The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second dimension 01316Night attack, is it too early?

After talking with Shiori, it was time to take a bath soon.As a teacher, Nie Kong has the responsibility to monitor the actions of the male students in the bathhouse.There were a few daring ones who wanted to climb high and peek at the female bathhouse opposite, but Nie Kong grabbed their ankles and tore them off.With grievances on the male classmates, Nie Kong ruined their only chance to peek once a year!They comforted themselves and don't worry, wait until they sleep, there will be the school's traditional night attack, and then seize the opportunity.

Nie Kong didn't understand their thoughts, but he didn't say anything.After the hot bath, he returned to the room in his bathrobe.

But soon Yakiya and Yuxian, wearing yukatas, stood in front of his door, clearly sketching the lines of their bodies.The orange hair is a bit moist, and the skin is white and red. I guess I just came out of the bath.

The two sisters seemed to want to win Nie Kong's favor, so that Nie Kong could choose herself, so they seemed very motivated.

"Kuku, excuse me."

"I'm rude. I'm bothering you." The two took off their slippers and went to the personal room assigned by Nie Kong's faculty.It was natural to sandwich Nie Kong in the middle, sitting right and left.Immediately afterwards, the two women stared at Nie Kong's face intently.

"Well, it's bedtime, what are you going to do?"

Hearing Nie Kong's words, Ye Juya and Xixian suddenly looked up at each other with their pretty faces.

"Kuku... Xi Xian, please be enlightened. Nie Kong's body is about to become a physique that can't be satisfied without this palace."

"Sigh, Xi Xian will make Nie Kong a prisoner of Xi Xian's body." Hearing Ye Juya's words, Xi Xian shrugged disapprovingly and glanced at her.Obviously provocative action, but Ye Juya did not get angry, just raised the corner of his mouth and let out a confident laugh.

Xixian seemed to perceive Ye Juzhi's more confident attitude, and narrowed his eyes slightly.The two people occupying the left and right positions of Nie Kong just looked at each other with provocative eyes.

"Interesting, let's have a decisive battle. Let's see if we can use our body to capture Nie Kong." After speaking, Yuxianya's gaze fell on Nie Kong again.She slowly got up and untied the belt tied to her bathrobe.Nie Kongquan saw the silky skin and the underwear inside the little gap in the yukata that had lost her restraint.

Xi Xian showed a completely natural attitude, leaning against Nie Kong calmly.Pulling off the quilt, he dragged Nie Kong into the bed and rubbed his fingers.

"Wow! What are you...what are you doing, Yuxian!" Ye Juya showed a panic expression.

"Answer, sleeping together is also a very important element!"

"My palace, my palace won't lose to you."

"No, this matter only requires me."

"Don't... stop kidding, my sleeping skills are better than you!"

"Ignore, there is room for adults in the quilt, and the little Ye Juya is not qualified!"

After hearing what Xixian said, Ye Ju grinds his teeth bitterly.

"Don't underestimate this palace!"

Then he put his hand on his belt and unbuttoned his belt in a bulge, revealing the curve of his body.The agitated Ye Juya yelled in self-deprecation, and then got into the bed.

The two women were angry and kept grabbing Nie Kong's body.The weather was already very hot, and the two women's catkins came in a mess, untied Nie Kong's bathrobes, and the skins of the three of them were very close.


Nie Kong couldn't stand it anymore, and forced to open the quilt.

"Kuku, Nie Kong, do you already have the answer? Speak out, you only like the body of the palace."

"Pity, Nie Kong picked Xixian!" The two women hugged Nie Kong, pressing his hands tightly in his warm arms.

"Your faces are the same, and they are all beautiful. You can tell who is better at a time." Look at the two identical facial features, with a bit of unique purity.His eyes are black and shiny, and his face is red and cute.


"But what?" the two women said at the same time.

"But if you have the same score on your face and comparable figure, Yuxian is better."

Hearing Nie Kong's evaluation, Xi Xian was very angry, and looked at Ye Juya, shooting out invisible grudge.

"Wow, Nie Kong, you are partial."

"Take pity, the little Yakushi is incomparable to Yuxian. Boys like the big one." After comparing his figure with that of Yakushi, Xixian nodded with satisfaction.

"Although Xi Xian has an advantage in figure, the girl's skin is also very important..." Just after speaking, Nie Kong found that his two hands had been pressed on their legs, and his five fingers pressed against the snow-white beautiful legs.

"Nie Kong, who do you think has better skin." They brushed, and all four eyes stared at Nie Kong.

"Cough cough..." Suppressing that charming, Nie Kong carefully savored it in his hands and watched with his eyes.Sure enough, it can be broken, full of elasticity, and full of the taste of a young girl.

"One blowball can be broken, one is full of flexibility, and the score is similar, but in terms of color, Ye Juya wins one, very white." Nie Kong gave his evaluation sincerely.

Ye Juya blushed, and after hearing Nie Kong's praise, his eyes filled with joy.

"So, who do you like better, Nie Kong?"

"Teacher, I really want to know." The door clicked open, revealing Origami and Toka in a yukata, talking about Origami.

"Nie...Nie Kong..." Shixiang's face was red.

"Um, I'm sleepy, I'll talk about it later." Nie Kong suddenly grabbed the quilt and lay on the tatami.

"Hey, that... that good night." Ye Juya got into the bed again.

"Quiet, please turn off the lights when you leave." Of course, Xi Xian lay on the other side of Nie Kong, and the two sisters actually ignored Origami and the others.

"Woo, only Shixiang can sleep with Nie Kong." Shixiang swelled her face and took off her clothes with her hands. Sister Bi Xixian took off cleanly, vying to get into the bed.

"Teacher, don't pretend to sleep." The origami following behind made the same move as Shixiang.It seems that after Nie Kong pushed, he took off his clothes while sleeping with them.

It was too messy. The four beauties all twisted into a ball with him, which really made him unbearable.With a cry, he rushed out of the bed and disappeared into the eyes of the four women.

For today's plan, I had to spend the night in Shiitono's room.

Nie Kong thought about it and pushed open the faculty room allocated to Shiiono in his memory.

"Wow, it's... who is it?"

But after hearing the voice of the girl in the room, Nie Kong was petrified.

"Yes, it's me."

Seeing Nie Kong, who was in a mess, hugged Zhuhui and thought for a few seconds, suddenly he covered his blushing face.

"Teacher Nie Kong, Ye...Ye attack, don’t you think it’s too early?"

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