The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0176, Tanimura Chiaki

The blue sky was cloudless, and the violent father-in-law Sun slowly fell from the east to the west.A busy day has passed quietly.

On the street near Ishiya Demon High School, six bad boys with yellow hair were chasing very cute girls.She has long black hair and a height of 154cm.At this time, under the chasing of several unscrupulous teenagers, Qianqiu's lovely cheeks were horrified.

She is Chiaki Tanimura. She wanted to come and see the school tomorrow.But on the way back to the apartment where she rented, the delicate and lovely girl spotted the bad boy nearby.

That's right, Ishiya Magic High School is a well-known university in Japan with a defective rate of 120%.The students studying inside are all bad boys.

As Chiaki Tanimura's parents, she didn't agree to go to that school, but she admired Rage Emperor Ryu's chief Bannaga Kunie Aoi resolutely chose this notorious college.

As a means of rebelling against his parents, Tanimura Chiaki moved out of the house and rented an apartment near Ishiya Magic High School.Since tomorrow is the first day of school, she wants to see the school situation, which led to the current situation.

" escape, little sister, and see where you want to escape." The yellow-haired hooligan in the lead took out a sharp knife and slowly approached Tanimura Chiaki with a wretched smile.

Tanimura Qianqiu's petite body kept receding, but behind her was the river beside the street.So under the current circumstances, she has nowhere to go.

"You... don't mess around, if you do something to me, Emperor Lien will not let you go!" Hearing the words of Emperor Lien, the opposing bad boys stiffened.

The reputation of the strongest female team in Kanto is not a joke.

"What are you afraid of? Tomorrow is the opening day of Ishiya Demon College. She must be a freshman at Ishiya Demon College, and she has not joined the Rage Emperor. If you are afraid, then I will enjoy it myself. "

Huang Mao, who was headed, kept turning his knife in his palm.These hooligans are already in their early twenties, and they are probably taking advantage of the holiday time of Ishiya Demon High School to come out to dominate.

If the school had already started, how could the group of dangerous bad boys in Shiya Demon College break into their territory for them.So Gu Yu Qianqiu was unlucky today and happened to meet them.

"There is no way to retreat now, but my innocence must not be lost here!" Qian Qiu gritted his teeth, turned and jumped into the river.Because she often goes to the swimming pool, she wants to jump into the river to get rid of the gangsters around her.

Those gangsters really didn't expect Tanimura to really dare to jump into the river, but when they thought of the temptation of MM's dripping body, they all screamed and rushed into the river one after another.

Tanimura hadn't swam to the other side, and the gangsters behind had already caught up.The physical strength of girls is far from that of boys, and boys who are mature are too far apart.

" can't escape our palm!" Seeing them get closer and closer, Qianqiu's heart is getting colder and colder.If she loses her innocence, then what is the point of joining Liewu Emperor?

Disheartened, Qianqiu stopped swimming, letting his small body slowly sink into the depths of the river.Compared to being played by those bastards, she would rather die.

"You have no strength, right?" The six people formed a group around Qianqiu's sinking area, took a hard breath and followed Qianqiu and dived into the river.

Suddenly, in the bottom of the river, a black hole a few meters in size appeared.Qian Qiu's body sank toward the faint black hole that appeared.

Only at this moment, a handsome and excessive man suddenly jumped out of the black hole.He is no one else, but Nie Kong from the IS world.He didn't expect that the place he crossed would actually be in the bottom of a river full of water.What surprised him even more was that a girl jumped into a river to commit suicide in front of him.

Sister paper, don't think about it!There is still a lot of happiness in the world that you haven't enjoyed. Why are you so anxious to die?

With a compassionate heart, Nie Kong stretched out his hand to wrap around her sinking body, saving the lost sister.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, Nie Kong's whole body was shocked.I saw that the river water pressing around him was all shaken out by the power he burst out.In the river, there was a fault for a few seconds.

The hooligan chasing Qianqiu MM was miserable. His body only felt like he was hit by a truck, and it flew out more than 20 meters with the river.They fell on the ground, vomiting blood in their mouths.

The feeling of suffocation and weakness faded, and Qian Qiu felt her body fall into the broad and warm arms.She opened her eyes, and Nie Kong's smiling cheeks were printed in front of her.

The smooth and white face reveals a sharp and angular Leng Jun.Under the long, slightly curled eyelashes, the dark and deep icy eyes, the evil and handsome face now has a slutty smile.

Could the boy who appeared suddenly be my knight?Looking at Nie Kong in front of him blankly, Qianqiu was a little silly.

"Little sister, why don't you think about it?" The soft sister paper of the tide body, the developing curve appeared in his eyes.The girl is very cute, full of liveliness and grace that a girl should have.

Hmm, it's a lovely loli.

Hearing Nie Kong's words, Qian Qiu woke up in shock.Seeing that Nie Kong's eyes were looking at her half-hidden body, she yelled and shyly wrapped her chest.

"Uncle, thank you for saving me."

"I'm only sixteen years old, you call me Brother Nie Kong." Nie Kong touched his face depressedly. Doesn't he look so old? My heart is only 26 years old.

"I...I'm Gu Yu Qianqiu, Brother Nie Kong can call me Qianqiu! I...My apartment is nearby, Brother Nie Kong, your clothes are already damp...So, please go back with me first. Let me iron your clothes." The girl lowered her head and whispered.

"Well, sister Qianqiu is so considerate. Since it was your kind intention, I can't refuse." When he came to a strange world, Nie Kong just wanted to find someone to ask about the situation here.And now in the new world, he has nowhere to go.

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