The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 0159, bath

Charles was in the bathroom of the dormitory. The glass in the bathroom reflected a beautiful girl's face, which was her real face.Girls always love beauty, whether young or old, especially girls who have absolute confidence in themselves.

After entering IS academy dressed as a man, maybe she can only appreciate her true beauty when she is in the bath.The French are romantic, and the girls are as unrestrained as heat.

However, the real face had to be hidden, and it felt a bit regretful to think of Charles.The clothes on his body were taken off one by one, and a body as white as jade appeared like peeled corn.

The small waist and slender and straight thighs with a Yingying grip fully showed the charm of a girl.Only the position of the chest was wrapped with a layer of white cloth.

In general, although there is still a father's task, it is still very happy to be able to enter IS to study Charles.Although she wanted to pretend to be a boy in the college, she got a freedom and happiness that she had never experienced before.

Yuzu lightly lit the hot water in the big bathtub, and after testing the temperature, her delicate body slowly sank into the water.The bubbles in the bathtub covered all the beautiful parts of the girl.

Although she didn't know who her roommate was, he happened to be out of the dormitory now.That's why she would take a relaxing bath so boldly, without worrying about revealing her true gender.

As soon as I entered the big bathtub, suddenly there was the sound of a key twisting outside the door.Charles was shocked, and just about to lock the bathroom door, his roommate had rushed in.

A pair of powerful hands forcibly pushed the bath door open: "After a day of tiredness, let's take a bath first!"

"Ah!!!" Charles screamed and turned off the bathroom lights while turning his back.No matter who it is, if her true identity is revealed, she can't imagine the consequences.

Demobilized and returned home?Father's indifference?Maybe more serious.

Taking advantage of the dark moment, Charles rushed to the bathtub, then jumped down with a "plop", skipping heartily.Did your roommate see his body just now?

"Hey, who is in my dormitory?" As the Lord of the Night, the blood-sucking ancestor Nie Kong, the plump body in the dark can't hide from his eyes.That's right, she is French MM Charlotte De Noah, who is disguised as a man, and her current name is Charles De Noah.

Although Nie Kong had expected that she would be assigned to the same dormitory, he was slightly relieved after seeing it with his own eyes.Living under the same roof, it would be fun to molest her as a male.

"Yes...Is it Nie Jun? I...I'm Charles who transferred from school today. I'm taking a bath now. Can you go out?" The unique male voice poured into Charles' ears. If you think of her, you know who it is.

"It turned out to be Charles, I thought it was a thief, and it scared me. Kara..." Nie Kong turned on the light, and a small red flower appeared on Charles Ruyu's cheek.She buried herself in the bathtub in a panic, hiding her secret with white foam.Knowing that his roommate Nie Jun hadn't discovered his secret, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Charles settled for a while, not daring to look at Nie Kong: "Nie Jun, can you wait, I'll finish it soon."

"We two big men, what does it matter if we take a dragon-tiger bath? Could it be..." Nie Kong raised his voice thoughtfully, trying to scare the lovely Charles MM.

Charles felt tight. Is Nie Kong finally suspicious? What should I do now?

Nie Kong then teased: "Is your guy shorter? Don't worry, although mine is already well developed, I never laugh at others with this. Besides, you don't need to be too inferior. Come on. Well, we two rub our backs together to connect our feelings."

After all, Charles had personally experienced Nie Kong, feeling like a little deer bumping into it, so shy that he wanted to dive into the water.

The sound of clothes falling to the floor sounded, and Charles knew that tonight's bathing was inevitable.The only thing she can do is to put her hands around her chest and try to protect her secrets.

"Charles, I'm going in!" With a plop, Nie Kong jumped into the warm bath.

Although the bathtub in the dormitory of IS Academy is not as big as an indoor swimming pool, it is not a problem to accommodate two or three people.Charles never thought that he would be in the same bath with a man who had just met for a day.Although it was an accident, his pretty face was hot and red to the roots of her ears.

"Charles, I'm here."

The warm palm pressed against her back, and the electric touch made Charles' heart tremble.Nie Jun, what does he want to do to me?

"I'll rub your back for you first, and later you remember to rub it for me." Nie Kong's fingers kept touching Charles' white skin, feeling the girl's unique softness and tenderness. He had just vented on the third woman. The evil fire burned again.

Because of the double cultivation method, even if the princes continue to do not appear too tired, but even more energetic.

Charles's body stiffened, and the strength of his body disappeared a little bit as Nie Kong moved, and even his bones became soft.Charles bit his lower lip, trying to control himself not to make any noise.

It was just that as Nie Kong's big hand kept touching her back, the cheerful touch continued to rise.Just as he was about to rise to the highest point, Nie Kong's movements suddenly stopped.

"Charlie is comfortable, now it's my turn." With the ups and downs, Charles simply couldn't stop.

"Nie Jun, you stupid fool..." Charles turned back disappointedly, and glanced at Nie Kong who had already turned away in a vague way.

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