The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0169, buy a swimsuit with teacher Qiandong

"Teacher Qian Dong, is there anything important to me?" Although it was strange that Qian Donghui took the initiative to look for him, Nie Kong still came to the teacher's office after class.Sitting on the opposite side of Qian Dong's table, Nie Kong raised his left hand and propped his chin, looking at her in front of her and asked.

"Well... I came to you today. Originally, I wanted to ask you about Bai Shi. But it is not convenient to talk here, so do you have time to find a place to talk tomorrow?" After saying these words, Qian An unnatural look flashed across Dong's pretty face.

"Tomorrow is the last day before the internship. Of course I don't have much time. My swimming trunks are not ready yet." Nie Kong promised a few women to go out to buy swimsuits, so he regretfully rejected Qian Dongjiang's request.

"Really, I... I haven't bought my swimsuit yet. After talking about things, we can buy it together. You... Don't think about it, this is not a date." Qian Dong pressed his hands on the table and did the last Supplement.

I didn't want to be crooked, it was you who wanted to be crooked, I didn't say anything.

"Okay, I see." Nie Kong knew that Qian Dong could not be rejected, so he could only agree.

"Assemble at the school gate tomorrow at eight o'clock, don't let me be late. When the matter is over, you can go out." Qian Dong turned his face and said coldly.

Today's teacher Qiandong is a little too strange.A big question mark appeared in Nie Kong's head.


On Sundays of the weekend, the weather is very refreshing!

Nie Kong came to the street with a certain girl, and that girl was Teacher Qian Dong who always had a straight face.At 8 o'clock in the morning, Nie Kong arrived at the school gate and waited for Qian Dong.But Teacher Qian Dong was very unreasonable, and cursed Nie Kong for being late.

By the way, today's teacher Qiandong did not wear the school's black OL uniform.The short-sleeved pink, the cute girl in the same color as the skirt, and the tight jeans, fully show her healthy lines.

After changing into the clothes of a young girl, Qian Dong seemed to be back to her teenage appearance.Even Nie Kong, who often sees her, is a little more gorgeous.Naughty jumping in that little cute piece attracted most of Nie Kong's attention.

Well, it's cute!Especially the color contrast is gorgeous, it is a very tasteful fashion style.My Queen of Qiandong, when did she become so cute.

"What to see, don't hurry up." When Qian Dong took Nie Kong's hand, his body trembled.The first time she pulled the hand of the opposite sex, she felt her heart beat hard.

Pulled by Qian Dong who suddenly stepped forward, Nie Kong followed towards the station.Nevertheless, the hand that Nie Kong is holding now is thinner and softer than expected.

Not knowing if it was due to nervousness, Nie Kong found that Qian Dong's palm was sweating slightly.

The two appeared in the busiest shopping mall in Tokyo on a tram. At the same time as the center of the transportation network, it was very crowded.If the two were not holding hands, they would definitely be rushed away by the crowd.

"Let me see... the swimsuit store is here. This, this, ah... that, that, anyway, let's go buy a swimsuit." Qian Dong is like a happy child, with cold eyes For the first time, it gave off a cheerful light.Qian Dong slightly increased the strength of the hand he was holding, and nodded several times.

Stepping into the women's swimsuit store, countless colorful swimsuits were exposed to Nie Kong's sight.Because it is Sunday, female guests can be seen everywhere.

"Then Nie Kong can refer to it for help. Which swimsuit do you think is more beautiful?" Qian Dong showed Nie Kong two swimsuits hanging on special hangers.

One is a cute three-point bikini black swimsuit. The three pieces of fabric do not look as big as a palm.The other is conservative, a bikini white swimsuit with a lot of fabric.

Both of them are bikinis, and the exposure of the skin looks quite high.It's just that the small cup, can it really hold Qiandong's murder weapon.

"Hmm... I can't say just looking at it this way. Can you ask Teacher Qian Dong to try them all on for me." Nie Kong, who is already impure, will naturally not miss Qian Dong trying on various swimsuits. Look like.

"That's right." Teacher Qian Dong pretends to be calm, but in fact a blossoming blush has already appeared on his face.Shortly after entering the fitting room, the swish sound sounded, the sound made by Qian Dong again undressing.

After waiting for more than 20 minutes, Qian Dong has not come out yet.It is hard to imagine that it took so much time to change a swimsuit.While Nie Kong was waiting impatiently, Qian Dong's trembling voice came from the fitting room.

"Student Nie Kong, can you come in?"

"Ms. Qiandong, what's the matter with you." Nie Kong knocked directly on the door of the fitting room and walked in after getting the response.In the bright fitting room, Qiandong wears a three-point plump body.

"You...don't look at it, don't hurry up and fasten it for me!" Qian Dong touched his jade back with both hands, trying hard to button the white swimsuit.But it is estimated that the size is not suitable, and the rope behind is a bit short.

"Wait, you'll be fine soon." When his hands touched Qiandong's jade back, Nie Kong could feel Qiandong tremble.On the opposite mirror, you can clearly see Qian Dong's shy and pretty face.

"Tear!" Only when Nie Kong buttoned the back of his swimsuit, the pure white bikini broke in two and came out.

"You... don't look at it." Qian Dong's heart quality is extremely strong, although he is flustered, he did not scream like other girls."Then I will go out first." Just as Nie Kong was about to turn around and go out, a familiar girl voice came from outside.

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