano-a birthday gift she gave her five years ago.

Shi Zhi wailed, tied with a black ribbon, indicating that the current violin is a strong commander character.But I felt the inexplicable emotion, probably because the violin in front of me was still the one that Shizhi was familiar with, so I felt relieved.

"Qinli, are very cute today." Qinli's shoulder shook when he heard Shiori's words.

"Okay...Okay, the previous special training for you was not in vain. I know how to praise girls. It's not in vain to dress me specifically." Although she said so, the pretty face in the piano showed a joyful expression, nothing Girls will reject being praised.

"Huh?" Shizhi only felt that he heard a very strange sentence.

"It's okay. Anyway, it's almost time for the tram to leave, right?"

Then, after a few steps toward the station, Kotori turned around to face Shiori again.

"Okay, let's start our date."

Shen Wuyue secretly reminded, "Shizhi, don't keep holding the nose to Commander Qinli, and take the initiative."

"I... I will try my best..."

Shizhi is very wronged, can he compare with the teacher?

Upon receiving an emergency notice, Liaozi dressed in overalls and stepped into the CR-Unit warehouse of the Ground Self-Defense Force Tiangong Garrison Base.After seeing the commotion in Cunei, she asked the maintenance staff who was staying nearby, and said in surprise, "Hey, what happened?"

The maintenance man who said he was very annoyed was going to scold him a few words, don't bother him, but he quickly saluted him when he saw the burnt dressed in military uniform behind him.

Liaozi shook his head lightly and continued: "Don't waste time, hurry up and tell me what happened."

"That... the CR-Unit display device sent from the DEM headquarters disappeared with all the ammunition."

"What are you talking about!" Liaozi's eyes widened in surprise, and then turned to the warehouse behind.

As the maintenance man said, a large hole was suddenly opened in the place where the large crusade armor was originally placed, and there were many team members and maintenance workers panicking repairing the damaged warehouse.

She looked around the situation in the library. Although she had to wait for a detailed investigation to determine it, Liaozi didn't find anything unusual.There are even no traces of the delivery vehicles carrying goods after the door was damaged.The prisoner personally drove the huge uniform without a transport vehicle.There is no one other than the wizard who can expand the realm of randomness.

"Could it be that Lieutenant Chonggong drove it away?" She is the only one in the entire AST who can drive it."If it's her, don't worry about it, because the CR-Unit was originally given to her by DEM."

"I don't know the details, but Lieutenant Chonggong is still in the base." The maintenance man shook his head and said.

Liaozi was silent for a while before speaking to the maintenance man again: "Is the storage condition of the emergency mobile device normal?"

"Is it an emergency to wear a mobile device? Please wait a moment." After the serviceman finished speaking, he began to operate the small terminal in his hand.

The so-called emergency dressing mobile device, a technique used by origami the day before yesterday to resist the mad three enchantment, put on the equipment of the wiring suit in an instant.But the kind of clothing that is not approved must be logged into the computer when used.

It's just one of the possibilities, a little doubt.Liaozi prayed secretly that no qualified codes would appear in her heart, and waited for the maintenance staff's response.

It's a pity that things were counterproductive. While the terminal made a sharp noise, the maintenance worker said in a choked voice: "Captain, there is... a team member who is carrying a mobile device."

"Who is it?" Liaozi asked.

The maintenanceman said in a trembling voice: "Yes...It's Yuichi Origami Sergeant!"

Hearing the words of the maintenance man, Liaozi felt only a whirlwind.She knows the ability to origami very well, and she can never use the CR-Unit level.If it is forced to unfold, it will be paralyzed in the light, and shock and die in the heavy!!

"Notify her immediately and order her to return to the base with CR-Unit." Liaozi shouted angrily.

"Yes...Yes." The maintenance man turned on the communication tool to connect to the origami headset, but only heard a rustle, and there was no signal at all.

"She cut off the communicator."

As he said, the origami on the road crushed the headset. The destination she went to was the meeting place between Shizhi and Qinli.

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