The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0149, the power of the devil's blood whip

Because of Nie Kong's random entry, Ling was assigned to the same dormitory as Qi when she transferred to IS.

Therefore, Qi asked Nie Kong to help destroy Ling's body plan, and there was no difficulty in implementing it.Faced with such an "unreasonable" request, Nie Kong reluctantly agreed to Qi.As for what the situation will become after pushing Ling, this is not within Nie Kong's consideration.The more chaotic the plot, the happier Nie Kong.Follow the original book, what's the point of a trip to the second element.

"Nie Jun, let me take you to our dormitory now. It's exactly ten o'clock in the evening, and Ling's words should have come back." Before he knew it, Qi had changed his name to Nie Kong.

"Don't worry, at least you should put on your clothes first. Take a look, you have put on the wrong time for my fat time. Your cute fat time with a panda printed on it is still here." Nie Kong gently carried it. The pink fat times pressed under her body, spread out in front of Qi.

The familiar pink shape is not what my fatness is.Qi's icy face flushed with a sigh, and he panicked and took off the loose chubby he had put on, and quickly grabbed the chubby from Nie Kong's hands.

With the enhanced double repair, the speed and strength of the body have been raised to a new level.

The two got dressed and walked out of the 1025 dormitory.Following Qi, Nie Kong walked through several corridors to the front of her dormitory.Qi took out the key, twisted it in the hole, and opened the door easily.

The layout of the room was similar to the one where Nie Kong lived, with two large beds spread across the room.It's just that there are many more cute dolls on the sheets.On the other bed, there was a lovely girl in pajamas.

There was a slight snoring sound, and the small Huang Lingyin was sleeping with the doll on the bed.The lovely sleeping posture appeared in Nie Kong's eyes.

"Huang Lingyin will be handed over to Nie Jun. I will call Zhiban Yixia and let him hear the grief of the girl he likes." Qi took out and leaned on the wall of the room. The wooden sword left the room and helped Nie Kong lock the door.Jun Nie hopes that you will not disappoint me, and you must play with Huang Lingyin severely before I get the weaving spot one summer.Huang Lingyin, don't blame me, blame the weaving for a summer.

"Things are getting more and more interesting! The blackened censer is really evil enough."

Okay, just take your other childhood sweetheart and phoenix ringtone and try my new skill Color X Bloodwhip.Nie Kong was expecting in his heart how much damage it would have to the girls after absorbing the power of Lilith beast.

"Hey... wake me up!" Nie Kong slapped the fleshy little ass with his right hand.

"Bah..." The sound of bamboo shoots fried with meat resounded throughout the room, and the pain came so that Ling, who was asleep, opened her dim eyes.

"You... are you classmate Nie Kong? What do you want to do to me when you enter my room?" When she saw the strange boy standing in front of the room, Ling was so scared that she hugged the doll on the bed with her hands.Since Nie Kong was only two male classmates in IS Academy, Ling recognized Nie Kong's identity at a glance.

"Lonely men and widows stay together, what do you think I will do to you?" Smiling Nie Kong, a faintly pink blood whip condensed strangely on his right hand.

"Don't, don't come over!" Ling hurriedly threw the puppet in her hand to Nie Kong.But this soft doll can't hurt people at all.

"Ling, you give me a try on the power of my blood whip." Nie Kong's blood whip on Nie Kong's right hand flung Ling's delicate body instantly.

"Pop!" As a faint bloodstain appeared on Ling's back, the pink breath on the blood whip creeped into Ling's body strangely.

"Hmm..." Ling felt a raging fire burning in her body with the tingling pain.The incomparable emptiness and the incomparable heat filled her pure heart.

"It doesn't work, try a few more whips." Seeing Ling who was not doing anything, the blood whip in Nie Kong's hand slapped all parts of her body.The raging flames in her body burned all of her mind in an instant.

Ling Na still had a green body, completely in Nie Kong's sight.

At this time, her skin was faintly crimson.The flicking of her hands not only did not relieve the heat in her body, but the situation worsened.The compelling heat wave can be detected by Nie Kong two meters away.

Ling, surrounded by sin and power, crawled in front of Nie Kong.

"Student Nie Kong...what did you... just do to me, I feel so hot, I want...I want you to touch me and hold me tightly." Ling's hot body pressed tightly to Nie Empty body.

The blurred, lovely eyes looked at him longingly.The power of Lu X blood whip actually infects the simple girl into such a look.

Nie Kong was surprised, but also with infinite surprises.With such a god-level whip, we will see who draws it in the future.

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