The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0178, Queen Aoi of Ishiya Demon High School

"Dididi..." The early morning alarm clock rang. Today is the day when the journal is open, so Qianqiu must get up early.After changing into pajamas, Qian Qiu's body suddenly stiffened.

"Forget... I forgot that Brother Nie Kong is still in the house, my body will not have been seen by him." Qian Qiu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Nie Kong still sleeping in the bed.

Brush your teeth and wash your face, prepare breakfast for two.Looking at Nie Kong who was sleeping Zhengxiang, Qianqiu couldn't help but walked to the bed with a wry smile.

"Brother Nie Kong got up, he said he would send me to school today." Mouth was puffed up, Qian Qiu pulled out the quilt covering Nie Kong.Because of the tossing and turn of sleep, the bath towel covering his body has already fallen off.Cheng Dazi lay on the bed, and all the secrets of Nie Kong's body appeared in front of Qianqiu.

"Ah..." Qian Qiu hurriedly covered his small mouth, preventing half of the scream.She wanted to stop looking, but her eyes just couldn't move Nie Kong's body.In particular, the huge blackness of her legs shocked her pure heart.

Feeling cold in the half-dream and half-awake, Nie Kong woke up instantly.Opened his eyes and looked up, what caught his eyes was the pure white fat times of Qianqiu MM.Looking up along the charming fat times, it was Qianqiu's shy cheeks.

"Sister Qianqiu, what's wrong with you?"

"'s big! No, the breakfast is ready, Brother Nie Kong, get up quickly!" Qianqiu, who was confused and speechless, woke up, turned around and stomped his feet.

"Good..." Nie Kong got up and put on the clothes that had been dried, and had a simple breakfast with Qianqiu.

Today, Qianqiu is wearing the sailor suit from college. The dark blue dress not only doesn't feel old-fashioned, but instead stimulates Qianqiu's youthful and lively temperament.Under the knee-length skirt are Qianqiu's pretty calf.

Originally Qianqiu was already shy enough, and coupled with Nie Kong's sweeping eyes, Qianqiu lowered his head and said in a low voice, "Brother Nie Kong, what are you looking at!"

"Hmm...nothing! It's just that I want to ask Qianqiu a question, are you really willing to be my righteous sister?" Nie Kong sternly, his face looked serious.

"With a good brother like Nie Kong, Qianqiu certainly can't ask for it." Seeing Nie Kong's serious look, Qianqiu nodded vigorously.

"Huhu... That's good! Actually, I want to tell you that I was controlled by a younger sister." Nie Kong said with a smile in his eyes.

"Ah...Ignore you." Qianqiu blushed immediately and ran out, not knowing that Nie Kong's moles would be acceptable.

"Haha!" Nie Kong laughed openly and followed her without hurries.After walking for about fifteen minutes and seeing many bad students, Nie Kong finally arrived at his destination with Qianqiu.An extremely dilapidated school and random graffiti on the walls, there is no such thing as a high school.

Well, how do you say it, sucks!Compared with IS College, Yanghai College is much worse.I really don't know what Qianqiu MM thinks, so he would come here to study in high school.

It's a little strange today that the cute girl like Qian Qiu MM hasn't been molested by those bad hooligans.Was it because I was there and shocked the students?

Just seeing the five old dilapidated characters at the school gate, Nie Kong suddenly became clear, and all the questions in his heart were answered.

Ishiya Magic High School, isn't that a bad high school with a bad rate of 120% in the Devil Dad World.It's no wonder that Gu Yu Qianqiu is a bit familiar, so that he has traveled into the world of the devil dad.

Bang Zhikui, Maid Xiludi, Dasen Ningning, Qi Haijing, Angelika, Gu Yu Qianqiu... Although not many, but not very few.Among the girls, I especially like Aoi.

If Kwai can be harvested as a harem, it would be a worthwhile trip.

"Wow...the queen of Shishima High School is here, everyone quickly get out of it." The surrounding second-year students panicked, and neatly gave them a spacious road out.Toho Shinki, the four heavenly kings of Ishiya Demon, the four powers that dominate the Ishiya Demon Academy!

A group of girls in beautiful sailor suits slowly walked towards the gate of the academy, neatly lined up in two rows, as if to welcome some big people.The wind blew up the smoke and dust, blocking the front view, making all the freshmen in the first grade more curious about the legendary Rage Emperor Ru.

After the smoke, the girls inside finally appeared in Nie Kong's sight.They wore white cloaks, and all their beautiful faces raised proudly.

That’s right, the girl walking in the forefront is Bancho Bang Zhikui of Rage Diru. Wearing a white cloak, her elastic chest is covered with a cute bandage that tightly wraps her chest. Under the pants is a pair White tights.The long black hair fluttering in the wind, matching the pure white clothes made her look particularly dazzling.

Although the face of the white melon seeds is very beautiful, it is expressionless, and the pure eyes are full of the smell that is thousands of miles away.A crimson wooden sword is pinned to her right hand.

And standing on the right is a beautiful woman in a sailor suit, her appearance is not worse than Kui Si.Bee waist and thin legs look very charming.Especially the corner of the right eye is dotted with a black beauty mole, which highlights her delicate temperament.

After they appeared, many female students began to emerge outside the school.The deserted colleges became lively.With the deterrence of Liewu Diru, the gangsters in the school did not dare to move.

"Sister Kui, Sister Ningning! So handsome!" All the girls folded their hands in front of their chests, their eyes full of admiration and admiration.Even Qianqiu beside Nie Kong seemed particularly excited.

Which girls who entered the Shishi Demon Academy, who didn't come here for the Raging Emperor?

"Sister Kwai, the situation on the Kanto side is a bit urgent, and many girls are asking for help!" Ning Ning Osen walked into the academy, and Chao Kwai reported the situation of Lieang Diru.

"Now is the stage of welcome to the new year. We must at least integrate the first-year freshmen in the past to suppress it." The girls in Shiyamo High School are all put under the banner, and her goal is to avoid being bullied.

"En!" As the two women answered each other, they gradually disappeared from Nie Kong's eyes.

Nie Kong secretly praised, Kui is so cute no matter where she looks.Omori Ningning is fine too, her temperament is comparable to my lovely Dream Witch Little Hu Meng.

"Huhu...Thank you Nie Kong for sending me over, then I'm going to go in." Qian Qiu excitedly bid farewell to Nie Kong, and hurriedly chased after Kui.

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