The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 0130, into the Alkad body

"What is that? A meteorite?" On the streets of Tokyo, countless humans raised their heads and looked at the approaching meteorite in the sky in horror.The meteorite is too big, directly covering two-thirds of Tokyo.

"Boom!" Before everyone on the ground had time to escape, they were smashed to pieces by the strangely falling island from the sky.The bustling Tokyo, Setsuna has become ruins.Less than one-third of those who survived by chance.

"Roar!" The huge monster crawled out of the ruins, and countless tentacles spread on the ground.The humans who can survive by chance have no ability to escape Alkad's swallowing.

Alkad, the size of two or three football fields, raged in the steel city, causing huge disasters to the human world.The flames of disaster began to spread rapidly around Japan from Tokyo.

Countless blood was swallowed in, and Alkad's strength became stronger and stronger.Shaking its tentacles casually can bring a strong earthquake to the ground.

The famous extinct volcanoes such as Mount Fuji, under the influence of power, successively erupted hot magma from the ground!Little Japan is caught in the scene of the end, and countless humans are crying in pain.

"If we continue, we monsters don't have to worry about whether we can live normally with humans." Xiao Zi, who was flying in the sky, muttered.

"Master! The world here doesn't seem to be the world we used to be, and I haven't felt the Digimon world here." The holy female beast stared at the sky and said strangely.

"Is that right? Akong, you are so amazing, there will be a way to other worlds." Huaxian Beast shouted lively.

"The digital world is about to be destroyed before we leave, of course it doesn't exist anymore," said the monster girl naturally.

"You are right, this is indeed not the Digimon world." Nie Kong nodded, "but don't worry, I will never abandon you no matter what."

"Master, what should we do now, are we watching Alkad destroy the world. I think Alkad should be controlled by the master." Although Ayano was the three servants who appeared in surprise, Did not ask much.As a maid, she only needs to serve her master well, she knows this very well.

"Nie Jun, I'm afraid it will be out of control and even our monsters will be destroyed. So if Nie Jun is confident, please subdue it." The girls around looked at Nie Kong hopefully.

"Don't worry, Alkad's power can only be mine alone!" Nie Kong's blood began to boil, and there was something in Alkad's body calling him.

Nie Kong knew that the blood of the true ancestor of the vampire in Alkad was attracting the blood of the vampire in his body!My body is eager to be further strengthened.

"Ayano, please help me hold Moexiang first, and I will go there. After planning for so long, I must do Alkad." Nie Kong gently pulled Moexiang down before handing Moexiang to Ayano. The cross on the neck.The cross on Mengxiang has the ability to suppress the demon energy in Alkad!If Yulu knew this just now, she would not fall into that fate.

"Master, let me help you too. My sacred power is just able to restrain the dark power of that monster!" As the ultimate sacred celestial beast, its current strength is comparable to the ultimate beast of Digimon World.After all, the holy celestial beast is the three big angels guarding the Digimon world.

"Well, as for you just stay here and don't get close to it. The current Alkad is too dangerous for you! Flower Fairy Beast, so are you. If you are not obedient, just pick your ass." Flower Fairy Beast said Nie Kong interrupted immediately when he was talking.

"The celestial beast, let's go." Nie Kong was pulled by a group of bats, and the celestial beast flew towards Alkad.On the way, Nie Kong handed the cross to the celestial beast, hoping that she could use the cross as a medium to release the sacred power of purification.

"Wow!" Perceiving Nie Kong's approach, Alkad's countless tentacles swept towards Nie Kong and them.

"Angry Blood Whip!" The Yanlong in Nie Kong's hand directly swept away with all his strength, hitting Alkad's tentacles.With a bang, the huge tentacles were blown off by Nie Kong's departure, and burned.

But as Alkad was an immortal, the place burned by the flames was restored to its original state in an instant.

"Master, I will use sacred power to suppress it first, so just act as you just said. Don't worry, I will be with you." The holy female beast stared at Nie Kong holy and tenderly, with extremely tender eyes in her eyes.

"Cover me!" Nie Kong nodded moved, and rushed towards Alkad without talking about others.

Alkad would naturally not allow Nie Kong to approach, and countless tentacles formed a large net to cover it.It is estimated that Nie Kong would definitely be swallowed up if he used the Night Demon flying attack.After all, the devouring ability of Night Demon's flight was weaker than that of Alkad.

"Javelin in the Garden of Eden!" At this moment, an incandescent light was shot from the cross in the hands of the holy female beast!Countless tentacles blocking in front melt quickly like snowflakes meeting sunlight.

After shooting through the tentacles, the incandescent sacred power made a one-meter blood hole in the sacredness of Alkad.At the wound, there was still a bit of smoke.

"Roar!" Even Alkad, who was immortal, screamed in pain when he was hit by the holy female beast!However, Alkad's immortal body was really abnormal, and instantly recovered from his injuries.

"The tree of life crystal!" In order to suppress Alkad, the holy maiden beast constantly used its own tricks, just to buy time for the owner.The azure crystal formed the appearance of a tree of life, crashing into Alkad's body, causing a big explosion.

"It's now, take my full Eden Javelin!" Seeing that Nie Kong had approached Alkad, the celestial beast's eyes lit up and immediately poured the power of her whole body on the cross.

A three-meter-long beam of light penetrated a large hole in Alkad's body with an unstoppable force.Countless blood emerged from its body.With the addition of the cross, the sacred power of the holy celestial beast has been multiplied several times, which has a great restraint effect on Alkad.

"Haha, well done!" Nie Kong laughed, his body turned into an afterimage and rushed into Alkad's body from its wound.

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